nute problems ??

hey all, there seems to be a world of knowledge on this site so i'm hoping you guys can help me out, i'm 2 weeks into flowering on my first grow, 26 plants in a 8' by 8' room mylar on the walls,fresh air intake duct, exghust duct leading to a carbon filter, day time temp is 24c night time 19c, humidty 55% two oscillating fans to circulate air in the grow room, i'm running 4 600w hid lights 18-24" above the canopy, i'm growing in coco, the strain's chronic, grown from clones, healthy vegative growth for 6 weeks on 18/6 they got to about 20" tall and nice and bushy, changed the girls over to 12/12 and there growing well and over all look healthy there showing good signs of flowering, however the lower leaves are yellowing and dieing and showing light redish patches on some of the leaves, i'm using cana A and cana B nutes and have introduced cana bio-boost once i moved the girls onto 12/12, i've got cana pk13/14 which i was going to add about three weeks before harvest... maby i need to add sooner ?? my ph is at 6.1 and i ph after adding nutes.. ok guys if anyones still reading this long ass post any advice would be great, thanks in advance ....



yellowing is normal and to be expected as the nitrogen the shade leaves is use dup bny the plant during flowering. I usually pluck them off when they are ready to go. I've read that adding N to the nutes during flowering (alleviate the yellowing) can actually delay maturation and harvest.
hey, ok cool good to know all is well, there like my babys lol guess ya first grow is always like that thro, cheers for the reply


Active Member
Yellowing isn't really normal at 2 weeks flower. They are going through transition period (the stretch) right now and they need lot's of N contrary to forum belief.

Yellowing of the whole plant at 2 weeks in will hurt the yield for sure. Keep the damn plant green.


i agree - my bad I misread your post.
Yes, if you're seeing yellow two weeks into flower (is that 2 weeks since you went to 12/12 or 2 weeks since the Primordia changed (went from making leaves to making buds).
Also, is it all leaves? or just older ones?
Are newer ones discolored?
I would suggest adding N into the mix for a couple weeks ans see if that helps.
Have you done any soil testing? PH testing?

Hard to believe you can get 26 20" plants comfortably (room in between for light to reach buds and leaves) in a 8 by 8 space. Love to see a pic.

I would think 16. But with all that light that may do it.
I flower in a 4 x 4 box and one 400W HPS and can get 4 in there - but am considering another light...


Well-Known Member
i agree - my bad I misread your post.
Yes, if you're seeing yellow two weeks into flower (is that 2 weeks since you went to 12/12 or 2 weeks since the Primordia changed (went from making leaves to making buds).
Also, is it all leaves? or just older ones?
Are newer ones discolored?
I would suggest adding N into the mix for a couple weeks ans see if that helps.
Have you done any soil testing? PH testing?

Hard to believe you can get 26 20" plants comfortably (room in between for light to reach buds and leaves) in a 8 by 8 space. Love to see a pic.

I would think 16. But with all that light that may do it.
I flower in a 4 x 4 box and one 400W HPS and can get 4 in there - but am considering another light...
Definetely nitrogen deficient... Better add some now..

But dont over do it ;-)
Definetely nitrogen deficient... Better add some now..

But dont over do it ;-)
ok, it's two weeks since i changed them to 12/12, yer them room is deffo cramped with 26 ladys in there and theres no room in between them there all touching each other i'm guessing this is a mistake ?? you think 16 would be a better amount ?, will post some more pic's up tomorrow, newer leaves all seem fine growth is still good it's mostly just the lower leaves, ph is at 6.1 i'm growing in coco you mentioned soil testing do i need to test the coco ?? i'm new to this so bare with me if i'm asking dumb questions, can i get nitrogen as a nute on it's own ? i'm in the uk if anyone know's a decent website to order from cheers for the replys guys


well, all I've read is that they need room in between to allow light to get to lower branches /buds AS WELL AS keeping airflow up so molds and things don't have a place/chance to start. I'm a newbie grower - yet all I've read and "common sense" tells me that they want room to grow.
I suppose with ALOT of light and Airflow you could be ok. I've not used Coco - so no help there. MJ want ph in range of 6.5 - 7 so there may be an issue there...i would still test soil.
As said - most definitely N def. - use one for a couple weeks - stop about 4 weeks out from harvest and let the plant eat it's own N - shade leaves will yellow naturally an drop off.
You have 26 Fs in a 8x8 box? I'm impressed.
If you are 2 weeks out then the Primordia should have started- what was the tip that was creating leaves is now looking more like a bud, yes? You are probably 6 - 8 weeks away from harvest.