Nute lock?

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Well-Known Member
Whyumadweedmart? It's ok bro no need to start calling people names or get defensive. We are all adults here, or would like to hope so. If you want us to give you credibility post some pics of your grows and shut us up.
As stated , I dont need credibility and I am not trying to prove anything . trust me or not. I wont post pics cuz im not interested to share my grow actually. I've grown cannabis for 10 years including 8 years of hydroponics,I've made all error and experienced every problem possible so honestly , I dont have much to learn, prove or even experience in that domain.


Well-Known Member
As stated , I dont need credibility and I am not trying to prove anything . trust me or not. I wont post pics cuz im not interested to share my grow actually. I've grown cannabis for 10 years including 8 years of hydroponics so honestly , I dont have much to learn, prove or even experience in that domain.
I have an extremely difficult time believing you've been growing that long. ASSUMING you started when you were 18 that would make you 36. There's just no way in hell by the way you type(like a 20 something) you are close to being that age. But whatever, if you want to believe your own BS that's great. I don't really care, just don't go around saying things that go against the grain without providing some sort of backing information. I think any reasonable adult, especially your "age" can agree.


Active Member
As stated , I dont need credibility and I am not trying to prove anything . trust me or not. I wont post pics cuz im not interested to share my grow actually. I've grown cannabis for 10 years including 8 years of hydroponics,I've made all error and experienced every problem possible so honestly , I dont have much to learn, prove or even experience in that domain.
If you feel like you don't have "much" to learn after 10 years of growing I feel sorry for you. That statement alone tells me where youre coming from and that youre just a troll. Good day sir.


Well-Known Member
If you feel like you don't have "much" to learn after 10 years of growing I feel sorry for you. That statement alone tells me where your coming from and that your just a troll. Good day sir.
I keep forgetting to not feed them.. :wall:


Well-Known Member
dude, im sorry to harm your ego, i was not speaking about you but yes I think theres a lot of troll/newb/dawrf ?! that spread their mis information. They probly do it for help but it's not the result most of time. now i feel you're the kid in this story cuz you were backing my post and now you troll me. lolz keeep it up boyy. 5k post of shit.
you're wrong. it's a myth. N during flowering is needed to keep your plant healthy. yellowing is always a sign of unhealthy plant. as stated in another post , lack of N = poor yield.

mr2shim said:
fuck credibility lol it's internet dude, it's overrated. do your homework and do a lil research on the subject , you'll find your answer.

N is the most common deficiency of Cannabis indoors or out. Nitrogen deficiencies may be quite subtle, particularly outdoors, where the soil may continuously provide a small amount of nitrogen. In this case the opt of the plant will appear healthy, and the plant will grow steadily, but at a slow pace. The deficiency becomes more apparent with growth, as more and more of the lower leaves yellow and fall. The first sign is a gradual, uniform yellowing of the large, lower leaves. Once the leaf yellow, necrotic tips and areas form as the leaves dry to a gold or rust colour. In small pots, the whole plant may appear pale (or lime colour) before many bottom leaves are affected to the point that they yellow or die. Symptoms that accompany N deficiency include red stems and petioles, smaller leaves, slow growth, and a smaller, sparse profile. Usually there is a rapid yellowing and loss of the lower leaves that progresses quickly to the top of the plant unless nitrogen is soon added.

Remedy by fertilising with any soluble N fertiliser or with a complete fertiliser that is high in N. If your diagnosis is correct, some recovery should be visible in three or four days. Pale leaves will regain some colour but not increase in size. New growth will be much more vigorous and new stems and petioles will have normal green colour.

Indoors, you should expect plants to need N fertilisation a few times during growth. Once a plant shows N deficiency, you should fertilise regularly to maintain healthy and vigorous growth. Fertilise at about one-half the concentration recommended for Soilless mixtures. Increase the treatment only if the plants show symptoms again. Once the plants are flowering, you may choose not to fertilise if the plants are vigorous. They will have enough N to complete flowering and you don't want to chance toxifying the soil at this late date.

Don't think I was agreeing with you there. I think we're all still waiting for you to provide some sort of information on what you said. If you think I was backing you on anything, you either need some glasses or to re-read this thread.

It's pretty obvious you're trolling so I'm going to refrain from replying to YOU. I may continue to post in this thread but I'll kindly ignore whatever troll response you come up with.


Well-Known Member
DSC00011 (4).jpgDSC00009 (4).jpg just for fun,2 pics of the first plant I grown, 10 years ago. 20-20-20 CIL start to finish. bag seed. 3 gal pot. I think it was fafard compost mix.


Well-Known Member
btw mr2shim, you are so educated in growing, please explain me how the fertilization of N is more toxic than another element.I'm curious to know. share your knowledge please.


Well-Known Member
Don't think I was agreeing with you there. I think we're all still waiting for you to provide some sort of information on what you said. If you think I was backing you on anything, you either need some glasses or to re-read this thread.

It's pretty obvious you're trolling so I'm going to refrain from replying to YOU. I may continue to post in this thread but I'll kindly ignore whatever troll response you come up with.
Once again, if you want to quote science do it correctly. Define the word vigor and then you will understand that a mass yellowing is not the sign of a vigorous plant, it is the sign of a deficient plant. Some yellowing is to be expected, some means a few leaves not most leaves. If you quote a study that says most fan leaves will fall off before the midpoint of flowering that will proove your point, what you quoted prooves weedmarts point. Just sayin. Carry on


Active Member
@jbone77 when you said to quote the bible correctly I believe I did, they asked what too much N would do in flowering and I quoted from a credible source stating in the end it would cause the mmj to burn poorly, if that comment wasn't directed towards me, carry on and have a good day


Well-Known Member
@jbone77 when you said to quote the bible correctly I believe I did, they asked what too much N would do in flowering and I quoted from a credible source stating in the end it would cause the mmj to burn poorly, if that comment wasn't directed towards me, carry on and have a good day
Yep, not directed to you, N toxicity is bad, agree totally


Well-Known Member
Once again, if you want to quote science do it correctly. Define the word vigor and then you will understand that a mass yellowing is not the sign of a vigorous plant, it is the sign of a deficient plant. Some yellowing is to be expected, some means a few leaves not most leaves. If you quote a study that says most fan leaves will fall off before the midpoint of flowering that will proove your point, what you quoted prooves weedmarts point. Just sayin. Carry on
Where or when did I say he doesn't have an nitrogen deficiency? I think most here would agree to that. The disagreement came when it was said that the plant needs a lot of N in flowering, which of course according to what I quoted isn't exactly true.
weedemart was asked and quite nicely IMO to provide some info on his claim but instead he started losing control of his fingers and typing things like "fuck credibility lol it's internet dude"
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