Nute lock?

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Well-Known Member
I would like to see the proof that N is bad and will hurt your yield or proof that leaves should just be dropping off early in flower. N def in flower is bad


Well-Known Member
fuck credibility lol it's internet dude, it's overrated. do your homework and do a lil research on the subject , you'll find your answer.

N is the most common deficiency of Cannabis indoors or out. Nitrogen deficiencies may be quite subtle, particularly outdoors, where the soil may continuously provide a small amount of nitrogen. In this case the opt of the plant will appear healthy, and the plant will grow steadily, but at a slow pace. The deficiency becomes more apparent with growth, as more and more of the lower leaves yellow and fall. The first sign is a gradual, uniform yellowing of the large, lower leaves. Once the leaf yellow, necrotic tips and areas form as the leaves dry to a gold or rust colour. In small pots, the whole plant may appear pale (or lime colour) before many bottom leaves are affected to the point that they yellow or die. Symptoms that accompany N deficiency include red stems and petioles, smaller leaves, slow growth, and a smaller, sparse profile. Usually there is a rapid yellowing and loss of the lower leaves that progresses quickly to the top of the plant unless nitrogen is soon added.

Remedy by fertilising with any soluble N fertiliser or with a complete fertiliser that is high in N. If your diagnosis is correct, some recovery should be visible in three or four days. Pale leaves will regain some colour but not increase in size. New growth will be much more vigorous and new stems and petioles will have normal green colour.

Indoors, you should expect plants to need N fertilisation a few times during growth. Once a plant shows N deficiency, you should fertilise regularly to maintain healthy and vigorous growth. Fertilise at about one-half the concentration recommended for Soilless mixtures. Increase the treatment only if the plants show symptoms again. Once the plants are flowering, you may choose not to fertilise if the plants are vigorous. They will have enough N to complete flowering and you don't want to chance toxifying the soil at this late date.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you just fucked your credibility. For one, I have ten times the post count, and likely reading time on here. You could have gotten a rep, now you're on ignore. I take this seriously, and am more than happy to help anyone who asks.
Unfortunately post count here doesn't mean a lot. I've seen growers with more posts than me and have no clue what they're doing. IMO posts in non growing areas shouldn't be counted, but they are.


Active Member
Too much N is bad for flowering

This is straight from my grow bible so weed mart you are wrong sir. "Mary requires high levels of N for vegetative growth but lower levels during the balance of life. Excess levels of N in harvested plants cause the dried mmj to burn poorly."


Well-Known Member
Actually, you just fucked your credibility. For one, I have ten times the post count, and likely reading time on here. You could have gotten a rep, now you're on ignore. I take this seriously, and am more than happy to help anyone who asks.
Good , you're the hero , i'm a zero:clap: i dont care anyway... I dont have anything to prove , especially here. rep- me if you want:lol:


Well-Known Member
Too much N is bad for flowering

This is straight from my grow bible so weed mart you are wrong sir. "Mary requires high levels of N for vegetative growth but lower levels during the balance of life. Excess levels of N in harvested plants cause the dried mmj to burn poorly."
lol. it's always day-n-night with newbs. I said feed with high N nutes .... I didnt said to overfert with a high N nutes... when you have a deficiency, you feed anything that will cure your plant then reswitch to your std nutes

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Well it has been getting 8-9-6 almost every week, even into flowering. I was going to switch to bloom 3-12-8. I still think it might be "locked". I will try lime first and then add N after a few days if nothing changes. Wondering about flushing.
Your NPK ratios are way off. A 3-1-2 ratio all the way through is what cannabis prefers. You are feeding way too much P in and not near enough N. Peat and Coco based potting mixes do not need excessive amounts of P.


New Member
Its not cut and dry...some strains will require more n in flower than others. The key is to use just enough nitrogen in flower to keep them happy. Some will no longer require it, some will require full strength. This can only be determined by the grower experience with said strain....JAS


Active Member
lol. it's always day-n-night with newbs. I said feed with high N nutes .... I didnt said to overfert with a high N nutes... when you have a deficiency, you feed anything that will cure your plant then reswitch to your std nutes

Lol you noob, you said to feed high in N. Did you not? You talk like a noob, I quote the bible for noobs like you.

I would by no means feed high in N for the deficiency he had in flower but simply increase my N availability slightly to the plant. You just talk like he should find the highest N nute and load it up. If you're going to spurt off comments try and explain yourself so everyone understands.


Well-Known Member
Its not cut and dry...some strains will require more n in flower than others. The key is to use just enough nitrogen in flower to keep them happy. Some will no longer require it, some will require full strength. This can only be determined by the grower experience with said strain....JAS
That makes too much sense, you shut up. We're being illogical here and have no room for sensible comments! Every cannabis plant is the exact same, did you not know this?


Well-Known Member
Fuck you guys and you "PROOF" and "where's the science" and all that bullshit! Do your own research if you don't agree or believe what is being said. I see valid answers get trolled by these idiots that can't seem to be able to read for their selves all the time. If you can't teach yourself and learn from your own mistakes, stop coming on here until you can communicate like adults. I would like proof to fall into my lap too but sadly I have to test and research...G...its so hard! All you proof sayers, show your intelligence every time you put fingers to keyboard....JAS
ETA. Reading on RIU, specifically after clicking on something that you are trying to learn, IS doing your homework. Dipshit.
Applies here as well.

Seems the only reference given here was to the grow bible. That's a pretty credible source of information. That was one of my sources. I have this argument so far. I brought up a valid point about a method widely taught by a credible source. I was then called out for it. I offered to digress with credible evidence, but was insulted and treated as a new-b, which, I am not. I remained polite, attempting to nurture a productive conversation among adults. There was no rebuttal presented, only some childish banter. Maintaining my position, I reminded you of your responsibilities and you instead of backing up your claim, you again decided that it would be more fun to taunt a little more, making yourself come off as kind of a dick really.

Someone else has brought to the table the same credible reference as evidence offered in backing up this claim, and all you have offered us is an example of how you yourself say that people act on the internet.

Instead of adding to the general knowledge base here at RIU, gaining some credibility and possibly helping the OP, you seem to think the whole thing is a big joke.

Ok, you get what you put in. You're a big joke.

Sorry OP, I was just trying to help you out.

My position therefore stands. I do believe that adding N to a plant that is otherwise helthy in appearance and growth would be detrimental to that plant, and that claim has been based on research both here at RIU, and at many other sources.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure too much N in veg is a bad thing also. The plant needs less N during flower but it still needs a good dose of N


Well-Known Member
Lol you noob, you said to feed high in N. Did you not? You talk like a noob, I quote the bible for noobs like you.

I would by no means feed high in N for the deficiency he had in flower but simply increase my N availability slightly to the plant. You just talk like he should find the highest N nute and load it up. If you're going to spurt off comments try and explain yourself so everyone understands.
I'll avoid insult and try to stay as calm/zen/polite as possible. YOU ARE A CLOWN PLEASE STOP SPREAD YOUR DISEASE

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
The leaves of the plant are its power source. Allow them to become N deficient and start to shed fan leaves, the less energy resources available. Buds grow big from the energy provided by fan leaves. Learn to keep them green and lush all the way to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I hope no one listens to your awesome advice.
lol I know it's radical but there's so much mis information spread by the newb... It seriously tilt me and I am sure that why most of the «veteran» growers on the site dont answer/help newb. anyway im done here . GL OP in your grow.


Well-Known Member
lol I know it's radical but there's so much mis information spread by the newb... It seriously tilt me and I am sure that why most of the «veteran» growers on the site dont answer/help newb. anyway im done here . GL OP in your grow.
Do you see me acting like an asshat? Pretty sure I'm not even close to being a "newb"


Well-Known Member
If you assume I was talking about you, you should ask yourself ;)
I'm going to re-quote you because clearly you have difficulty comprehending basic responses..

lol I know it's radical but there's so much mis information spread by the newb... It seriously tilt me and I am sure that why most of the «veteran» growers on the site dont answer/help newb. anyway im done here . GL OP in your grow.
Do you see me acting like an asshat? Pretty sure I'm not even close to being a "newb"

Get it yet?


Active Member
Whyumadweedmart? It's ok bro no need to start calling people names or get defensive. We are all adults here, or would like to hope so. If you want us to give you credibility post some pics of your grows and shut us up.


Well-Known Member
I will say this in case anyone forgot, he is at week 3 of flower and if you look at the pics his plants look great except for the fact that he is about to drop nearly all his fan leaves because of a N def. That is not normal. A shot of grow will fix it and he will have a better yield for it. The grow bible says some yellowing is to be expected, not a complete loss of fans by week 4. Feed N, dont feed N, doesnt matter to me but if you want to quote science or a grow guide do it correctly.
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