Nukeheads bad business practices

Holy shit.. that intro... i wasn't going to click it but had to. I have no idea wtf playing with a knife has to do with selling generic bags but i'm in!!
lmafao the intro is to impress wannabe gangster kids... how dull is this guy anyway? did I really just watch how is being explained, how a pencil is used? -.-
Omg. This video is worth it just for the intro. I can’t believe no one thought to Mylar bags and printer labels before. This my friends is innovation at its finest.

Watch the video, at least the first 15 seconds or so. It delivers.

First actual cannabis imagery is an upside down bud. When you see that you know you’ve gone too far.
Holy butt nuggets......Tht intro!!!!!! I didn't even watch the video until you put it out there. . . I probably should thank you for the new world's record....My IQ dropped 10 points in 30 should also add that that (music?) made me hope for permanent hearing loss....also, I had to edit this comment 3 times for dumb grammatical errors thanks to my IQ drop...wasn't
I wonder why the hell anyone would name themselves nuke head anyway... weed doesn't nuke shit.. it makes shit mellow and lovely... Nukeheads sounds like they should be selling meth...

I would rather buy from mr. happytimes mellow beans... "shop happytimes when you need to try a new dimension..."
Blah blah blah

-Cody Oebel
This guy is comic gold everything he talks about has already been done. Cody had nothing to do with the design or invention of any of the things he has tried to claim as his own except for his crappy CAB sensor box which is no big deal and not worth wasting your time on. He says in one of his YOUTUBE video it takes 30 hours for him to print up the 3D seed container that is used in shipping yet in this thread he says he processes 200 orders a day if that is the case he must have a shit load of 3D printers .. lol
His nutrient line is a just a rip off from Fertilome or so it would seem, I cant believe that anyone would ever take this idiot seriously.
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I purhased several seed from My laughing buddha fem seeds turned out of be regulars, with 3 out of 5 turning male. I contacted them and I received a nasty response from Sarah, she called me a troll. I want everyone to know that their seeds are no good. The blueberry headband that I popped hermied. My brothers killer cookie seed he popped also hermed. Not only that but the grow light that I purchased from them called the gammablaster started smelling like burning rubber one morning, and half the lights were burned out. Again, I was called a troll. These folks were real nice when I was inquiring about their products, then when I have problems, they label me a troll. I am working with Amazon to get my money back for the light, I am screwed on the seed.
I, too, have gotten hermie seeds every time from this company! Buyer beware!!! ILuvgrowing marijuana MUCH better, reliable seeds.
This guy is comic gold everything he talks about has already been done. Cody had nothing to do with the design or invention of any of the things he has tried to claim as his own except for his crappy CAB sensor box which is no big deal and not worth wasting your time on. He says in one of his YOUTUBE video it takes 30 hours for him to print up the 3D seed container that is used in shipping yet in this thread he says he processes 200 orders a day if that is the case he must have a shit load of 3D printers .. lol
His nutrient line is a just a rip off from Fertilome or so it would seem, I cant believe that anyone would ever take this idiot seriously.
yeah and there u see him fashioning a crude knife - a shank - to impress with his prison wits, and then he's shaving his gay legs with it... yeah, these types are heartily welcome in the brick :D
I, too, have gotten hermie seeds every time from this company! Buyer beware!!! ILuvgrowing marijuana MUCH better, reliable seeds.
Sorry to hear what they did to you bro, but same thing happened to me when i made the first complaint. I`m a TROLL and thats this SARAH`S motto is to call you out as a lier and a troll. They literaly tried at one time to get a so called strike team going to harrass people who complained about them. Lol They sell nothing but BULLSHIT crap stuff to new people who know no better. Then call you out when you finally see their full of shit! I know as i have a friend who they tried to recruit a few yrs ago. Hey Cody does" Blaze" ring a bell?? Bla Ha Ha Ha! Fool!
Damn! Wish I would have found this forum earlier. Looks like I got taken for a couple of hundred. FUCK!
Bro, all i can say is that they are a bunch of scammers and will blame you if you have problems. Get this, they tried to tell me one time that its the ink in my paper towel is why the seeds aren`t germinating. I never used paper towels with ink lol, Sarah Is A trip!! Stay Away From NUKEHEADS!!!!!!!!!! ( Oh they got me too for over $200 bucks ) Garbage seeds, Garbage Nutrients-Glorified Frutilome Is All It Is!!
Bro, all i can say is that they are a bunch of scammers and will blame you if you have problems. Get this, they tried to tell me one time that its the ink in my paper towel is why the seeds aren`t germinating. I never used paper towels with ink lol, Sarah Is A trip!! Stay Away From NUKEHEADS!!!!!!!!!! ( Oh they got me too for over $200 bucks ) Garbage seeds, Garbage Nutrients-Glorified Frutilome Is All It Is!!
I'm sorry for your loss, this NH guy is clearly a betrayer. He even tried to defend his bad business malpractices here - but his irresponsible lies were really telling. Thats why I felt justified to troll him back to his YT channel...

Its not your fault at all!:
Ink is certainly not recommended, but I use marker pen repeatedly to being able to distinguish the genetics:
The outer seedshell protects greatly against many hostile influences anyway... 4 yet to appear, the rest did sprout on day 1-2. Directly under the ink. All good :weed:
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I'm sorry for your loss, this NH guy is clearly a betrayer. He even tried to defend his bad business malpractices here - but his irresponsible lies were really telling. Thats why I felt justified to troll him back to his YT channel...

Its not your fault at all!:
Ink is certainly not recommended, but I use marker pen repeatedly to being able to distinguish the genetics:
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The outer seedshell protects greatly against many hostile influences anyway... 4 yet to appear, the rest did sprout on day 1-2. Directly under the ink. All good :weed:
Cody is a joke!!, if you get time go on trust pilot and complain about them on that web site. They just ask to see proof of what you purchased from them to be able to give them a bad rep. NukeHeads hate bad reps on Trust Pilot! He knows he ain`t got shit to spread on this site!
I was gifted 2 seeds back in '18 of a Durban Poison, and ATF "fem seed" from a friend. Was thinking of popping them. Or ya think that they might ruin my other crop. Wonder if they are actually the strain. I do know he ordered them from nukeheads
I was gifted 2 seeds back in '18 of a Durban Poison, and ATF "fem seed" from a friend. Was thinking of popping them. Or ya think that they might ruin my other crop. Wonder if they are actually the strain. I do know he ordered them from nukeheads
So here is my opinion. You are going to spend at least 8 weeks of power and time growing these out. There are a ton of reasonably priced high quality seeds breeders out there that are super well proven. If your time and electricity is cheaper than a $100 pack of seeds and your willing to risk a crop go right ahead. Genetics are not the thing to be “cheap” on. (That being said just because things are expensive doesn’t mean they are awesome need to vet your breeders. Take an hour and look up real reviews and grow journals...not just insta filter shots)