• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Nukeheads bad business practices


Well-Known Member
We are doing so very good it seems our competitors send their loyalist out to attack us any possible way they can. NukeHeads has now begun designing parts for the automotive industry, resin printing technologies, CNC machining, fabrication and proto-typing. NukeHeads holds patent to the first and only voice controllable MJ grow light we designed it for people who lost arms, legs, veterans, but also for cool factor. We can't wait to release our private design to the public. While I accept that no other seed bank online has the capacity to produce custom 3D designs and do 200 orders a day with each and every order fully customized to each customer who placed that order; we don't accept the animosity towards our business because we are unique. Yes we do tout being one of the LARGEST U.S WHOLE SALE businesses in this industry. It seems to hurt peoples ego and AS AN EX IT specialist who is a Linux advocate that now produces C/C++ low level software programming applications to control high amp circuits. I once took to a robotics industry in pharmaceutical robotics and automation; I worked with a team that automated everything from incubating petree dishes with deadly pathogens and the 5axis 360 degree rotating robotics arm would insert test dishes into incubators, then grab the tray later, and inject droplets of vaccine/antibiotics, incubate it again, grab the trays, stick them in a spectral analyzer, and see how much bacterium died and which antibiotic was effective. A system that could test 1000 pits of bacteria and 1000 different types of antibiotics all in one run; it replaced multiple doctors working 12 hours shift by running 24-7 / 365 days a year.

Working at such a place and being a passionate grower lead me to using those technologies in the MJ industry. I'm sorry that my passion and love to use technologies from software engineering, EAGLE PCB circuit board manufacturing processes to make custom mother boards to power grow lights with MULTIPLE computer processors, TCP/IP socket programming implementations and SQL queries connecting to public DB's like yahoos public database so my private soon to release to the public smart AI grow light design has caused people to dislike me for what I do. I guess it pisses people off … and to make it worse I've purchased graphics cards to slowly learn more about weights, and neuron arrays as I find a love for the concept of computer AI ( quantum bit processing ) " Think Schrodinger's cat but now applies to computing and AI neuro mappings " .. I'm steadily designing a grow light that will not only connect to a public database and display weather reports on a custom designed GUI programming in C++ within the Linux and Windows Operating system, but I'm going to implement a micro-computer now that Raspberry Pi 4 supports 4GB of ram, and make an integrated computer operating system WITH a touch screen built into my up-coming " DAVINCI MODEL " grow light design. I plant to make the light network controllable via your cellphone, and make the grow light RESPOND to sensor data , as well as pull public SQL database tables from Amazon / Yahoo databases that freely allow querying their tables, and use that in control logic within the grow lights design schema. The newest private design I'm now working will accommodate sensors and all the necessary things such as reading humidity sensor data , calculate vapor pressure deficits, My PPFD meter design everyone has already seen I plan on to also implement an Apogee extended range PPFD sensor , AND my Co2 controller I designed and tested against Titans Atlas 1 ( YouTube for Co2 Bot vs Titan Atlas 1 to see my CPU driven Co2 controller tested against another great American made product ) .. I'm integrating the Co2 controller BUILT RIGHT INTO THE LIGHT .. where you plug your Co2 regulator into this grow light, and it will control the PPM of the grow tent, you set the levels via touch screen interface. I will build all the electronics both high amp AC side with PWM dimming, onto TTL logic, Sensor bus controls, every line of code, 3D design and CAD, water jet cutting and laser cutting will be used. I fear this will be too easy for me, but maybe something will challenge me along the way !!

I AM A NERD and I CATER MY BUSINESS AND PRODUCTS TO NERDS LIKE ME !! We nerds study that which to others is complex, sophisticated, and mundane at times. We grow nerds know things that others find is too much, their usual statements would be something like " that's just too deep mann … just grow weed your making it too hard learning all that stuff "... nahh we grow nerds must go deep because we are sophisticated growers. And many of us sophisticated types never see eye to eye with those who aren't . We must measure our environments and have data because data is answers to problems, while other types of growers just wing everything " Just raise the light up high that's all I do to grow big buds they say ", but this is not a nerd growers approach. No, we nerds measure with PPFD meters ( I design PPFD meters, from the code to the electronics ) because we are passionate about our hobby and love for growing MJ. So while I cannot make everyone happy whose on the binary of this demographic ( Those who wing it vs us who measure and learn everything about the plant and 8 carnal needs of photosynthesis ). I understand many will never see eye to eye with me, or those like me. Those like me know all to well how blue in the face we become trying to educate a grower who doesn't care to learn the sophistications of science involved in plants especially Marijuana. Plants are astounding with many things not yet answered about them they ( all plants especially MJ ) amazes me ! I cater to people like me ( like minded ) and I consider myself and others like me the super nerds of weed as we are those who study everything from electrons in an ERB cycle converting light into chemical energy in a marijuana fan leaf, onto nerd debates about spectrums and photon density on extended range quantum density meters, and UV/IR having any usable energy for plant growth or should we focus joules per meter squared of EPAR (extended PAR ranges) be put elsewhere into a light fixture.

So while I can't make everyone happy. I can at least do what I do best, and that's make custom designed solutions for peoples individual problems while also making general solutions to all growers problems. Want a custom design PH meter ?? I make them with your name on it.. want SLA laser resin printed design you need for something you came up with yourself ?? No problem get at me we will make it a reality ?? You an admin here on this board with a great idea ?? DRAW IT ON PAPER I WILL DESIGN IT AND MAKE IT REAL !!! We must refrain from egotistical judgmental positions in our daily ontologies; use cognitive dissonance and execute each decision with love for one another and the world will be a much better place.

For years I had issues holding jobs at certain contracts, tattoos on my neck and I'm the guy who doesn't like visiting 1000 computers from segregated vLAN's in 5 buildings where we would have to manually visit all 1000 desktops to move network files over from a NAS storage, then write and edit files.. instead I was always the guy who wrote programs to automate such processes while my peers couldn't.. .I was hated then because I seen a smarter way of doing things. Entering into the Marijuana industry I thought would be different, tons of cool chilled stoners right ?? Nahh, more like blood thirsty businesses who savagely attack others.. my video with Jorge Cervantes talking with him he made a strong point to me " Trolls are everywhere Cody don't let them get you down and out and unhappy " .

My huge heart makes peoples negative connotations against me bother me, but after some advice talking directly with Jorge .. the mans wisdom passed to me in how to address trolls and nay sayers. So speak your evils against my FAST GROWING BUSINESS because I have long term customers , returning customer, individuals who make six figure purchases and my righteousness will be weighed by those who test and measure it versus many of you who come here angry blasting me because I simply ignored you on face book busy dealing with family issues, or booted you from my business social media because you did something unrighteous against another human being that was totally uncool and so you hate me for it since I am the face of the business, but as Buddha would teach and as Jorge advised me … it is what it is I cannot make everyone happy, but I can love you all.. that being said .. I LOVE YOU ALL no matter what you say .. I have a phone number, and an email you can call me and talk to me direct , if you hung out with me in person you'd never speak against me ever.. I'm the guy who helps without wanting in return anything and it just terribly seems the more good I try to do the more people out there somehow convey it wrongly , or try and seek some innuendo subversive objective of modus operandi that I possess when mine is quite simple.. If you have any issues our phone numbers on the business page just call and ask for Cody I'll be glad to chill smoke some herb and chit chat, help you grow, but like any business we have limits of what we can do.
95% of complaints is someone expects an unrealistic requirement from us, or they failed to read the terms and guidelines when they bought from our business. Even Rollit Up has TOS and guidelines. Anyhow, back to work I go. I love you all, and have a blessed day !

Sorry for the long book / paragraph :) I have severe ADHD and didn't smoke since this morning.



Well-Known Member
We are doing so very good it seems our competitors send their loyalist out to attack us any possible way they can. NukeHeads has now begun designing parts for the automotive industry, resin printing technologies, CNC machining, fabrication and proto-typing. NukeHeads holds patent to the first and only voice controllable MJ grow light we designed it for people who lost arms, legs, veterans, but also for cool factor. We can't wait to release our private design to the public. While I accept that no other seed bank online has the capacity to produce custom 3D designs and do 200 orders a day with each and every order fully customized to each customer who placed that order; we don't accept the animosity towards our business because we are unique. Yes we do tout being one of the LARGEST U.S WHOLE SALE businesses in this industry. It seems to hurt peoples ego and AS AN EX IT specialist who is a Linux advocate that now produces C/C++ low level software programming applications to control high amp circuits. I once took to a robotics industry in pharmaceutical robotics and automation; I worked with a team that automated everything from incubating petree dishes with deadly pathogens and the 5axis 360 degree rotating robotics arm would insert test dishes into incubators, then grab the tray later, and inject droplets of vaccine/antibiotics, incubate it again, grab the trays, stick them in a spectral analyzer, and see how much bacterium died and which antibiotic was effective. A system that could test 1000 pits of bacteria and 1000 different types of antibiotics all in one run; it replaced multiple doctors working 12 hours shift by running 24-7 / 365 days a year.

Working at such a place and being a passionate grower lead me to using those technologies in the MJ industry. I'm sorry that my passion and love to use technologies from software engineering, EAGLE PCB circuit board manufacturing processes to make custom mother boards to power grow lights with MULTIPLE computer processors, TCP/IP socket programming implementations and SQL queries connecting to public DB's like yahoos public database so my private soon to release to the public smart AI grow light design has caused people to dislike me for what I do. I guess it pisses people off … and to make it worse I've purchased graphics cards to slowly learn more about weights, and neuron arrays as I find a love for the concept of computer AI ( quantum bit processing ) " Think Schrodinger's cat but now applies to computing and AI neuro mappings " .. I'm steadily designing a grow light that will not only connect to a public database and display weather reports on a custom designed GUI programming in C++ within the Linux and Windows Operating system, but I'm going to implement a micro-computer now that Raspberry Pi 4 supports 4GB of ram, and make an integrated computer operating system WITH a touch screen built into my up-coming " DAVINCI MODEL " grow light design. I plant to make the light network controllable via your cellphone, and make the grow light RESPOND to sensor data , as well as pull public SQL database tables from Amazon / Yahoo databases that freely allow querying their tables, and use that in control logic within the grow lights design schema. The newest private design I'm now working will accommodate sensors and all the necessary things such as reading humidity sensor data , calculate vapor pressure deficits, My PPFD meter design everyone has already seen I plan on to also implement an Apogee extended range PPFD sensor , AND my Co2 controller I designed and tested against Titans Atlas 1 ( YouTube for Co2 Bot vs Titan Atlas 1 to see my CPU driven Co2 controller tested against another great American made product ) .. I'm integrating the Co2 controller BUILT RIGHT INTO THE LIGHT .. where you plug your Co2 regulator into this grow light, and it will control the PPM of the grow tent, you set the levels via touch screen interface. I will build all the electronics both high amp AC side with PWM dimming, onto TTL logic, Sensor bus controls, every line of code, 3D design and CAD, water jet cutting and laser cutting will be used. I fear this will be too easy for me, but maybe something will challenge me along the way !!

I AM A NERD and I CATER MY BUSINESS AND PRODUCTS TO NERDS LIKE ME !! We nerds study that which to others is complex, sophisticated, and mundane at times. We grow nerds know things that others find is too much, their usual statements would be something like " that's just too deep mann … just grow weed your making it too hard learning all that stuff "... nahh we grow nerds must go deep because we are sophisticated growers. And many of us sophisticated types never see eye to eye with those who aren't . We must measure our environments and have data because data is answers to problems, while other types of growers just wing everything " Just raise the light up high that's all I do to grow big buds they say ", but this is not a nerd growers approach. No, we nerds measure with PPFD meters ( I design PPFD meters, from the code to the electronics ) because we are passionate about our hobby and love for growing MJ. So while I cannot make everyone happy whose on the binary of this demographic ( Those who wing it vs us who measure and learn everything about the plant and 8 carnal needs of photosynthesis ). I understand many will never see eye to eye with me, or those like me. Those like me know all to well how blue in the face we become trying to educate a grower who doesn't care to learn the sophistications of science involved in plants especially Marijuana. Plants are astounding with many things not yet answered about them they ( all plants especially MJ ) amazes me ! I cater to people like me ( like minded ) and I consider myself and others like me the super nerds of weed as we are those who study everything from electrons in an ERB cycle converting light into chemical energy in a marijuana fan leaf, onto nerd debates about spectrums and photon density on extended range quantum density meters, and UV/IR having any usable energy for plant growth or should we focus joules per meter squared of EPAR (extended PAR ranges) be put elsewhere into a light fixture.

So while I can't make everyone happy. I can at least do what I do best, and that's make custom designed solutions for peoples individual problems while also making general solutions to all growers problems. Want a custom design PH meter ?? I make them with your name on it.. want SLA laser resin printed design you need for something you came up with yourself ?? No problem get at me we will make it a reality ?? You an admin here on this board with a great idea ?? DRAW IT ON PAPER I WILL DESIGN IT AND MAKE IT REAL !!! We must refrain from egotistical judgmental positions in our daily ontologies; use cognitive dissonance and execute each decision with love for one another and the world will be a much better place.

For years I had issues holding jobs at certain contracts, tattoos on my neck and I'm the guy who doesn't like visiting 1000 computers from segregated vLAN's in 5 buildings where we would have to manually visit all 1000 desktops to move network files over from a NAS storage, then write and edit files.. instead I was always the guy who wrote programs to automate such processes while my peers couldn't.. .I was hated then because I seen a smarter way of doing things. Entering into the Marijuana industry I thought would be different, tons of cool chilled stoners right ?? Nahh, more like blood thirsty businesses who savagely attack others.. my video with Jorge Cervantes talking with him he made a strong point to me " Trolls are everywhere Cody don't let them get you down and out and unhappy " .

My huge heart makes peoples negative connotations against me bother me, but after some advice talking directly with Jorge .. the mans wisdom passed to me in how to address trolls and nay sayers. So speak your evils against my FAST GROWING BUSINESS because I have long term customers , returning customer, individuals who make six figure purchases and my righteousness will be weighed by those who test and measure it versus many of you who come here angry blasting me because I simply ignored you on face book busy dealing with family issues, or booted you from my business social media because you did something unrighteous against another human being that was totally uncool and so you hate me for it since I am the face of the business, but as Buddha would teach and as Jorge advised me … it is what it is I cannot make everyone happy, but I can love you all.. that being said .. I LOVE YOU ALL no matter what you say .. I have a phone number, and an email you can call me and talk to me direct , if you hung out with me in person you'd never speak against me ever.. I'm the guy who helps without wanting in return anything and it just terribly seems the more good I try to do the more people out there somehow convey it wrongly , or try and seek some innuendo subversive objective of modus operandi that I possess when mine is quite simple.. If you have any issues our phone numbers on the business page just call and ask for Cody I'll be glad to chill smoke some herb and chit chat, help you grow, but like any business we have limits of what we can do.
95% of complaints is someone expects an unrealistic requirement from us, or they failed to read the terms and guidelines when they bought from our business. Even Rollit Up has TOS and guidelines. Anyhow, back to work I go. I love you all, and have a blessed day !

Sorry for the long book / paragraph :) I have severe ADHD and didn't smoke since this morning.



Well-Known Member
It always is my good friend it always is; how's those banners growing for yah ? Those from us ? None the less keep up the great work. Bag seeds are always fun. Their like a box of chocolates; never know what your gonna get !!
No not from you ..I'm on edge with ever trying your company out to be honest. I visited your website today and any one who buys a light called the "GammaBlaster " in my opinion deserves to get ripped off. Sound like a children's gimick. I will have to do some more research before even thinking about ordering from you . I give my business to Canadians. If it's something I can't live without and\or can't get it in canada I will outsource.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I come off rude don't mean to be that just my honest opinion that I have when I looked at your website and with how this thread has went I'm 50/50 with giving you business but In your defense the 70$. Seed you have does say purchase at your own risk.


Well-Known Member
We are doing so very good it seems our competitors send their loyalist out to attack us any possible way they can. NukeHeads has now begun designing parts for the automotive industry, resin printing technologies, CNC machining, fabrication and proto-typing. NukeHeads holds patent to the first and only voice controllable MJ grow light we designed it for people who lost arms, legs, veterans, but also for cool factor. We can't wait to release our private design to the public. While I accept that no other seed bank online has the capacity to produce custom 3D designs and do 200 orders a day with each and every order fully customized to each customer who placed that order; we don't accept the animosity towards our business because we are unique. Yes we do tout being one of the LARGEST U.S WHOLE SALE businesses in this industry. It seems to hurt peoples ego and AS AN EX IT specialist who is a Linux advocate that now produces C/C++ low level software programming applications to control high amp circuits. I once took to a robotics industry in pharmaceutical robotics and automation; I worked with a team that automated everything from incubating petree dishes with deadly pathogens and the 5axis 360 degree rotating robotics arm would insert test dishes into incubators, then grab the tray later, and inject droplets of vaccine/antibiotics, incubate it again, grab the trays, stick them in a spectral analyzer, and see how much bacterium died and which antibiotic was effective. A system that could test 1000 pits of bacteria and 1000 different types of antibiotics all in one run; it replaced multiple doctors working 12 hours shift by running 24-7 / 365 days a year.

Working at such a place and being a passionate grower lead me to using those technologies in the MJ industry. I'm sorry that my passion and love to use technologies from software engineering, EAGLE PCB circuit board manufacturing processes to make custom mother boards to power grow lights with MULTIPLE computer processors, TCP/IP socket programming implementations and SQL queries connecting to public DB's like yahoos public database so my private soon to release to the public smart AI grow light design has caused people to dislike me for what I do. I guess it pisses people off … and to make it worse I've purchased graphics cards to slowly learn more about weights, and neuron arrays as I find a love for the concept of computer AI ( quantum bit processing ) " Think Schrodinger's cat but now applies to computing and AI neuro mappings " .. I'm steadily designing a grow light that will not only connect to a public database and display weather reports on a custom designed GUI programming in C++ within the Linux and Windows Operating system, but I'm going to implement a micro-computer now that Raspberry Pi 4 supports 4GB of ram, and make an integrated computer operating system WITH a touch screen built into my up-coming " DAVINCI MODEL " grow light design. I plant to make the light network controllable via your cellphone, and make the grow light RESPOND to sensor data , as well as pull public SQL database tables from Amazon / Yahoo databases that freely allow querying their tables, and use that in control logic within the grow lights design schema. The newest private design I'm now working will accommodate sensors and all the necessary things such as reading humidity sensor data , calculate vapor pressure deficits, My PPFD meter design everyone has already seen I plan on to also implement an Apogee extended range PPFD sensor , AND my Co2 controller I designed and tested against Titans Atlas 1 ( YouTube for Co2 Bot vs Titan Atlas 1 to see my CPU driven Co2 controller tested against another great American made product ) .. I'm integrating the Co2 controller BUILT RIGHT INTO THE LIGHT .. where you plug your Co2 regulator into this grow light, and it will control the PPM of the grow tent, you set the levels via touch screen interface. I will build all the electronics both high amp AC side with PWM dimming, onto TTL logic, Sensor bus controls, every line of code, 3D design and CAD, water jet cutting and laser cutting will be used. I fear this will be too easy for me, but maybe something will challenge me along the way !!

I AM A NERD and I CATER MY BUSINESS AND PRODUCTS TO NERDS LIKE ME !! We nerds study that which to others is complex, sophisticated, and mundane at times. We grow nerds know things that others find is too much, their usual statements would be something like " that's just too deep mann … just grow weed your making it too hard learning all that stuff "... nahh we grow nerds must go deep because we are sophisticated growers. And many of us sophisticated types never see eye to eye with those who aren't . We must measure our environments and have data because data is answers to problems, while other types of growers just wing everything " Just raise the light up high that's all I do to grow big buds they say ", but this is not a nerd growers approach. No, we nerds measure with PPFD meters ( I design PPFD meters, from the code to the electronics ) because we are passionate about our hobby and love for growing MJ. So while I cannot make everyone happy whose on the binary of this demographic ( Those who wing it vs us who measure and learn everything about the plant and 8 carnal needs of photosynthesis ). I understand many will never see eye to eye with me, or those like me. Those like me know all to well how blue in the face we become trying to educate a grower who doesn't care to learn the sophistications of science involved in plants especially Marijuana. Plants are astounding with many things not yet answered about them they ( all plants especially MJ ) amazes me ! I cater to people like me ( like minded ) and I consider myself and others like me the super nerds of weed as we are those who study everything from electrons in an ERB cycle converting light into chemical energy in a marijuana fan leaf, onto nerd debates about spectrums and photon density on extended range quantum density meters, and UV/IR having any usable energy for plant growth or should we focus joules per meter squared of EPAR (extended PAR ranges) be put elsewhere into a light fixture.

So while I can't make everyone happy. I can at least do what I do best, and that's make custom designed solutions for peoples individual problems while also making general solutions to all growers problems. Want a custom design PH meter ?? I make them with your name on it.. want SLA laser resin printed design you need for something you came up with yourself ?? No problem get at me we will make it a reality ?? You an admin here on this board with a great idea ?? DRAW IT ON PAPER I WILL DESIGN IT AND MAKE IT REAL !!! We must refrain from egotistical judgmental positions in our daily ontologies; use cognitive dissonance and execute each decision with love for one another and the world will be a much better place.

For years I had issues holding jobs at certain contracts, tattoos on my neck and I'm the guy who doesn't like visiting 1000 computers from segregated vLAN's in 5 buildings where we would have to manually visit all 1000 desktops to move network files over from a NAS storage, then write and edit files.. instead I was always the guy who wrote programs to automate such processes while my peers couldn't.. .I was hated then because I seen a smarter way of doing things. Entering into the Marijuana industry I thought would be different, tons of cool chilled stoners right ?? Nahh, more like blood thirsty businesses who savagely attack others.. my video with Jorge Cervantes talking with him he made a strong point to me " Trolls are everywhere Cody don't let them get you down and out and unhappy " .

My huge heart makes peoples negative connotations against me bother me, but after some advice talking directly with Jorge .. the mans wisdom passed to me in how to address trolls and nay sayers. So speak your evils against my FAST GROWING BUSINESS because I have long term customers , returning customer, individuals who make six figure purchases and my righteousness will be weighed by those who test and measure it versus many of you who come here angry blasting me because I simply ignored you on face book busy dealing with family issues, or booted you from my business social media because you did something unrighteous against another human being that was totally uncool and so you hate me for it since I am the face of the business, but as Buddha would teach and as Jorge advised me … it is what it is I cannot make everyone happy, but I can love you all.. that being said .. I LOVE YOU ALL no matter what you say .. I have a phone number, and an email you can call me and talk to me direct , if you hung out with me in person you'd never speak against me ever.. I'm the guy who helps without wanting in return anything and it just terribly seems the more good I try to do the more people out there somehow convey it wrongly , or try and seek some innuendo subversive objective of modus operandi that I possess when mine is quite simple.. If you have any issues our phone numbers on the business page just call and ask for Cody I'll be glad to chill smoke some herb and chit chat, help you grow, but like any business we have limits of what we can do.
95% of complaints is someone expects an unrealistic requirement from us, or they failed to read the terms and guidelines when they bought from our business. Even Rollit Up has TOS and guidelines. Anyhow, back to work-Cody
Jargon jargon big word big word. Words that make me sound successful. Words that make me sound smart. Great things I did, great things I made. Jargon jargon. I am persecuted. Poor me. They hate because I am great. Hopeful. Won’t get me down. Love. I’m a nice guy.

Is that about right?


Well-Known Member
I once took to a robotics industry in pharmaceutical robotics and automation; I worked with a team that automated everything from incubating petree dishes with deadly pathogens
LMAO. If you truly worked in or with pharma, you would have known how to spell petri dishes. Your command of the English language is so poor that it spells bs for you portraying yourself as some messiah to the cannabis industry let alone working in a professional capacity–anywhere.


Active Member
Sorry dude, all your excuses don't change the fact that you shit on me and plenty of other people on here. Actually I'm not sorry. So stop selfing plants to make seeds of certain varieties and inbreeding them repeatedly. I'd put dough on that being the reason your products keep getting worse in quality and the germination rates keep dropping. Genetics are preserved through mothers and clones, not by inbreeding plants. Dueces...P.S. That high times pull was a long time ago dude, stop trying to milk it you apparently didn't have the knowledge to save the genes that put you there.


Active Member
I purhased several seed from nukeheads.com. My laughing buddha fem seeds turned out of be regulars, with 3 out of 5 turning male. I contacted them and I received a nasty response from Sarah, she called me a troll. I want everyone to know that their seeds are no good. The blueberry headband that I popped hermied. My brothers killer cookie seed he popped also hermed. Not only that but the grow light that I purchased from them called the gammablaster started smelling like burning rubber one morning, and half the lights were burned out. Again, I was called a troll. These folks were real nice when I was inquiring about their products, then when I have problems, they label me a troll. I am working with Amazon to get my money back for the light, I am screwed on the seed.
I also got bad seeds from nukeheads.com! Never had hermies from ILGM. Thought getting seeds from US supplier made sense, but Nukeheads buyers, Beware. Don't say you weren't warned.
I have severe ADHD. I didn't smoke weed today or that paragraph would have been allot shorter and more concise lol. My ADHD is good for designing things, but not good for conversations I will talk your head off, or begin chalk board writing a design flow for your commercial grow op in the commercial grow operations conference room as I build you a custom control system. Need 20,000lb vertical grow racks to move on wheels and bearings via automated controls in a fully automated warehouse ??? I'll design it up fast in CAD or in front of you in a chalk board lol, but I will inundate your ears with all information as well lol. When posting online I don't do well with conciseness and brevity because my mind runs 100mph excited to help someone, help in total collaboration with you on something you want to make. I love making stuff and I love helping people it's my gift in life. Much love IceTech , I must get back to work here and try and make as much money as possible so my business can sustain the potential corona virus impact about to hit America's markets and businesses. I wish you the best IceTech and loves and hugs to the rest of the community here as well.

-Cody Oebel
Try not smoking meth before getting behind a keyboard. Conartist tweaker swine.
We are doing so very good it seems our competitors send their loyalist out to attack us any possible way they can. NukeHeads has now begun designing parts for the automotive industry, resin printing technologies, CNC machining, fabrication and proto-typing. NukeHeads holds patent to the first and only voice controllable MJ grow light we designed it for people who lost arms, legs, veterans, but also for cool factor. We can't wait to release our private design to the public. While I accept that no other seed bank online has the capacity to produce custom 3D designs and do 200 orders a day with each and every order fully customized to each customer who placed that order; we don't accept the animosity towards our business because we are unique. Yes we do tout being one of the LARGEST U.S WHOLE SALE businesses in this industry. It seems to hurt peoples ego and AS AN EX IT specialist who is a Linux advocate that now produces C/C++ low level software programming applications to control high amp circuits. I once took to a robotics industry in pharmaceutical robotics and automation; I worked with a team that automated everything from incubating petree dishes with deadly pathogens and the 5axis 360 degree rotating robotics arm would insert test dishes into incubators, then grab the tray later, and inject droplets of vaccine/antibiotics, incubate it again, grab the trays, stick them in a spectral analyzer, and see how much bacterium died and which antibiotic was effective. A system that could test 1000 pits of bacteria and 1000 different types of antibiotics all in one run; it replaced multiple doctors working 12 hours shift by running 24-7 / 365 days a year.

Working at such a place and being a passionate grower lead me to using those technologies in the MJ industry. I'm sorry that my passion and love to use technologies from software engineering, EAGLE PCB circuit board manufacturing processes to make custom mother boards to power grow lights with MULTIPLE computer processors, TCP/IP socket programming implementations and SQL queries connecting to public DB's like yahoos public database so my private soon to release to the public smart AI grow light design has caused people to dislike me for what I do. I guess it pisses people off … and to make it worse I've purchased graphics cards to slowly learn more about weights, and neuron arrays as I find a love for the concept of computer AI ( quantum bit processing ) " Think Schrodinger's cat but now applies to computing and AI neuro mappings " .. I'm steadily designing a grow light that will not only connect to a public database and display weather reports on a custom designed GUI programming in C++ within the Linux and Windows Operating system, but I'm going to implement a micro-computer now that Raspberry Pi 4 supports 4GB of ram, and make an integrated computer operating system WITH a touch screen built into my up-coming " DAVINCI MODEL " grow light design. I plant to make the light network controllable via your cellphone, and make the grow light RESPOND to sensor data , as well as pull public SQL database tables from Amazon / Yahoo databases that freely allow querying their tables, and use that in control logic within the grow lights design schema. The newest private design I'm now working will accommodate sensors and all the necessary things such as reading humidity sensor data , calculate vapor pressure deficits, My PPFD meter design everyone has already seen I plan on to also implement an Apogee extended range PPFD sensor , AND my Co2 controller I designed and tested against Titans Atlas 1 ( YouTube for Co2 Bot vs Titan Atlas 1 to see my CPU driven Co2 controller tested against another great American made product ) .. I'm integrating the Co2 controller BUILT RIGHT INTO THE LIGHT .. where you plug your Co2 regulator into this grow light, and it will control the PPM of the grow tent, you set the levels via touch screen interface. I will build all the electronics both high amp AC side with PWM dimming, onto TTL logic, Sensor bus controls, every line of code, 3D design and CAD, water jet cutting and laser cutting will be used. I fear this will be too easy for me, but maybe something will challenge me along the way !!

I AM A NERD and I CATER MY BUSINESS AND PRODUCTS TO NERDS LIKE ME !! We nerds study that which to others is complex, sophisticated, and mundane at times. We grow nerds know things that others find is too much, their usual statements would be something like " that's just too deep mann … just grow weed your making it too hard learning all that stuff "... nahh we grow nerds must go deep because we are sophisticated growers. And many of us sophisticated types never see eye to eye with those who aren't . We must measure our environments and have data because data is answers to problems, while other types of growers just wing everything " Just raise the light up high that's all I do to grow big buds they say ", but this is not a nerd growers approach. No, we nerds measure with PPFD meters ( I design PPFD meters, from the code to the electronics ) because we are passionate about our hobby and love for growing MJ. So while I cannot make everyone happy whose on the binary of this demographic ( Those who wing it vs us who measure and learn everything about the plant and 8 carnal needs of photosynthesis ). I understand many will never see eye to eye with me, or those like me. Those like me know all to well how blue in the face we become trying to educate a grower who doesn't care to learn the sophistications of science involved in plants especially Marijuana. Plants are astounding with many things not yet answered about them they ( all plants especially MJ ) amazes me ! I cater to people like me ( like minded ) and I consider myself and others like me the super nerds of weed as we are those who study everything from electrons in an ERB cycle converting light into chemical energy in a marijuana fan leaf, onto nerd debates about spectrums and photon density on extended range quantum density meters, and UV/IR having any usable energy for plant growth or should we focus joules per meter squared of EPAR (extended PAR ranges) be put elsewhere into a light fixture.

So while I can't make everyone happy. I can at least do what I do best, and that's make custom designed solutions for peoples individual problems while also making general solutions to all growers problems. Want a custom design PH meter ?? I make them with your name on it.. want SLA laser resin printed design you need for something you came up with yourself ?? No problem get at me we will make it a reality ?? You an admin here on this board with a great idea ?? DRAW IT ON PAPER I WILL DESIGN IT AND MAKE IT REAL !!! We must refrain from egotistical judgmental positions in our daily ontologies; use cognitive dissonance and execute each decision with love for one another and the world will be a much better place.

For years I had issues holding jobs at certain contracts, tattoos on my neck and I'm the guy who doesn't like visiting 1000 computers from segregated vLAN's in 5 buildings where we would have to manually visit all 1000 desktops to move network files over from a NAS storage, then write and edit files.. instead I was always the guy who wrote programs to automate such processes while my peers couldn't.. .I was hated then because I seen a smarter way of doing things. Entering into the Marijuana industry I thought would be different, tons of cool chilled stoners right ?? Nahh, more like blood thirsty businesses who savagely attack others.. my video with Jorge Cervantes talking with him he made a strong point to me " Trolls are everywhere Cody don't let them get you down and out and unhappy " .

My huge heart makes peoples negative connotations against me bother me, but after some advice talking directly with Jorge .. the mans wisdom passed to me in how to address trolls and nay sayers. So speak your evils against my FAST GROWING BUSINESS because I have long term customers , returning customer, individuals who make six figure purchases and my righteousness will be weighed by those who test and measure it versus many of you who come here angry blasting me because I simply ignored you on face book busy dealing with family issues, or booted you from my business social media because you did something unrighteous against another human being that was totally uncool and so you hate me for it since I am the face of the business, but as Buddha would teach and as Jorge advised me … it is what it is I cannot make everyone happy, but I can love you all.. that being said .. I LOVE YOU ALL no matter what you say .. I have a phone number, and an email you can call me and talk to me direct , if you hung out with me in person you'd never speak against me ever.. I'm the guy who helps without wanting in return anything and it just terribly **edited for extreme methyness**


Don't do meth kids. Good lord! It's so obvious.

Speaking of kids, how has CPS not rescued your 16 kids yet?

How many times did your defenseless genetically doomed spawn wander into your half assed grow spaces and burn their little fingers on your over priced million degree fire hazard trash lights before your wife made you measure their fingers and come up with your stupid plexi safety shield?

Seriously, get help before you drag your whole family down with you.


Active Member
You're not good at making stuff guy....you just think that you are. I'm actually an engineer so all that touting you're doing on a fully automated system is blowing smoke up everyone's asses. Hey members, you need something designed, I'll do it FOR FREE because it doesn't cost me shit to do it except some time, paper, ink, and electricity. I want to see a 2000+ lamp grow house anyway...then I want to live in it. and it needs to have a centrally located pool and an outhouse. I also want it built on the moon where it can collect light from the sun AND Venus. and the absolute most important feature. Completely self-harvesting. No more hiring immigrants for me!!!!! Unless I have it built on mars, then i will just use martians......lol


Active Member
Don't do meth kids. Good lord! It's so obvious.

Speaking of kids, how has CPS not rescued your 16 kids yet?

How many times did your defenseless genetically doomed spawn wander into your half assed grow spaces and burn their little fingers on your over priced million degree fire hazard trash lights before your wife made you measure their fingers and come up with your stupid plexi safety shield?

Seriously, get help before you drag your whole family down with you.
These are priceless. . . .lol
I didn't want to have to come back here like this, but it's worth sharing:

Bad seeds and dangerous blurple lights aren't doing the trick anymore to feed them 16 kids. The poor guy is so short on customers and cash he's now resorting to trying to rip people off on packaging with cheap small mylar/clear bags & low quality desk jet printed labels with his personal logo! (Thinking 4x6.5" size bags) 200 bags and stickers for the low low price of only $100!

"I promise you, if you package your product like that you're gonna steal your clients competition so fast it's gonna be crazy, you're gonna have no problem getting rid of product. Stop putting your stuff in ziplock bags, especially if you're a dispensary"

Don't you folks hate when you go to the dispensary for a small quantity of cannabis and they hand you a regular old ziploc?
(Maybe I'm disconnected here, that's not a thing right?)
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I didn't want to have to come back here like this, but it's worth sharing:

Bad seeds and dangerous blurple lights aren't doing the trick anymore to feed them 16 kids. The poor guy is so short on customers and cash he's now resorting to trying to rip people off on packaging with cheap small mylar/clear bags & low quality desk jet printed labels with his personal logo! (Thinking 4x6.5" size bags) 200 bags and stickers for the low low price of only $100!

"I promise you, if you package you're product like that you're gonna steal your clients competition so fast it's gonna be crazy, you're gonna have no problem getting rid of product. Stop putting your stuff in ziplock bags, especially if you're a dispensary"

Don't you folks hate when you go to the dispensary for a small quantity of cannabis and they hand you a regular old ziploc?
(Maybe I'm disconnected here, that's not a thing right?)
Id take good genetics in a dollar store ziplock vs some junk NukeHeads genetic hermies in a fancy bag.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to have to come back here like this, but it's worth sharing:

Bad seeds and dangerous blurple lights aren't doing the trick anymore to feed them 16 kids. The poor guy is so short on customers and cash he's now resorting to trying to rip people off on packaging with cheap small mylar/clear bags & low quality desk jet printed labels with his personal logo! (Thinking 4x6.5" size bags) 200 bags and stickers for the low low price of only $100!

"I promise you, if you package your product like that you're gonna steal your clients competition so fast it's gonna be crazy, you're gonna have no problem getting rid of product. Stop putting your stuff in ziplock bags, especially if you're a dispensary"

Don't you folks hate when you go to the dispensary for a small quantity of cannabis and they hand you a regular old ziploc?
(Maybe I'm disconnected here, that's not a thing right?)
Wow that’s funny. I like how the nuke heads logo and how to reorder from nuke heads is predominately displayed. When I package stuff I want people to know the package maker not my info.


Well-Known Member
Omg. This video is worth it just for the intro. I can’t believe no one thought to Mylar bags and printer labels before. This my friends is innovation at its finest.

Watch the video, at least the first 15 seconds or so. It delivers.

First actual cannabis imagery is an upside down bud. When you see that you know you’ve gone too far.

I didn't want to have to come back here like this, but it's worth sharing:

Bad seeds and dangerous blurple lights aren't doing the trick anymore to feed them 16 kids. The poor guy is so short on customers and cash he's now resorting to trying to rip people off on packaging with cheap small mylar/clear bags & low quality desk jet printed labels with his personal logo! (Thinking 4x6.5" size bags) 200 bags and stickers for the low low price of only $100!

"I promise you, if you package your product like that you're gonna steal your clients competition so fast it's gonna be crazy, you're gonna have no problem getting rid of product. Stop putting your stuff in ziplock bags, especially if you're a dispensary"

Don't you folks hate when you go to the dispensary for a small quantity of cannabis and they hand you a regular old ziploc?
(Maybe I'm disconnected here, that's not a thing right?)

I didn't want to have to come back here like this, but it's worth sharing:

Bad seeds and dangerous blurple lights aren't doing the trick anymore to feed them 16 kids. The poor guy is so short on customers and cash he's now resorting to trying to rip people off on packaging with cheap small mylar/clear bags & low quality desk jet printed labels with his personal logo! (Thinking 4x6.5" size bags) 200 bags and stickers for the low low price of only $100!

"I promise you, if you package your product like that you're gonna steal your clients competition so fast it's gonna be crazy, you're gonna have no problem getting rid of product. Stop putting your stuff in ziplock bags, especially if you're a dispensary"

Don't you folks hate when you go to the dispensary for a small quantity of cannabis and they hand you a regular old ziploc?
(Maybe I'm disconnected here, that's not a thing right?)
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