NRA wants elementery schools to be the foundation of a police state.

You can fuck off with the Native American comment also.

If One wished to bash around the topic of Guns One needs to cover the bases.

I caught the spelling error of your "american" and I changed it to American.. You do realize we are not obligated to capitalize native by most spelling rules which my spell checker follows by the way.. I took the liberty to make your comment a "Native American" rather than the belittled "native american"

Perhaps I am wrong. But racism is a foundation of this country and the "whites rights" under some God are the foundation of that as well.
If One wished to bash around the topic of Guns One needs to cover the bases.

I caught the spelling error of your "american" and I changed it to American.. You do realize we are not obligated to capitalize native by most spelling rules which my spell checker follows by the way.. I took the liberty to make your comment a "Native American" rather than the belittled "native american"

Perhaps I am wrong. But racism is a foundation of this country and the "whites rights" under some God are the foundation of that as well.

Shut the fuck up Ernst.:razz:
Shut the fuck up Ernst.:razz:

And now this thread has the Politics Forum's Seal of Approval..

So are the Gun rights just a ploy on killing those not like the Whites Who Built America! Are we secretly arguing for the right to arm mobs and shoot black people when hurricanes strike like Katrina ??

Is this why we will not allow background checks on private sales?

Cold Dead Hands are what those Five and Six year olds have today!

And Have a nice Christmas to you and yours..
A reasonable solution is probably pretty close to what we have. There is gun control, guidance counselors, armed cops, ect. The problem is that a reasonable solution isn't a PERFECT solution, and rather than accept that there isn't one, people just use events to push an agenda.

Kids are born with terminal illness, get hit with cars, starve to death, get murdered by their parents - it's all sad and largely unpreventable; not everything on the front page of Yahoo is a giant call to action.

Guidance counselors as gun control?

Obviously there is no perfect solution to gun violence. That doesn't mean that there can't be improvement in our laws to help at least cut down on gun violence. Were the most heavily armed of the industrial countries yet we have the highest gun crim rate. Clearly the answer isn't more guns, just as clearly the answer isn't trampling the 2nd ammendment.

Middle ground man, middle ground. National background check for all gun sales and much stiffer sentences for gun crimes are a good compromise.

It is time to overhaul our background checks all over the nation.

Those were babies and this is not Afghanistan or Pakistan so Americans feel the death of these kids.

Time to require background checks on all gun exchanges.
How would a background check have helped at all in these cases?/??????
Actually it was a disturbed individual w/ 3 guns that killed those kids and teachers.

Fucking A!!! Here we go again. No middle ground, no compromise and a whole lotta crap.

Seems that a national ID check would be a doable compromise. But the people on the far left want gun bans, the far right wants no gun control at all. It's shameful that the 2 camps can't get together and adress this in a reasonable manner.
How would a National ID have stopped this from happening?
No I don't.. That shit might have made sense when we needed to kill native Americans but we don't need it in the 21st century. Most of us buy our meat at the super market as well.

So With the killing of these six and five year olds I am joining the enough is enough side of this argument solidly..

There isn't any loss of liberty if we have effective gun control.

Far from it for those 6 and 5 year olds.

They are absolutely counting on more people having this attitude. It seems reasonable, but isn't. cn
How would a background check have helped at all in these cases?/??????

If we require folks with mentally disturbed people in the house to use gun locks and secure the keys well the chances would be better don't you agree?

If we are looking to defend the same old political scrimmage lines then we have missed the point of this thread completely.. It's not think out of the box time it's time to think.

We are saying we wish to spend more money on government with cops in schools when we are unable to pay teachers.
Our first task on this issue is National Gun Law reform and requiring all to submit to a standard that includes the responsibility to safe guard against the mentally unstable .
We cannot lower the deficit and make Government Small by paying for more Police!

I am surprised the Conservatives are not connecting the Dots!
I am surprised the Conservatives are not connecting the Dots!

They don't want to connect the dots, it doesnt matter to them. 3 kids a day being killed is simply collateral damage so they can continue clinging to their guns. The more violence out there the more they can justify their paranoia.

Every issue they stand on, whether it be gun control, health care, food stamps, etc etc, all say 'fuck everyone else its all about me'. True narcissism.
They don't want to connect the dots, it doesnt matter to them. 3 kids a day being killed is simply collateral damage so they can continue clinging to their guns. The more violence out there the more they can justify their paranoia.

Every issue they stand on, whether it be gun control, health care, food stamps, etc etc, all say 'fuck everyone else its all about me'. True narcissism.

Not all, BadDog. I have seen gun laws as a ratchet: they only go one way, which is tighter. To the gun owners, the dilemma is simple: fight, or lose for keeps. So we fight for keeps.

Congratulations on the "collateral" phrase. It's a propaganda win for the antis. It makes real life seem intolerably cruel. cn
Not all, BadDog. I have seen gun laws as a ratchet: they only go one way, which is tighter. To the gun owners, the dilemma is simple: fight, or lose for keeps. So we fight for keeps.

Congratulations on the "collateral" phrase. It's a propaganda win for the antis. It makes real life seem intolerably cruel. cn

I have yet to see anyone suggest all guns be taken away, yea some may want that but the average person is not suggesting that, I think we can all agree it won't happen at least in our lifetime. I also absolutely do not believe gun laws have gotten tighter and tighter, if anything they've become more lax.

Its the dishonest intellect that gets me.... blame movies, video games, prescription drugs, the media, lack of God, music....everything but guns. Every country on the planet has these same issues yet they're not shooting each other by the tens of thousands every year. How do you explain that?
Apples and Oranges there 420Somthing..

Try some cold water on your face.. That will help.
NRA wants elementary schools to be the foundation of a police state. I can draw no other conclusion from the NRA's announcement that the solution to defending 6 year olds is more guns Oh hell yeah this is a sweet treat for a lobby that wants to see every one armed yet fights any sort of gun control like background checks! The latest from our Dear "pry it from my cold dead fingers" NRA is lets put guns on the people who run our schools and lets get our children comfortable with people with guns telling them what to do and how to do it from kindergarten on. Have a read of this news from the NRA!! You don't understand the meaning of "police state".
Not all, BadDog. I have seen gun laws as a ratchet: they only go one way, which is tighter. To the gun owners, the dilemma is simple: fight, or lose for keeps. So we fight for keeps.

Congratulations on the "collateral" phrase. It's a propaganda win for the antis. It makes real life seem intolerably cruel. cn

What will you lose with a National Gun Law?
You don't understand the meaning of "police state".

The Question is do you understand my use of "police State" in that context. If you wish to debate the lines of scrimmage on "Police State" you will have to allow my use.