NRA wants elementery schools to be the foundation of a police state.


Well-Known Member
NRA wants elementary schools to be the foundation of a police state.

I can draw no other conclusion from the NRA's announcement that the solution to defending 6 year olds is more guns
Oh hell yeah this is a sweet treat for a lobby that wants to see every one armed yet fights any sort of gun control like background checks!

The latest from our Dear "pry it from my cold dead fingers" NRA is lets put guns on the people who run our schools and lets get our children comfortable with people with guns telling them what to do and how to do it from kindergarten on

Have a read of this news from the NRA!!

"They were blaming it on all kinds of other things instead of guns themselves," said Medea Benjamin,

NRA wants elementary schools to be the foundation of a police state.

I can draw no other conclusion from the NRA's announcement that the solution to defending 6 year olds is more guns
Oh hell yeah this is a sweet treat for a lobby that wants to see every one armed yet fights any sort of gun control like background checks!

The latest from our Dear "pry it from my cold dead fingers" NRA is lets put guns on the people who run our schools and lets get our children comfortable with people with guns telling them what to do and how to do it from kindergarten on

Have a read of this news from the NRA!!

You do realize taking away the guns from citizens and giving it to only the authoritarians is a true police state yes? Not the other way around.
You do realize taking away the guns from citizens and giving it to only the authoritarians is a true police state yes? Not the other way around.

No I don't.. That shit might have made sense when we needed to kill native Americans but we don't need it in the 21st century. Most of us buy our meat at the super market as well.

So With the killing of these six and five year olds I am joining the enough is enough side of this argument solidly..

There isn't any loss of liberty if we have effective gun control.

Far from it for those 6 and 5 year olds.
i live in detroit , and my bank is right across the street from a cop shop ,, to walk into my bank you have to be buzzed in .
but i can just walk into any school ?

they need to have the same setup as the banks , locked doors and armed guards
Guns didn't kill those kids, a disturbed individual did. When 911 was called they were hoping someone with more guns would show up.

It is time to overhaul our background checks all over the nation.

Those were babies and this is not Afghanistan or Pakistan so Americans feel the death of these kids.

Time to require background checks on all gun exchanges.

It is time to overhaul our background checks all over the nation.

Those were babies and this is not Afghanistan or Pakistan so Americans feel the death of these kids.

Time to require background checks on all gun exchanges.

So someone illegally carrying a gun that they stole which was legally purchased with background checks which they illegally transported to a gun free zone kills some people and you say we need more of those laws, would it have been better if he broke 10 gun laws as opposed to 8? Would that of helped? lol
Guns didn't kill those kids, a disturbed individual did. When 911 was called they were hoping someone with more guns would show up.

Actually it was a disturbed individual w/ 3 guns that killed those kids and teachers.

Fucking A!!! Here we go again. No middle ground, no compromise and a whole lotta crap.

Seems that a national ID check would be a doable compromise. But the people on the far left want gun bans, the far right wants no gun control at all. It's shameful that the 2 camps can't get together and adress this in a reasonable manner.
they need to have the same setup as the banks , locked doors and armed guards

Banks only have locked doors and armed guards cause you live in Niggerville. Everywhere else it's cheaper just to accept the chance of robbery than staff several dedicated guards.

If you make schools like prisons, people will just school up the buses, or churches, or walmart, or blow something up... Stuff like this is tragic, but when there's 100 million people, eventually a few are going to manage to kill a few others - you can't stop it.
We can stop crazy from getting guns easily. We can make sure that crazy doesn't have 30 round mags, we can background check crazy to keep crazy from acquiring guns.

Saying the answer to gun violence is more guns is insanity. Sure, the answer for alcoholics is to have a drink, the fat guy; he needs more twinkles and he'll drop those unwanted pounds.:wall::wall::wall::wall:
We can stop crazy from getting guns easily. We can make sure that crazy doesn't have 30 round mags, we can background check crazy to keep crazy from acquiring guns.

Saying the answer to gun violence is more guns is insanity. Sure, the answer for alcoholics is to have a drink, the fat guy; he needs more twinkles and he'll drop those unwanted pounds.:wall::wall::wall::wall:

So you're suggesting the military go door to door and round up existing "assault weapons"? :lol:
Seems that a national ID check would be a doable compromise. But the people on the far left want gun bans, the far right wants no gun control at all. It's shameful that the 2 camps can't get together and adress this in a reasonable manner.

A reasonable solution is probably pretty close to what we have. There is gun control, guidance counselors, armed cops, ect. The problem is that a reasonable solution isn't a PERFECT solution, and rather than accept that there isn't one, people just use events to push an agenda.

Kids are born with terminal illness, get hit with cars, starve to death, get murdered by their parents - it's all sad and largely unpreventable; not everything on the front page of Yahoo is a giant call to action.
You do realize taking away the guns from citizens and giving it to only the authoritarians is a true police state yes? Not the other way around.

Australia and England are police states? Do you seriously believe you're going to stop govt tanks with your pistol?
Educate your self fool, the fact is the greater majority of society is good, so the more good people with guns the less chance there is for bad people to do bad things, ever notice that a majority of these rampage shootings happen in gun free zones, post offices, schools, etc etc, you don't see people going on a rampage at NRA conventions, because they would be dead before they could pull the trigger.

You can not legislate morality and the fact is that criminals and you are going to want to sit down for this they don't obey laws,,, so by restricting guns all you are doing is stopping good law abiding people from possibly defending them selves and others.
