now that bidness is a boomin'..

except for the part where i in no way endorsed, supported, asked for, encouraged, or pushed for a $16+ min wage, like australia has.

And in no way did you deny it either. You used it as an example to try and refute my argument. So it was reasonable to assume you BELIEVED IN the substance of your argument..
You used it as an example to try and refute my argument. So it was reasonable to assume you BELIEVED IN the substance of your argument..

and i do believe that it refuted the shit out of you.

if i had used it to demonstrate my support for that wage, rather than to refute you, you might have a point.
and i do believe that it refuted the shit out of you.

if i had used it to demonstrate my support for that wage, rather than to refute you, you might have a point.

To the contrary.

This pissing contest ain't going anywhere: you win this one. OK? Make you feel better?

In this particular "contest", your bladder was fuller than mine. You should cite that somehow as racism on my part.
To the contrary.

This pissing contest ain't going anywhere: you win this one. OK? Make you feel better?

In this particular "contest", your bladder was fuller than mine. You should cite that somehow as racism on my part.

i'll wait patiently for that part to rear its head. the sharpton-crying you've done already is the first step though, murdoch.
i'll wait patiently for that part to rear its head. the sharpton-crying you've done already is the first step though, murdoch.

Patiently? You don't exactly seem like a patient person to me.

And if you're going to mistakenly call me MurdocK from the fucking ATeam, then at least spell it right.
But your profession is worth a living wage right ?

This living wage you speak of. Is this something a person should be entitled to, no matter what their profession? If so, how many hours should a person expect to have to work in a week to obtain this living wage, again, no matter their profession.
This living wage you speak of. Is this something a person should be entitled to, no matter what their profession? If so, how many hours should a person expect to have to work in a week to obtain this living wage, again, no matter their profession.

i think we settled that several decades ago. 40 hours.
When did I place you on mute ? I have one sockpuppet on mute because he/she claims not to smoke anymore,also turned out to be a person who sells friends out when the shit hits the fan. Can't do the time, then don't do the crime...or at least don't bring friends down with.
Are you that type as well. If so I can gladly place you on mute.

You ever been beat down with a lunch tray?
I love hospital cafeteria food.

depends on the hospital. I've eaten in some hospital cafeterias that I swear some world renowned chef was in the back.

the atmosphere makes it hard to fully enjoy, though. Other than my kids being born, most all the other trips were to see if someone was gonna live, and if so how fucked up were they gonna be.