now that bidness is a boomin'..

McDonald’s Careers
We believe the best people in the world work right here. And we believe you could be one of them. You’ve got enthusiasm, responsibility and drive. We’ve got flexible schedules, benefits and jobs that can turn into satisfying careers. It’s a perfect match.

Just ask the 62,000 new employees who joined our team through our first-ever National Hiring Day. Drawn by opportunities like innovative training programs and the chance for a lifelong career, the vitality and diversity of these outstanding folks can be felt in our restaurants and in your communities. To everyone in our 761,000-member family we say, "Welcome to McDonald's."

yeah, if you can get anything more than Mcpart-time..

..why wouldn't i believe this?

mcd sells themselves as a life long career choice..are you saying they are lying?
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Guaranteed pensions of the past proved to be debilitating to some corporations. Like the US govt. The govt has had to redefine their retirement plans over the years when they saw how promises made 30 years ago could come back to haunt them (and us regular citizens too who have to pay that retirement). Other corporations have also been bitten by that bug. What looks like a good promise of compensation today might be a back-breaker for that same corporation 30 years from now.

Checks written 30 years ago with words sometimes can't be cashed by our asses today. It's not as much our fault as it was those people who made the unwise promises so long ago.

save it for someone who fucking cares, sockpuppet:

i can argue the facts..because i choose not to with every new person who shows, is exactly choice.

What you just said was that you choose to not argue the facts with every new person here. I don't think that's what you really meant to say. It's a logic error common among non-technical people. Kinda like the people who say "I could care less"...

Why are you so mean, and why do you stoop to name-calling when someone cites facts that render your arguments baseless?

It was you who schooled me a few minutes ago when you said "we require citation here". OK, fine. But then when I cited facts that destroyed your argument, you decided to start calling me names.
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What you just said was that you choose to not argue the facts with every new person here. I don't think that's what you really meant to say. It's a logic error common among non-technical people. Kinda like the people who say "I could care less"...

Why are you so mean, and why do you stoop to name-calling when someone cites facts that render your arguments baseless?

what are you fucking, doer or sheskunk puppet?
Every figure you quoted may be fact , i dont know one way or the other ,one thing i do know about is offsetting the costs of increased labor costs & still being profitable & i was damm good at it too .

After spending over 30 yrs supervising a branch of the nations largest successfull union construction company i know about increased labor costs , every year our men got atleast $1 an hour pay raise per union contract , some years as high as $4 an hour , we/I offset costs the old fashioned way by looking at who gets the biggest salary 1st , then decide if his contribution to the company warranted his salary .

When labor costs go up you dont blame the guy busting his ass for you instead you look at ways to cut waste,increase production & most importantly you reevaluate management salaries & bonuses 1st , you start at the top then work your way down , not the other way around as is the non union custom , blame the worker .

If it means lowering costs to franchise owners to help them stay profitable then so be it but dont say it cant be done .

Do you have any citations that point out where I said that it can't be done? No? I actually said it might be possible, did you not read the whole post?

At first I thought your post was a rebuttal of mine, but you freely admit you had to make cuts in employees compensation packages to make it work. You shared your anecdotal story, so I will share one with you. This story that shows you the effects of those cuts that you said YOU made to the employees when they got wage raises.

Perhaps the most telling anecdote comes from Assunta Ng who stayed at a SeaTac hotel last May:

While attending an event at a SeaTac hotel last week, I met two women who received the $15 per hour minimum wage. SeaTac has implemented the new law on January 1. I met the women while they were working. One was a waitress and the other was cleaning the hallway.

“Are you happy with a $15 wage?” I asked the full-time cleaning lady.

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401(k), my health insurance, my paid holiday and my vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and receive overtime pay.

What else? I asked. “I have to pay for parking,” she said.

I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.

This is what you are suggesting McDonalds do, cut benefits to make it work. Cut overtime, cut vacation and sick pay, cut healthcare.

McDonalds franchises employ 2 million people. 2/3rds are min wage so thats 1.333 million people that you are going to double the wage of, that's an extra expense of nearly $10 million per hour extra. Consider most McDonalds are open 20 hours a day= $200 million in extra per day or $73 Billion in extra expense per year. And that doesn't count many other things that also get more expensive as wages rise.

McD's Corporation (Not the actual restaurants) might be able to make it work, but would Subway? Hardees? the Mom and Pop diner down the street? Local owned grocery stores? Think of all the places that employ young low paid people.

You said it yourself, in order to make the increased wages workable you had to take from other areas, it wasn't just a matter of making the owners of the construction company take a pay cut now was it? No, you had to cut from areas that directly affected the worker.

No such thing as a free lunch. Which of course the wage increases are being touted as.
it's only a raise if other benefits remain intact.

why am i so fucking mean?..

because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..pony up, men.
Straight right handed jerk circle. Like I said you muted from the owning, but yet still mention your name on a daily. I keep one person on mute now. Don't fuck with non-smoking rat who sells out friends.
You've had me on "mute" several times, Chesus has had me on ignore several times too. Most of us didn't ignore buck because we got owned, its because we prefer more civilized approaches to disagreements of a political nature than just shit flinging and the constant barrage of Racist! Racist! Racist! from someone who actually is a bona fide racist and longtime Veteran of Stormfront.

You ARE paying your employees at least $15 an hour right?
You can't argue against facts, so you start calling people names. Real classy.

aren't you the guy who said that if we pay our workers double, no one could afford a big mac?

and then i showed you that australia pays more than double, and their big mac costs the same?

and then you went off on a retarded spree of idiocy, thereby earning every name i gave you, murdoch?
Most of us didn't ignore buck because we got owned


whatever you need to tell yourself, cupcake.

don't forget to pick up your welfare check if you're not too busy with your direct plagiarizations, horrible math, and outright lies that get caught by the site admin, among others.
aren't you the guy who said that if we pay our workers double, no one could afford a big mac?

and then i showed you that australia pays more than double, and their big mac costs the same?

and then you went off on a retarded spree of idiocy, thereby earning every name i gave you, murdoch?

And then wasn't it you, needledick, who DENIED that you insinuated that same McDonald's business model would work in the US?
And then wasn't it you, needledick, who DENIED that you insinuated that same McDonald's business model would work in the US?

go ahead and post the quote.

you thought that my counterexample was akin to outright support, so your perception is not to be trusted.
You've had me on "mute" several times, Chesus has had me on ignore several times too. Most of us didn't ignore buck because we got owned, its because we prefer more civilized approaches to disagreements of a political nature than just shit flinging and the constant barrage of Racist! Racist! Racist! from someone who actually is a bona fide racist and longtime Veteran of Stormfront.

You ARE paying your employees at least $15 an hour right?
When did I place you on mute ? I have one sockpuppet on mute because he/she claims not to smoke anymore,also turned out to be a person who sells friends out when the shit hits the fan. Can't do the time, then don't do the crime...or at least don't bring friends down with.
Are you that type as well. If so I can gladly place you on mute.