Now I understand


Well-Known Member
I'm sure some of you are familiar with my accounts of trying magic truffles over the last month or so. I finally had a strong trip on Saturday night.

I ate 15g of Atlantis truffles about 45 minutes after a normal dinner. With in about 15 minutes some pretty bad anxiety started building up. I almost gave into it and started thinking "I don't want to trip tonight"... even though I was looking forward to it all day.

I knew that if I had made that mistake I would have had a bad trip and a long miserable night. I sat down on the couch and convinced my gf to put something light hearted on TV to help pick up my mode and keep me busy while I came up. We settled on the unrated version of Grown Ups 2. After about half an hour the anxiety faded and I just felt content as I laughed my ass off at the movie. By an hour in the movie no longer had any continuity to me. Although I was very amused and laughing, I was also very confused at what I was watching.

I was more distracted by the stretching faces on the screen and the way the reflection of the screen on the shiny black plastic frame of the tv seemed to be floating like a 3d image. It took a lot of effort to try and explain what I was seeing to my gf. I was convinced that if I didn't, she was going to think I had totally gone insane. I had to be quite a sight... Laughing, making little sighing noises, and rocking back and forth as I tried to take in everything int he room all at once. The movie ended and I went to go use the restroom, or as I called it "the most evil room in our house".

Our bathroom has a checkered tile floor, a tiled shower, a shower curtain with patterns and circles all over it , and of course a mirror and lights. There was absolutely no where in that room I could look that didnt have a pattern that was waiting to jump out and start moving. I actually was thinking "this is so fucking awesome" , but the more the room moved the more I got butterfly's in my stomach. It didnt take to long to go from fun, to hysterical, to "omg I gotta calm down I cant breath" . Trying to explain that your fine, your just laughing too hard to breath is very hard to do when your out of breath... the fact that I couldn't made me laugh even harder. When asked "sweety, are you sure your ok?" I could only respond with two thumbs up and incoherent laughter.

She was pretty tired, so I agreed to go to bed. Well rather I agreed to go to the bedroom to lay down and cuddle while enjoying the CEV's and my laser star projector. CEV's were pretty mild, images of ancient ruins with clay pots and colorful rugs... The laser star projector was a lot more entertaining! This is my ceiling with the projector on:20131111_214155.jpg

I relaxed my eyes and let them go out of focus and was rewarded with that blue aurora effect turning completely 3d. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I spent the next 2 hours just watching the clouds of blue light spread along the ceiling. I felt weightless like I was floating in space as waves of euphoria slowly washed over me. Looking at something so amazingly beautiful made me feel so insignificant. How could I worry about stupid trivial things, knowing that this other world existed? And then it happened! That shadow of the light bulb on the ceiling turned into a luck dragon that slowly descended down onto me. As it did I closed my eyes for a second and then re-opened them to see that "he" had taken his place back on the ceiling. Now the blue light had faded into the background and the green laser stars were moving around the space above me in 3d.

As my eyes relaxed again the green dots on my ceiling came into focus as blurry green orbs with a kind of polygon structure. I was conscious enough to understand that what I was seeing was probably the reflection of the dot on the lens of my eye, but I was convinced the dragon had given me the ability to see a whole universe within every photon of light. I was almost breathless, it was so profound and beautiful that I wanted to cry. I wanted to wake my snoring gf, but I knew she wouldn't be able to see it and thought it was best to let her get some rest. I lay there for another hour before getting up to use the restroom again.

Looking at the clock it had been 5 hours since I took the truffles and 6 hours since I had eaten. I fixed a sandwich and sat down at my computer to listen to some music while I ate. I was coming down but I still had some visuals. The hair on my arm looked like it was vibrating for example. I listened to some relaxing trance and then finally retired to bed. I slept like a baby and woke up feeling refreshed, infact I had a content afterglow feeling the whole day.

So now I get it... even though I could explain away most of what I saw with logic. I realized that there is no point in ruining something so beautiful just because my ego demands to be in control and explain everything. Wow, what an amazing night!
So that was your first actual had trip ever or just on truffles or what..ii remember reading past posts but not in detail...gladya had fun bro!!!
Thats my 4th time taking turffles, but it was the 1st time I really tripped. Before I was just getting the giggles and maybe a little sense of altered perception. It was amazing! I don't consider myself to be religious, but there is definitely a spiritual experience to it
Since your interests are sparked,you should try real won't have to eat as much and you'll know you're gonna trip on a specific amount..I feel the truffles can be hit or miss..or..there's allways lsd!! Lol
even so, you still have not gotten to the mushroom plain, that place where everything is disassembled, including your outermost thoughts, you still have a cogent overview of everything (although that can be made to dissapate with an even larger dose). I have met many who figure that trails and a few visual delghts constitution a trip. It does not, delighful as it is, there is far far more waiting inside the mushroom, It gave you a tiny glimpse of it that night. you have opened the door. That is all. In it's own way I consider this substance far more powerful than any of the others.