Well-Known Member
What is it about the PPACA that you like? Is it that everyone will now be insured? no, that can't be it. Is it that it's reduced premiums an ave of 2500 per family? no, sorry. Is it that costs will go down because people will stop using the ER as a clinic? Well, this is a stickler. There is a 6k deductible for O'care plans. One way to meet the deductible is make a trip to the ER every day until you rack up the 6k without paying a dime. EMTALA requires this to be allowed. How does this cut costs? Also, how are people who couldn't afford insurance going to afford the deductible?
I have yet to meet anyone who supports this bill (that doesn't have a serious personal gains reason) that understands what this bill DOESN'T do. When I hear members say thanks to O'care their mother got extra chemo treatments I know they are chasing unicorns and taking one for the team.
No, you are right, ACA is not all that I wanted it to be. I wanted single payer in there too. But oh well, I can't have everything. And I work with what I got. You should try it sometime.
No, I don't expect everyone to be ensured, especially when scum states like Arizona and Texas refuse to participate in the program. Oh well. That's a state thing, not an ACA thing.
Reduced premiums? It has in 2 dozen states so far.
I can't respond to the ER statements, I don't know enough about it.
Actually, Romneycare helped a family member of mine get through chemo. So yea, that works.