Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

What is it about the PPACA that you like? Is it that everyone will now be insured? no, that can't be it. Is it that it's reduced premiums an ave of 2500 per family? no, sorry. Is it that costs will go down because people will stop using the ER as a clinic? Well, this is a stickler. There is a 6k deductible for O'care plans. One way to meet the deductible is make a trip to the ER every day until you rack up the 6k without paying a dime. EMTALA requires this to be allowed. How does this cut costs? Also, how are people who couldn't afford insurance going to afford the deductible?

I have yet to meet anyone who supports this bill (that doesn't have a serious personal gains reason) that understands what this bill DOESN'T do. When I hear members say thanks to O'care their mother got extra chemo treatments I know they are chasing unicorns and taking one for the team.


No, you are right, ACA is not all that I wanted it to be. I wanted single payer in there too. But oh well, I can't have everything. And I work with what I got. You should try it sometime.

No, I don't expect everyone to be ensured, especially when scum states like Arizona and Texas refuse to participate in the program. Oh well. That's a state thing, not an ACA thing.

Reduced premiums? It has in 2 dozen states so far.

I can't respond to the ER statements, I don't know enough about it.

Actually, Romneycare helped a family member of mine get through chemo. So yea, that works.
Noted. But that was not the fella I was referring to. We already know that billionaires from investments pay hardly any taxes. A Republican tax law. But that's besides the point. I was referring to someone else on that list who has tangible assets to account for, not just investments.

But, I will give you brownie points for actually going out and siting something.

Dude, what other Warren Buffett "fella" were you talking about?
Noted. But that was not the fella I was referring to. We already know that billionaires from investments pay hardly any taxes. A Republican tax law. But that's besides the point. I was referring to someone else on that list who has tangible assets to account for, not just investments.

But, I will give you brownie points for actually going out and siting something.

The simple solutions is to treat capital gains like they do real estate investments. If I sell a house, my profits are capital gains, but if I start flipping houses as my main income it's treated as income. The same should be for investment brokers like Buffet and Romney. Don't raise cap gain taxes on you and I, that's discouraging saving and investment which is behavior we should encourage.

Instead, the eat the rich fervor allowed people to get screwed over by raising income tax on our doctors and lawyers and small businessmen that hire people and didn't touch the 1%ers. Libs cheered. So stupid.
Well that's quite the partisan response.
You never mentioned anything about the democrats filibusters, Solydra, welfare fraud, or entitlement spending which is double defense spending, gee!

Welfare fraud. I agree, there needs to be reform.

Entitlement spending, yep, need reform.

Double defense spending. Wrong. Defense spending has gone down 100 billion + with Obama. And he has got more shit done with less.

Solydra, don't know enough to speak about it.

Filibusters? You have to be kidding me dude. Im not even going to respond to this.
LOL You bet I do, who mandated the law that made the insurance companies drop their coverage, policies the customers wanted!

So did Obama lie to the American people??

I want you to take a step back. Look at the bigger picture, think longer term. I want you to think long and hard about a rational answer. Include things like, insurance lobbyists, insurance regulations or the lack thereof, doctors, hospital, medical supplies... all for-profit enterprises. I want you to think about how difficult it is to change such a large for-profit free enterprise system. And I also want you to think about how your health rests on the shoulders of those who are only in it for the money.
Dude, what other Warren Buffett "fella" were you talking about?

I will have to look back at my earlier comment, if I stated that explicitly, then I was wrong. I was not referring to Warren Buffett.

I know WB has a very low tax rate. His entire net worth is based on investments.

No, you are right, ACA is not all that I wanted it to be. I wanted single payer in there too. But oh well, I can't have everything. And I work with what I got. You should try it sometime.

No, I don't expect everyone to be ensured, especially when scum states like Arizona and Texas refuse to participate in the program. Oh well. That's a state thing, not an ACA thing.

Reduced premiums? It has in 2 dozen states so far.

I can't respond to the ER statements, I don't know enough about it.

Actually, Romneycare helped a family member of mine get through chemo. So yea, that works.

I don't know if you heard of the congressional hearings today but we now find out that the programmers were forced to take away pricing onsite. What has been replaced is two tiers of costs. One for under 50 and one for 50 and over. The prices that you are basing reduced premiums are quoted for a 27 year old healthy male, and a 50 year old healthy male. We found out today that if you are over 27 it goes up incrementally. A 48 year old man will pay substantially more than that 27 year old, but he fell in that under 50 category and is counting in the stats that the 27 year old would pay. You repeating that premiums are going down in 24 states is misleading if you are not late 20's or early 50's.

OK, so now that you know that part is not true, why do you still support it?
The simple solutions is to treat capital gains like they do real estate investments. If I sell a house, my profits are capital gains, but if I start flipping houses as my main income it's treated as income. The same should be for investment brokers like Buffet and Romney. Don't raise cap gain taxes on you and I, that's discouraging saving and investment which is behavior we should encourage.

Instead, the eat the rich fervor allowed people to get screwed over by raising income tax on our doctors and lawyers and small businessmen that hire people and didn't touch the 1%ers. Libs cheered. So stupid.

If you sell your house and its your primary residence, you can roll all of you money into your next primary residence, tax free. Capital gains is a different story. But in large, I completely agree, capital gains taxes should be much much higher, for those who make stupid money.

No liberals did not cheer when taxes weren't raised on the top 1%, I say top 1% instead of 1%er, because they mean two totally different things. Look up "1%er". Im not sure where you got that from, but liberals were pissed that Republicans yet again filibustered a bill that would increase taxes on the top 1%. But I guess that slipped your mind.
I don't know if you heard of the congressional hearings today but we now find out that the programmers were forced to take away pricing onsite. What has been replaced is two tiers of costs. One for under 50 and one for 50 and over. The prices that you are basing reduced premiums are quoted for a 27 year old healthy male, and a 50 year old healthy male. We found out today that if you are over 27 it goes up incrementally. A 48 year old man will pay substantially more than that 27 year old, but he fell in that under 50 category and is counting in the stats that the 27 year old would pay. You repeating that premiums are going down in 24 states is misleading if you are not late 20's or early 50's.

OK, so now that you know that part is not true, why do you still support it?

I didn't know that. But I will need to do my own research to attest to its truthiness or not.
I want you to take a step back. Look at the bigger picture, think longer term. I want you to think long and hard about a rational answer. Include things like, insurance lobbyists, insurance regulations or the lack thereof, doctors, hospital, medical supplies... all for-profit enterprises. I want you to think about how difficult it is to change such a large for-profit free enterprise system. And I also want you to think about how your health rests on the shoulders of those who are only in it for the money.

Oh I have, for quite some time to be honest.
I am fine with putting my health on the shoulders of people who are in it only for the money, my odds for continued good health are significantly higher than the alternative of resting on the shoulder of those who are only in it for the votes!

Perhaps you should be thinking a bit harder
If you sell your house and its your primary residence, you can roll all of you money into your next primary residence, tax free. Capital gains is a different story. But in large, I completely agree, capital gains taxes should be much much higher, for those who make stupid money.

No liberals did not cheer when taxes weren't raised on the top 1%, I say top 1% instead of 1%er, because they mean two totally different things. Look up "1%er". Im not sure where you got that from, but liberals were pissed that Republicans yet again filibustered a bill that would increase taxes on the top 1%. But I guess that slipped your mind.

You have it backwards. If you sell your primary residence and have lived in it for over two years, you are exempt from capital gains up to $500k for husband and wife.

If you sell your income property, the only way to escape capital gains is to roll it over into another property of more value (231 exchange)
If you sell your house and its your primary residence, you can roll all of you money into your next primary residence, tax free. Capital gains is a different story. But in large, I completely agree, capital gains taxes should be much much higher, for those who make stupid money.

No liberals did not cheer when taxes weren't raised on the top 1%, I say top 1% instead of 1%er, because they mean two totally different things. Look up "1%er". Im not sure where you got that from, but liberals were pissed that Republicans yet again filibustered a bill that would increase taxes on the top 1%. But I guess that slipped your mind.

Again, in case you missed the point (I can't tell from you wanting to raise cap gains). Capital gains and incomes are separate things, don't raise my piddly capital gains tax. Re-classify gains as income when it IS your income and tax accordingly. For me, it's just building a nest egg, why punish me because you hate the rich. I would say to encourage saving and investment (growth if you are not an aggregate demand tard) we need to eliminate all tax on capital gains (again, unless it's your income). This seems so obvious.

One thing I'm sure of though, digitally printing 85B a month and giving it to these guys while bitching about the income disparity in this country is on the list of all time stupidity. How are we going to stop doing this? We've created a liquidity trap. How did raising taxes on your gynecologist help with this?
Again, in case you missed the point (I can't tell from you wanting to raise cap gains). Capital gains and incomes are separate things, don't raise my piddly capital gains tax. Re-classify gains as income when it IS your income and tax accordingly. For me, it's just building a nest egg, why punish me because you hate the rich. I would say to encourage saving and investment (growth if you are not an aggregate demand tard) we need to eliminate all tax on capital gains (again, unless it's your income). This seems so obvious.

One thing I'm sure of though, digitally printing 85B a month and giving it to these guys while bitching about the income disparity in this country is on the list of all time stupidity. How are we going to stop doing this? We've created a liquidity trap. How did raising taxes on your gynecologist help with this?

When I was buying a couple of properties a year, I typically held them for at least a year or two.
What screwed me was when I sold them, I reinvested in more properties, I couldn't roll them into a 231 because I improved them which drove up the equity and used my profits to buy two more of lesser value and fixed them up.

This was not my full time job, I did this on nights and weekends, it was my retirement investment.

I agree that people flipping as a full time business should be taxed at the earned income rate, don't mess with my retirement I pay enough already.
I had to bite the bullet and pay the gains or quit.
I know exactly what an effective tax rate is, I made a fool of UncleBuck last year on that very subject.

are you deluded man?

i told you i paid 25% and showed you a pay stub with 25% being taken out of my income, federal taxes alone. more with ss, medicare,a nd state tax.

why so retard?
Oh I have, for quite some time to be honest.
I am fine with putting my health on the shoulders of people who are in it only for the money, my odds for continued good health are significantly higher than the alternative of resting on the shoulder of those who are only in it for the votes!

Perhaps you should be thinking a bit harder

what a retarded false dichotomy.

i put my health in the hands of doctors and nurses. it's an effective method, you really should try it.

but not even basic science that deals with polling suits you, so i doubt much more elaborate science like is involved with treating humans is not for you.
You have it backwards. If you sell your primary residence and have lived in it for over two years, you are exempt from capital gains up to $500k for husband and wife.

If you sell your income property, the only way to escape capital gains is to roll it over into another property of more value (231 exchange)

how long did it take you to go look that up and pretend that you actually knew it?

because from what i saw of you last year, you don't know shit.

hell, you bragged for months about how simple scientific polling was a myth.

i highly doubt that you are above 18.
I pay enough already.

citation needed.

ya see, unlike me, you have never shown one iota of proof that you have ever paid one red cent.

you have displayed the intellect of a yapping, partisan halfwit (see last year's predictions from you). but nothing beyond that.

go on, let's see the proof here.