Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Highly credible Hong Kong researcher says 2019nCoV spread could be many times higher than PRC officials claim.

Covered by Time
I have no doubt this is far more widespread than they are saying. Have they ever been truthful in anything they’ve thought would hurt them politically or economically? I also read last night our initial airport screening consisted of “do you feel ok”? WTF? It’s now getting close to time to shut down all non essential international travel and I’m the last person to say that it’s time to be super vigilant. Until we know what we’re dealing with I think it’s better to error on the side of caution. This is a fast mutating virus and that could be a huge problem IMO.
Oh I love being the one to correct them. I have done it several times here in Visayas (my command over the Visayan language is improving) and they always get this deer in the headlights look. In fact I never pass up the opportunity to point out when someone ignores common courtesy. It rubbed off on me from spending time around Japanese guys. I coulda swore it almost got me killed in Colombia a couple years back when I saw a couple of kids around age 18-20 not give up their seat to an old couple at a bus station. They could have easily pounded me to shit, these were tough looking kids. It took em a few seconds to make sense of me telling them to get the hell up and asking what is wrong with them. Then they got up and actually thanked me for correcting them.

Anyway, point is, Colombia is a poor country with old traditions, like China was before the great leap backwards. Now, when ever you see a mainland Chinese person, they're almost invariably doing something that shows complete lack of courtesy. It's really a backwards society and it's contained to the commies. You don't see it in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore.
You see it in 90% of the kids here re lack of respect and manners. They all want to be little gangsters without the consequences. Everyday I tell kids to watch their mouth when standing in line at the local deli for lunch. Maybe I’m getting old and cranky but if I would have said fuck at 16 in front of my dad in public he would have slapped me up side my head.
You see it in 90% of the kids here re lack of respect and manners. They all want to be little gangsters without the consequences. Everyday I tell kids to watch their mouth when standing in line at the local deli for lunch. Maybe I’m getting old and cranky but if I would have said fuck at 16 in front of my dad in public he would have slapped me up side my head.
I'm all about some public etiquette.
I have no doubt this is far more widespread than they are saying. Have they ever been truthful in anything they’ve thought would hurt them politically or economically? I also read last night our initial airport screening consisted of “do you feel ok”? WTF? It’s now getting close to time to shut down all non essential international travel and I’m the last person to say that it’s time to be super vigilant. Until we know what we’re dealing with I think it’s better to error on the side of caution. This is a fast mutating virus and that could be a huge problem IMO.
At this point, they're all in denial about the cat being out of the bag. This thing is out. The best they can hope for is to spend billions of dollars on rushing for a treatment while they lose billions restricting society just to slow it down. This thing is out. Even if it inches out of Wuhan. It is going to spread and people are going to get sick. The fatality rate will decrease steadily but it will be a very unpleasant illness and the vast majority of people who get sick will recover on their own. Watch the price of paracetamol and ibuprofen increase. Invest in that shit. Go on with your life just like every other flu. This is a very bad new common cold.
Don't worry, tRUmps spiritual advisers will pray this away and everyone will be fine, except for the people possessed by the devil, they deserve to die.

Never saw this coming lol.

I got sick like 3 times in 6 months several years ago.

I asked my doctor why am I getting sick so much?

She said that if you were to go outside in the grass, and dig down a few feet, you could encounter 1000 different viruses and that we can only identify 40 of them.

That didn't explain why I got sick 3 times in 6 months, but it was a little scary.

Melting permafrost and glaciers are also releasing long buried frozen viruses.

It's a jungle out there.
I got sick like 3 times in 6 months several years ago.

I asked my doctor why am I getting sick so much?

She said that if you were to go outside in the grass, and dig down a few feet, you could encounter 1000 different viruses and that we can only identify 40 of them.

That didn't explain why I got sick 3 times in 6 months, but it was a little scary.

Melting permafrost and glaciers are also releasing long buried frozen viruses.

It's a jungle out there.

And governments around the world are trying to weaponize them.
Amid the ongoing public health scare in China sparked by the Coronavirus, Tesla is offering all customers in the Chinese market free Supercharging for an indefinite amount of time to help drivers.....
At this point, they're all in denial about the cat being out of the bag. This thing is out. The best they can hope for is to spend billions of dollars on rushing for a treatment while they lose billions restricting society just to slow it down. This thing is out. Even if it inches out of Wuhan. It is going to spread and people are going to get sick. The fatality rate will decrease steadily but it will be a very unpleasant illness and the vast majority of people who get sick will recover on their own. Watch the price of paracetamol and ibuprofen increase. Invest in that shit. Go on with your life just like every other flu. This is a very bad new common cold.
LOL as of now I have no plans to change anything about my life. I have to do some extensive traveling in the next few months and one of those destinations is Vancouver. I may forgo that one lol. Then it’s off to a nice little island in the middle of the Atlantic, not to worried about that one ;).
I got sick like 3 times in 6 months several years ago.

I asked my doctor why am I getting sick so much?

She said that if you were to go outside in the grass, and dig down a few feet, you could encounter 1000 different viruses and that we can only identify 40 of them.

That didn't explain why I got sick 3 times in 6 months, but it was a little scary.

Melting permafrost and glaciers are also releasing long buried frozen viruses.

It's a jungle out there.
It's a little bit sensational. Soil has never been a vector. It's not impossible though.
Latest numbers out of China indicate steady spread and decreased mortality rate.

5974 confirmed cases with 132 deaths.

It apparently takes some time to incubate which is why only those cases in China have led to any fatalities thus far.
It's a little bit sensational. Soil has never been a vector. It's not impossible though.

I really dislike Dust.
MONTEREY – A bill to address the potentially deadly valley fever disease was co-introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Carmel Valley, in December.
about 10,000 cases are reported in the U.S. each year mostly from California and Arizona.

It even gets it own dept. at the med center.

Just last week I was told it looks like I've had it untreated for about 5 yrs. I'Il be seeing them after getting a biopsy next week.
I really dislike Dust.
MONTEREY – A bill to address the potentially deadly valley fever disease was co-introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Carmel Valley, in December.
about 10,000 cases are reported in the U.S. each year mostly from California and Arizona.

It even gets it own dept. at the med center.

Just last week I was told it looks like I've had it untreated for about 5 yrs. I'Il be seeing them after getting a biopsy next week.
That is a fungal infection and far from novel. Those mycelial strains can also be found in many other places aside from soil and this is easily treated.

This is why it's hard to talk about a pandemic, someone brings up something some doctor said once, I dispell it, someone else brings up a fungal infection. Meanwhile people are taking what I am saying about the actual coronavirus as if I'm spreading fear.

Not trying to be an ass, nor am I annoyed or anything, it's just that misunderstanding is a factor in hysteria. Not that you're hysterical, I'm just trying to stick to the facts.