Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Most highly intelligent people lack backbone to face intense ridicule. They just want a non-confrontational peaceful existence so they toe the company line. The deceivers are the immensely powerful military industrial complex. If a high profile and respected person speaks out they face intense scrutiny and questioning of their beliefs like NBA superstar Kyrie Irving has. The team owner obviously told him to STFU about flat earth. Death threats and public ridicule awaits anyone of high profile who speaks out against the globe earth model. Believing in phony moon landings from 45 years ago is ignorance and stupidity at its finest. I mean isn't NASA the basis for your globe earth model you so rigidly adhere to? Their photographs have been proven fakes by computer analysis. Look at the apollo 11 photos it's so fake and stupid looking its a fucking joke...bongsmilie
Steven Hawking was one of the smartest AND courageous people to ever grace our world.

His mind was all he could control after ALS took hold and look what he did with it.

Many if not most of our kind's smartest had to deal with incredible adversity from an expected source; the fear and hatred of the mediocre.

This thread is proof enough of that.
Most highly intelligent people lack backbone to face intense ridicule. They just want a non-confrontational peaceful existence so they toe the company line. The deceivers are the immensely powerful military industrial complex. If a high profile and respected person speaks out they face intense scrutiny and questioning of their beliefs like NBA superstar Kyrie Irving has. The team owner obviously told him to STFU about flat earth. Death threats and public ridicule awaits anyone of high profile who speaks out against the globe earth model. Believing in phony moon landings from 45 years ago is ignorance and stupidity at its finest. I mean isn't NASA the basis for your globe earth model you so rigidly adhere to? Their photographs have been proven fakes by computer analysis. Look at the apollo 11 photos it's so fake and stupid looking its a fucking joke...bongsmilie

how would you know what highly intelligent people lack?
how would you know what they want?
i doubt the death threats, but i encourage the public ridicule.
believing that an entire world has believed the same hoax for half a century is saner than believing that 1 % of the world sees the truth and the rest of the world are blind idiots?
their photographs have never been proven false by anyone reputable or believable.
and never will be, because they aren't false.
there is a fucking joke around here, but it isn't nasa
If you wish to seek truth and higher knowledge out of love to combat your hatred I will divulge a thousands year old practice that is taboo to western culture. It's a key to unlock the far recesses of your mind that have been imprisoned by external and internal forces of evil from living under a satanic regime. Learn the art of practicing Shivambu Shastra ....knowledge is power.
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I think we shipped them to the USA. But you may be right. Stupid is as stupid does and such

The flat earth society of Canada is 1 guy in his moms basement. So that does not really count. It is not a movement unless he has a dump and then i would count it.
Do you know what plane trigonometry is? Math. It's all the proof you need the oceans are flat. It's how ships navigated the open ocean for years. Math does not lie. It's concrete proof the globe is a lie. Simple as that. I will refrain from insults and name calling.
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Do you know what plane trigonometry is? Math. It's all the proof you need the oceans are flat. It's how ships navigated the open ocean for years. Math does not lie. It's concrete proof the globe is a lie. Simple as that.

More than a few here with experience have proven you wrong about this. The math used with the Sexton is how they navigate a globe. Flat would only require a map and compass.

But you reverse many facts to keep preaching this stuff.
The earth is round. How can you actually believe otherwise. Have you ever been to sea? I fished blue tuna on the high sea. Mackerel and Herring and Cod and Halibut as well. The earth is round. The horizon is limited by the curvature of the earth.
Excuse me for betraying my age but are all flat earthers mentally retarded or something ?

The device used for navigation is a sextant. They had to use it because of the curvature of the earth. As in how the hell would you find your way without the general idea the stars hold their place longer. the constellations are slow to allign

My uncle taught me how to use a sextant while fishing about 100 miles out. It was one of those moments trapped in time and space for me. I digress but it was our ancestry passed down to me. The reason you need it is because the earth is round.
The earth is round. How can you actually believe otherwise. Have you ever been to sea? I fished blue tuna on the high sea. Mackerel and Herring and Cod and Halibut as well. The earth is round. The horizon is limited by the curvature of the earth.
Excuse me for betraying my age but are all flat earthers mentally retarded or something ?

The device used for navigation is a sextant. They had to use it because of the curvature of the earth. As in how the hell would you find your way without the general idea the stars hold their place longer. the constellations are slow to allign

My uncle taught me how to use a sextant while fishing about 100 miles out. It was one of those moments trapped in time and space for me. I digress but it was our ancestry passed down to me. The reason you need it is because the earth is round.
Ships don't disappear over the horizon. It's called vanishing point. Grab a telescope. You can bring the ENTIRE ship back into view. Not partially. It's called a horizon because its horizontal. Lol
OMG until it actually goes over the horizon. Are you for real? the earth is a sphere. The planets rotate around the sun or do you believe that is not true as well?

Maybe God made a giant waffle cooker and every now and then we flip on our axis. The axis has to pivot on a spherical shape to make it work as well.

Were you home schooled in a weird religious colony?

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing since UncleBucks last thread (sorry i couldnt resist)
OMG until it actually goes over the horizon. Are you for real? the earth is a sphere. The planets rotate around the sun or do you believe that is not true as well?

Were you home schooled in a weird religious colony?

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing since UncleBucks last thread (sorry i couldnt resist)

Sorry. @UncleBuck last thread is even more ignorant than flat earth theory. :-)
Maybe they are the same person ? The weird flatearther is uncle buck. I blocked unclebuck. I feel lighter of being as a result

But race and everyting can have different views. To believe the earth is flat is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We have travelled around the earth in planes. I have flown 250 times. To imply then flip around on the way to Shanghai is really stupid.
Maybe they are the same person ? The weird flatearther is uncle buck. I blocked unclebuck. I feel lighter of being as a result

But race and everyting can have different views. To believe the earth is flat is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We have travelled around the earth in planes. I have flown 250 times. To imply then flip around on the way to Shanghai is really stupid.

I was exaggerating about bucks ignorance. It’s almost as bad as flat earth theory. Lol.
The earth is round. How can you actually believe otherwise. Have you ever been to sea? I fished blue tuna on the high sea. Mackerel and Herring and Cod and Halibut as well. The earth is round. The horizon is limited by the curvature of the earth.
Excuse me for betraying my age but are all flat earthers mentally retarded or something ?

The device used for navigation is a sextant. They had to use it because of the curvature of the earth. As in how the hell would you find your way without the general idea the stars hold their place longer. the constellations are slow to allign

My uncle taught me how to use a sextant while fishing about 100 miles out. It was one of those moments trapped in time and space for me. I digress but it was our ancestry passed down to me. The reason you need it is because the earth is round.
The sextant is used for measuring distances between two visible objects. You are trying to sound like you know what you are talking about. Any more insults?
Well what I meant was have you actually flown. Have you actually went to sea. All of the stupid should vanish when faced with reality. But I will heed your worthy wordage. He says retardedguerilla. Who am i to judge.

The earth is round MOFO
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