Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Perfection and utopia do not exist, they are just books we read in college. Our impact on Mother Earth is undeniable, and irreversable. Making the most of life, and enhancing someone else's is what its all about to me.

Do your part, recycle, do volunteer cleanups, protect the whales, educate people, picket against China and their refusal to install catalytic converters on their vehicles, and the millions of other abuses going on over there.

But dont go around hating on good 'ol US of A. It's your home, and haven, love it or leave it, or maybe run for office, to help us all turn this thing around.

Be good to each other
communism and socialism are both good ideas, that will NEVER succeed. in order for communism and socialism to succeed, the people involved in it need to hold the ideals dear, and be willing to sacrifice for it. not only are they not willing to sacrifice for it, a lot of them will subvert the system, stealing, taking bribes, manipulating the rules...
capitalism accounts for most of that. in a communist country, where everyone is already assigned jobs, what kind of labor pool is there to draw from? in a capitalist country, if someone isn't doing their job, they get fired and there is a pool of people to replace them from. in a captitalist country, if you catch an employ stealing, you fire them, and maybe press charges, if it was serious enough. what are your options in a communist country? shoot them? you can't fire them, everyone has to pull together or your whole ideology falls apart, and everyone should already have a good productive position to fill, so who are you going to replace them with?
People are the biggest problem facing any political ideology. seems to me that capitalism deals with that issue better than most of the other systems. capitalism uses people's natures, communism fights against people's natures.
So shit-for-brains flat earth rocket boy launched himself up. He manned up, as he put it. He didn’t brain up - clearly. But that’s ok.

He hurt his back. No doubt he hit some lid on this Tupperware plate we call earth on his way up. NASA is laughing. “Look - he tried to leave and hit the cosmic lid... hahaha.” They’ve known about this lid all along of course. This is just fun for them.

Like with Elon Musk. That’s all bullshit and fake news feeds and lots of fake fakery.

Live long and flat, motherfuckers
So shit-for-brains flat earth rocket boy launched himself up. He manned up, as he put it. He didn’t brain up - clearly. But that’s ok.

He hurt his back. No doubt he hit some lid on this Tupperware plate we call earth on his way up. NASA is laughing. “Look - he tried to leave and hit the cosmic lid... hahaha.” They’ve known about this lid all along of course. This is just fun for them.

Like with Elon Musk. That’s all bullshit and fake news feeds and lots of fake fakery.

Live long and flat, motherfuckers
Lol yah and did you see how high he got lmao
Was thinking about poor ol Stephen Hawking. Interesting that there’s no smart people chiming in about a flat earth. Clearly all of the earths smartest are fooled. Why is it only the dumbest and most foolish among us maintain this belief? Why are the least intelligent the only ones to see the all of this?
Or maybe - a normal intellect blocks reality. Lower intelligence (or complete lack thereof) allows reality to flow in. Unseen by the rest of us poor fucks.
Most highly intelligent people lack backbone to face intense ridicule. They just want a non-confrontational peaceful existence so they toe the company line. The deceivers are the immensely powerful military industrial complex. If a high profile and respected person speaks out they face intense scrutiny and questioning of their beliefs like NBA superstar Kyrie Irving has. The team owner obviously told him to STFU about flat earth. Death threats and public ridicule awaits anyone of high profile who speaks out against the globe earth model. Believing in phony moon landings from 45 years ago is ignorance and stupidity at its finest. I mean isn't NASA the basis for your globe earth model you so rigidly adhere to? Their photographs have been proven fakes by computer analysis. Look at the apollo 11 photos it's so fake and stupid looking its a fucking joke...bongsmilie
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Perfection and utopia do not exist, they are just books we read in college. Our impact on Mother Earth is undeniable, and irreversable. Making the most of life, and enhancing someone else's is what its all about to me.

Do your part, recycle, do volunteer cleanups, protect the whales, educate people, picket against China and their refusal to install catalytic converters on their vehicles, and the millions of other abuses going on over there.

But dont go around hating on good 'ol US of A. It's your home, and haven, love it or leave it, or maybe run for office, to help us all turn this thing around.

Be good to each other
China is the world leader in electric vehicle sales.
So shit-for-brains flat earth rocket boy launched himself up. He manned up, as he put it. He didn’t brain up - clearly. But that’s ok.

He hurt his back. No doubt he hit some lid on this Tupperware plate we call earth on his way up. NASA is laughing. “Look - he tried to leave and hit the cosmic lid... hahaha.” They’ve known about this lid all along of course. This is just fun for them.

Like with Elon Musk. That’s all bullshit and fake news feeds and lots of fake fakery.

Live long and flat, motherfuckers
Tesla's stock is even now falling back to earth, dragged down by the gravity of unkept promises.
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