Note to self thread


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Staff member
I experience the same thing sometimes with restless legs... It fucking sucks too... one of the worst things ever. It happened more when I was taking opiates all the time though.
Precisely! My run with RLS came when I was finished with the opiates. The aerobic exercise helped immensely but the Tonic water helped amazingly. It made a big difference and I was grateful for it.


Well-Known Member
For me restless leg feels like parts of my muscles are coming alive and squirming until I have to walk! Where as with lactic acid release it's a sudden involuntary muscular jerking/twitching that will occur a few times prior to sleep. With RLS I can't achieve sleep because my muscles continue moving on their own.
Hmm. Mine don't feel like they are moving, but just that I have to clench them. So frustrating to try and explain it. LOL


Well-Known Member
For me restless leg feels like parts of my muscles are coming alive and squirming until I have to walk! Where as with lactic acid release it's a sudden involuntary muscular jerking/twitching that will occur a few times prior to sleep. With RLS I can't achieve sleep because my muscles continue moving on their own.
Omgosh..I wonder if that is what has been going on with my legs lately. They always feel just like that, squirmy and achey. Tired even. I can get a great night's sleep but wake up and my legs are so sore! it's been bugging me why its like that...


Virtually Unknown Member
@curious2garden @roseypeach @Hookabelly

have you guys tried the range of vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements I see people mention? I know when I get leg cramps I'll try to rehydrate first then a Mg/K supplement. I also had what I self diagnosed to be carpel tunnel syndrome from using a keyboard for 30 years and a regime of B6 fixed this. I'm a firm believer of judicious use of supplementation.


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden @roseypeach @Hookabelly

have you guys tried the range of vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements I see people mention? I know when I get leg cramps I'll try to rehydrate first then a Mg/K supplement. I also had what I self diagnosed to be carpel tunnel syndrome from using a keyboard for 30 years and a regime of B6 fixed this. I'm a firm believer of judicious use of supplementation.
I take Centrum complete every day, twice a day. I had weight loss surgery back in April and will be on vitamins for the rest of my life. The reason for 2 a day is that my stomach can't process medications and vitamins as efficiently anymore so I have to take extra to make sure I get what's required. I try to remember to take my potassium and mag every day but some days I forget..hence the leg cramps and pain. Pot and Mag are great for clearing mental fogginess and better sleep as well.


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden @roseypeach @Hookabelly

have you guys tried the range of vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements I see people mention? I know when I get leg cramps I'll try to rehydrate first then a Mg/K supplement. I also had what I self diagnosed to be carpel tunnel syndrome from using a keyboard for 30 years and a regime of B6 fixed this. I'm a firm believer of judicious use of supplementation.
Thank you. What's a MG/K sup? magnesium?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
@curious2garden @roseypeach @Hookabelly

have you guys tried the range of vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements I see people mention? I know when I get leg cramps I'll try to rehydrate first then a Mg/K supplement. I also had what I self diagnosed to be carpel tunnel syndrome from using a keyboard for 30 years and a regime of B6 fixed this. I'm a firm believer of judicious use of supplementation.
Hey BarnBuster :) I take vitamins, minerals and other supplements as necessary. For example I'll up my K with vomiting and diarrhea, up Mg when my muscles are irritable and use B Complex and C for stress. Where I live in the summer I'll up my Sodium when I'm working out and sweating a bunch.

Vitamins do not seem to help with Restless Leg, but Quinine does. Only exercise really helps with Lactic Acidosis.

Oh and be careful about differentiation between Potassium (K), and Vitamin K. Potassium, is used for for cardioplegia solution and Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin (used for clotting). You can overdose, so be judicious in their use.