Note to self thread


Well-Known Member

A number of medications can make RLS worse. In particular, anti-nausea drugs and sedating antihistamines (like Benadryl) block the brain’s dopamine receptors, causing restless legs symptoms. Antidepressants that increase serotonin and antipsychotic medications can also aggravate the condition. Let your doctor know if your restless legs symptoms worsen after you take a new medication. A change in dosage or to a different medication may do the trick.
Do you have RLS Abe? I had always had fleeting symptoms of when I was younger, (I grew really fast in my teens so I was told it was growing pains in my legs) but only until recently (w/ all the t.v. ads for it) did I realize I wasn't nuts (docs would just give me the blank stare when I'd describe symptoms) Sorry for all the parenthesis. . But I notice it less now. Went away when I started using my legs more (as in exercise). But still will come on at night. Hard to describe symptoms. What are yours?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Do you have RLS Abe? I had always had fleeting symptoms of when I was younger, (I grew really fast in my teens so I was told it was growing pains in my legs) but only until recently (w/ all the t.v. ads for it) did I realize I wasn't nuts (docs would just give me the blank stare when I'd describe symptoms) Sorry for all the parenthesis. . But I notice it less now. Went away when I started using my legs more (as in exercise). But still will come on at night. Hard to describe symptoms. What are yours?
I don't have RLS maybe @SOMEBEECH can explain it better, he first mentioned it and I just looked up the drug interaction. [i prolly have plenty of health stuff goin on as I'm gettin to that age (mid-late40's), lazy and smoke tons of dope lol... but i'm terrified of drs., so ignorance has been bliss however I'm making strides to change all that.] I need to work out more, focus on nutrition and get my health evaluated....:cool:


Well-Known Member
I don't have RLS maybe @SOMEBEECH can explain it better, he first mentioned it and I just looked up the drug interaction. [i prolly have plenty of health stuff goin on as I'm gettin to that age (mid-late40's), lazy and smoke tons of dope lol... but i'm terrified of drs., so ignorance has been bliss however I'm making strides to change all that.] I need to work out more, focus on nutrition and get my health evaluated....:cool:
Good for you bro..its never too late till yer in a box! ;)


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RACED M/c for over 15yrs no dr ever said anything about it annie.
LOL, try it, Tonic water is certainly harmless. Even more harmless with Gin but I just drank the Tonic water with a slice of lime.

Do you have RLS Abe? I had always had fleeting symptoms of when I was younger, (I grew really fast in my teens so I was told it was growing pains in my legs) but only until recently (w/ all the t.v. ads for it) did I realize I wasn't nuts (docs would just give me the blank stare when I'd describe symptoms) Sorry for all the parenthesis. . But I notice it less now. Went away when I started using my legs more (as in exercise). But still will come on at night. Hard to describe symptoms. What are yours?
Jerking and twitching, at sleep can be lactic acidosis and is improved when you exercise. I found mine went away almost entirely the harder I pushed aerobic exercise and the more conditioned my legs became. With all the rain these last few days I haven't ran. I noticed it last night when my legs would not 'relax' LOL.

I had bilateral pain in my tibiae that were also referred to as growing pains in my youth, it frustrated the crap out of me even as a kid, that they would be that non specific.


Well-Known Member
LOL, try it, Tonic water is certainly harmless. Even more harmless with Gin but I just drank the Tonic water with a slice of lime.

Jerking and twitching, at sleep can be lactic acidosis and is improved when you exercise. I found mine went away almost entirely the harder I pushed aerobic exercise and the more conditioned my legs became. With all the rain these last few days I haven't ran. I noticed it last night when my legs would not 'relax' LOL.

I had bilateral pain in my tibiae that were also referred to as growing pains in my youth, it frustrated the crap out of me even as a kid, that they would be that non specific.
It's a weird feeling. Like you want to flex your leg muscles as hard as you can to relieve it. I can't describe what it feels like better than that, but yes, def, using the legs got rid of it. The lactic acid reason makes total sense.


Well-Known Member
I don't have RLS maybe @SOMEBEECH can explain it better, he first mentioned it and I just looked up the drug interaction. [i prolly have plenty of health stuff goin on as I'm gettin to that age (mid-late40's), lazy and smoke tons of dope lol... but i'm terrified of drs., so ignorance has been bliss however I'm making strides to change all that.] I need to work out more, focus on nutrition and get my health evaluated....:cool:
annie is exactly rt.Weird ass felling.I have to get up and walk.


Well-Known Member
annie is exactly rt.Weird ass felling.I have to get up and walk.
wait- your symptoms are like Annie's
LOL, try it, Tonic water is certainly harmless. Even more harmless with Gin but I just drank the Tonic water with a slice of lime.

Jerking and twitching, at sleep .
or like mine?

It's a weird feeling. Like you want to flex your leg muscles as hard as you can to relieve it. I can't describe what it feels like better than that, .
b/c if it's like mine I need a better way to describe it to docs. LOL


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Staff member
b/c if it's like mine I need a better way to describe it to docs. LOL
For me restless leg feels like parts of my muscles are coming alive and squirming until I have to walk! Where as with lactic acid release it's a sudden involuntary muscular jerking/twitching that will occur a few times prior to sleep. With RLS I can't achieve sleep because my muscles continue moving on their own.


Well-Known Member
For me restless leg feels like parts of my muscles are coming alive and squirming until I have to walk! Where as with lactic acid release it's a sudden involuntary muscular jerking/twitching that will occur a few times prior to sleep. With RLS I can't achieve sleep because my muscles continue moving on their own.
I experience the same thing sometimes with restless legs... It fucking sucks too... one of the worst things ever. It happened more when I was taking opiates all the time though.