Not sure if they're ready


so these are my girls, i know they are close to being finished but I'm not sure if it too early or if they still have room to bloom out more. any help or opinions would be great



Well-Known Member
2-3 more weeks, wait until the rest of those pistils turn rust colored and recede.

Looks good!


Active Member
Oh yeah,and if your feeding them any neuts I would make sure to slack off now. That ensures youll get a nice clean burning taste.


Active Member
havent fed nutes in about 2 weeks
Awesome man, Anymore hairs changin yet? I vary my harvest times from strain to strain but averagley I like to wait roughly around 90-95% of the hairs to be changed. I KNOW this is not exact tell tell harvest sign but it usually works out pretty well for me.I have a microscope and I double check alot of things but overall I let the plant tell me when its done.If I know its gonna be my nighttime herb I will usually stretch it out a bit more,Like I just ran one of my Tahoes out a good ways and it has a real fuckin stoney lazy buzz now and I roll right into sleep.I like my daytime herb a bit on the stoney side aswell though,I have pain issues that bother me quite often so I usually wont something a bit stronger on the I guess....couch locky side but not really lol,I dont like a complete burn out afterwords. I like my bud as potent as possible though so I try not to stretch it out to far at the same time. But after you run the strain a few times you wont even have to guess youll just know! And every strain is different aswell as the growers tastes.Take a smaller branch earlyer to see where the buzz is at if you wont. But Goodluck on it man,Have you been reading about harvesting and curing? A good cure makes a WORLD of difference!


yeah i have a good curing method using jars and let them dry out and get some air for a little bit every day. i added another CO2 system as well, sugar water and yeast mix, made a world of change to the bud size already. But they are still continuing to change colors and condense down so im thinking they should be ready in about another week and a half. Also got my next grow started as well 12 seedlings, a few have 4 sets already, ill post pics soon and start a grow journal.


Active Member
Sounds awesome man,I been wanting to get into co2.I am moving in about a month though so I am not completely sure how Im gonna be able to run my next setup and damn sure dont have alot of extra cash for the new equipment. Have you ever done any cloning? if not you really should start trying your hand at it.Its pretty simple once you figure out the key factors in it and do a few runs of them.Plus you can save those "special" phenos you come across,I dont know what id do if I didnt clone everything I flower, I would have missed out on some dank though thats forsure! Sounds like your gettin your harvest figured out pretty well! What seeds did you start?


Active Member
And Yeah man post a journal! I will definitely come check it out. I am trimming a MasterKush right now,shits Stankin! bongsmilie