not showing pistils yet...


Hi, im growing 2 white widow, and the summer is finaly getting close to the end, is it normal that the little white hairs arent showing yet? when are they supposed to? and what can i do to speed up the process.



Active Member
Hi, im growing 2 white widow, and the summer is finaly getting close to the end, is it normal that the little white hairs arent showing yet? when are they supposed to? and what can i do to speed up the process.


whats your location?

im in norcal and my plants just started flowering within 2 days ago

if yours still isnt yet, be patient, nature will take its course

someone else

Active Member
I too still have one plant that hasn't shown its sex yet, although all the other plants I grew have.

It's just nature taking its time, but as the days get shorter with less sunlight, you should see flowering soon....probably in another couple weeks.

It's hard to be patient, but keep caring for the plants as you've been and just know good things are soon to come.


Well-Known Member
Next grow, you may like to try a strain that is indica dominant - they tend to be earlier. Otherwise you just have to be patient.