Northern Lights?


Well-Known Member
What people don't really realize is that if you have a desktop computer most run off of at least 4oow nowadays mine is 650...the bill isn't a whole hell of a lot more unless you start running numerous amounts of lights

This is a misconception. A 400 watt power supply for you computer is not running at 400watts. This is the max of the power supply if you were to hook up everything and the components were drawing that wattage.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
yeah good point....mine is max'd plus.....So I assume most people that have a high powersupply have it for a reason


Well-Known Member
yup, and turning things off after use saves a hell of a lot as well

And im pre-pay as well and just had a letter saying in this year ive only used 4069kwh since aug 06

Is this good i dont really understand all the kwh stuff ?

kwh means kilowatt hours - kw is an expression of joules per second while kwh is joules per hour.

1 kwh = 3600 kw (60 seconds per minute * 60 minutes per hour)

mase, i don't think cfls come in that high of wattage...or at least not normally. i don't have the best knowledge of cfls so i could be wrong but that wattage seems awfully high. the 250/400/600/1k watts were for the HID lights(high intensity discharge; metal halide, high pressure sodium)


Well-Known Member
dont be stupid grow at least five seeds,, you can use very little light to sustainn them. It aint gonna cost an arm and a leg,, you'd slap your self if you grew one and it turned male