Northern Lights?


New Member
My brother is going to give me a couple Northern light seeds soon, but i am only going to grow one for now. I am a beginner grower, is Norther Lights hard to grow, is there anything i should know about growing this plant? My grow space is going to be about 5x4 to start off (thats how big my closet is) and then once they get bigger i will bring them into my attic. I will be using CFL lights (still determining how many watts, can you help me out?) i will be using soil, and i will leave out a big bowl of water for humidity and i have a small fan to use.

can anyone give me some information about growing this plant, what i problems i should look out for. so on and so on.


Well-Known Member
Im looking into this strain as one of the 2 i plan to grow next, going by the seedbanks they say 6-7weeks

And what was said above



New Member
i know this, but this is a "test run" for the summer, im planning on buying 10 seeds and doing an outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
why not grow two hope fore male and female, pollinate, and have enough seeds for a longggggggggg longggggggg time


100% Authentic A$$Hole
NL is a good bud for beginners.....and a hell of a smoke.....I would grow them all considering you might get males like fdd said


100% Authentic A$$Hole
and as far as light.....I would recommend HPS over anything if you're on a budget....but thats just me.....Im growing close to 30 plants under 1 1k HPS light


New Member
where can i get a good cheap HPS light? how many watts do i need for 1 plant? how far do HPS lights need to be away from the plant?


Well-Known Member
Well you get 250/400/600/1000w hps/mh light set ups, its just down to how much you want to spend on elecy, for which light to go4



New Member
thats why i want to get CFL's, how many lights of what wattage would i need for 1 plant?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
What people don't really realize is that if you have a desktop computer most run off of at least 4oow nowadays mine is 650...the bill isn't a whole hell of a lot more unless you start running numerous amounts of lights


Well-Known Member
yup, and turning things off after use saves a hell of a lot as well

And im pre-pay as well and just had a letter saying in this year ive only used 4069kwh since aug 06

Is this good i dont really understand all the kwh stuff ?



New Member
no idea haha, but if someone could help me out with how many cfl lights i should use and of how many watts.


Well-Known Member
no idea haha, but if someone could help me out with how many cfl lights i should use and of how many watts.

simple... as many as you can get your hands on

The lower the watt the more your going to need
