North Atlantic Seed Company

impressed already.

finally getting back into my little grow after a handful of years off. i used to just get seeds from attitude and they were always good but i wanted to find a domestic bank to stick with. so after browsing the forums for a little bit, i checked out NASC and was pretty easily convinced to give them a shot.

placed a small order around midnight last night (original mandarin cookies and planet of the grapes from ethos). chose to pay with cc-- it said the invoice should be received next day (between 10am-5pm). it was in my inbox at 8am.

i paid it right away, went out to get some breakfast and by the time i got back home the order was processed and i had my tracking#. i've read that their shipping times are really fast normally, and since i'm only two states away, i'm guessing i won't be waiting long at all.

i'll update when received but so far, NASC has a 10/10 all across the board and if everything keeps up at this same rate then i think i've found my new go-to. the fact that they're fellow new englanders makes it even better!
update- only about 36 hours after paying the invoice- tracking says it arrived at my local usps hub, so if today wasn't sunday it would be here. I didn't even get it shipped priority either. really impressed by how quickly they got it processed and sent out.

I'll have my final update and review for y'all tomorrow :D
update- only about 36 hours after paying the invoice- tracking says it arrived at my local usps hub, so if today wasn't sunday it would be here. I didn't even get it shipped priority either. really impressed by how quickly they got it processed and sent out.

I'll have my final update and review for y'all tomorrow :D
Got my last order in the box in less than 48 hrs Iam in the 207.
as expected, today was mail day :-D. from payment to delivery in under 3 days, and like I said, if yesterday wasn't sunday then it would've been 2 days. that's insane to me, it used to take attitude longer than that just to PROCESS an order (I know they have a much higher number of orders to fulfill but still... never going to have to wait that long again!)

every aspect of the transaction was perfect though. 10/10 in every category. I bought the shirt for "stealth shipping" but I didn't have any worries about it not getting delivered, I honestly just wanted the shirt. came packed neatly and professionally. I seriously can't think of a single criticism. except MAYBE for the fact that on the white widow it doesn't say who they're from? but that isn't even really a criticism, just curiosity, and they were freebies anyway (they have greenhouse and dutch passion ww in stock so I'd guess one of those, but I'll ask them)

I know my updates have probably been kinda overkill but when i'm doing a review I like to be thorough :lol: that being said I will DEFINITELY be doing business with them again and I recommend them 10000% for anyone looking for a reliable domestic seedbank. can't wait to get these beans poppin' 20210913_145203.jpg
The ”planet of the grapes” looks awesome @hiiiggs !

The mandarin cookies doesn’t suck either. Have you grown Ethos seeds before?

Wanted to chime in here as well. Same as everyone else. Two orders so far. Superb, FAST communication, fast fulfillment. Both orders took two days to arrive. All seeds in original breeders packaging, appropriate freebies with every order. 100% satisfied.
It could very well be that fast buds are their freebies. The last two auto freebies received were Hindu kush and gsc. Just received an order yesterday and freebies were two photo fems of black dominia.
Someone on here told me they use Fastbuds for their auto freebies, let us know if you confirm this
kinda wish they were autos because I've wanted to try some fastbuds stuff but I'm pretty sure they try to give you the same kinds of seeds as you ordered (which is great) so the white widows I got are photo
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...I'm pretty sure they try to give you the kinds of seeds as what you ordered (which is great)

Seems to be their thing - I've ordered all autos so far, and both orders included all auto freebies. Which, yeah, is great!

Given how good their communication is, I bet if one did a mixed order, a friendly request might well get some specific types of freebies.
I've purchased GTH#1 and like someone said before my order was here before the tracking number with 2 black domina freebies thumbs up from me