The New Jim Jones
Well-Known Member
I would subscribe to nature fucks any day, Im already subscribed to mature shemale midget bondage porn ahahahah!
Is that the white russians that are yellowing out quicker?
Make sure you view in 720 HD
Yea!! Mejelly!!!!!
Hey kic do you want to adopt me ?
Hey kic do you want to adopt me ?
dude i swear i think this post influenced a dream i had last night
it was really wierd
i actually am adopted and long story short, my birth certificate says father unknown but in my dream i got busted by the dea and the main arresting officer was my biological father who found out while i was in a holding cell and then free'd me and i was escaping from the dea headquarters and i got shot by a security gaurd on my way out! then i woke up. my dreams are fucking crazy