NorCal outdoor 2012 coastal style , white Russian, kush, skunk,hash, blue cheese+more


Well-Known Member
Keep bracing and trimming out all the weak branches. It happens man. If it were my grow I would be out there tugging on branches that I thought were weak and either bracing them or trimming them so you can redirect that energy. I did it because I didn't want to trim popcorn buds this season. :)


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that bro, really depressing to see the hard work and $$$ just flop out.. jhope ya get better luck, with the rest of these current girls...

maybe the landlord didnt snap tthe first one??


Well-Known Member
Hey think of it this way.. Better it snapped now than after the weight started showing up! ;) There is always a silver lining.


Well-Known Member
I've got left over trellis netting don't buy any, what u should buy is some
bamboo stakes or something similar and like 2-5 hundred zip ties and I'll come help support them Wednesday or Friday this week, my days of.

Don't let it piss you off to the point to lose focus on what u have left, last year I felt like u do because I didn't do the things I should have when I should have.

Just learn from your mistakes and let it make u a better grower, I wanna come see in person and help assess the situation.


Well-Known Member
fuck i just went out and bought hella tressling lol but i also got 20 6ft stakes and im having my landlord who owns a woodshop cut me like 100 wooden stakes asap.

yeah bro you should come out tomorrow or friday whichever you want. and we will try and get this shit saved. I'm all good lol i know its still worth it to try and finish out strong im just dealing with hella shit. i already spend afew hundred on topdressing shit and it has not had any effect on my nitrogen deficiency's.

feels like the last 800 i spend on this outdoor has not made a world of difference except cut into my profit margin...


Well-Known Member
just got woken up by lightening and thunder and now rain!! the gods do not want me to have this grow!! they are going to break all my branches before i can stake my shit up or get my greenhouse setup. fuck fuck fuck.


Well-Known Member
just got woken up by lightening and thunder and now rain!! the gods do not want me to have this grow!! they are going to break all my branches before i can stake my shit up or get my greenhouse setup. fuck fuck fuck.
Sept is a scary time for you out there! :D give them a shake while you stake this morning and they will be fine. :)
Damn just stumbled upon this thread fing terrible man I hate thieves even if its a damn stick of gum a thief is a thief and karma will reek havoc on them.

As for any outdoor grow I would stake a large dog near the plants and keep him happy. A dog is guaranteed to bark at the least if a intruder comes in and will notice a intruder long before any human.

Another reason I like to keep my dogs outside 24/7.


Well-Known Member
It was a bit of a false alarm today. It started to rain and thunder, but it only rained lightly for a few minutes and then stopped for an hour. Then rained again for a minute and cleared up for the rest of the day. But I'm lucky being so far up in the mountains, because at the lower elevations around me it was raining pretty hard. I still spent a good part of today staking up a lot of my plants regardless.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
so what are your plans? are you going to stick with this grow? do you have any thing lined up that might help? i dont know what would help, maybe you should get a shaman to revive your plant for you, but even though you lost your prime specimens, the rest are still going to be top notch dank, your patients wont be disappointed, trust me


Well-Known Member
Weather is weird today. Raining on one side of the street and dry on the other this morning on the way to work. LOL I live on the dry side so I wasn't worried. :D