NOOO!! please helP!


Active Member
fuckness....i've got 2 jamaicans and a thai clone all on week 5 of flowering but they seem to have stopped getting taller for about the past week...the buds still are getting stickier and fatter but at a pretty slow rate..some fan leaves are turning yellowish and have some holes and nasty crust lookin spots on top...little black things and white balls under those leaves...SPIDER MITES!?? AH...please help wut should i do!? i'll get pictures of em up soon


Active Member
if u go to my gallery and look at the third pic from bottom called "Jamaican #1 flowering for 37 can see the yellow crust spots on the biggest fan leaf all the way at the bottom...its getting worse now though


New Member
Your plants look really nice buddy. I think you are freaking a bit too early. I was expecting to some pathetic looking plants by your desciption but they look good.
If you are worried about the insects get some all natural insect repellent like neem oil or lemon balm oil spray.
They look great to me.


Active Member
ya they look good at the moment...but havnt grown really for about the past week or so...and some of the leaves are about half eaten w/ huge spots on em..and i checked...underside of the leaves do have some white eggsack lookin things on em w/ some black minibugs chillin too lol...ya i freaked out earlier...was really high and then found out about em...but...they are my first female plants so i just dont want em to be ruins ya know ..but thanx for the input, i appreciate it


New Member
I've never had a problem like that on any of my plants so I really don't know what to tell you. You might want to add the prob to your title if you can so more people will know what you are talking about. I am not sure if neem oil will fix that kind of problem you have.

Good luck

Or do a searh here under the search box up top there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^:peace:


Active Member
also...a little off topic do i bold red my title..and can i change it once i've created the thread ??


Active Member
hmm i hope thats all it is...those sack lookin things on the underside have me goin though...there were also a couple super tiny worm lookin things but like reaaally small..just on the underside of one leaf..couldnt tell wut they were though


Active Member
so ya today is even worse...the bottom 2-3 rows of fan leaves are completely yellow w/ more holes / half leaves eaten....WTF??? i'm cutting em off just cuz they are worthless neway now..more harm then good....still have most of the plant...but a few dead eaten bottom fan leaves...any suggestions for wut to use on em???


Active Member
all right...went down to the local grow shop and picked up the recommended repellent and did that earlier today so i should be back on schedule..thanks for the input all


New Member
Hi Growgin,
If you want to change the colour you use that box with the A up top.^^^^^^^^^there.:mrgreen:

Thats great that you got some advice but just make sure it is biodegradable. I could have recommended something to that would kill any type of insect from your plants BUT don't forget that you are smoking it. :-|

Wish you luck. i'm sure your plants will be fine.
all right...went down to the local grow shop and picked up the recommended repellent and did that earlier today so i should be back on schedule..thanks for the input all


Well-Known Member
Looks like grasshopper damage. The holes that is. Never seen anything the other damage though. Maybe some sort of parasite?