DWC grow is going well I will be harvesting 2 plants by mid next week and other 2 probly a week later. Trying to check the trichomes an base decision off them but all my plants aren't exactly same when it comes to trichomes coloring. I'm thinking about taking the buds off the top of plants that are ready then allowing the lower parts to get some more light and ripen a bit before taking them. Never having grown autos and being a somewhat beginner is making it slightly challenging. I just wanna get the most out of my plants as possible THC wise and yield so trying to wait till last possible minute. And it's kinda weird cuz I have one plant that's closest to beig done the 2 others just little behind first but they aren't exactly even either then my last olant which I started a week later then all 3. I'd figure the 3 would all be at same stage considering theybhave been growing together since germinating but guess that's just how it is.
The Jack Herer strain is awesome Id recommend it to anyone. Buds look amazing although they aren't as large as I would have hoped they look like they have been dipped in sugar they are so crystally. I can't wait to smoke em. I think the fact they grew so tall and ended up basically touching the glass on my light hood has something to do with why the buds didn't turn out massive and I chose to trim off some leaves during Veg cuz they were just getting too big for my tents size which probably affected their growth and bud production. What thy lack in bud size they make up for in amount of buds. so lesson learned next grow I'll be stepping up and using a room. I think the DWC combined with this particular strain just grew too tall. so from now on if growing in my tent I'll be growing auto strains that stay short.
Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way I appreciate your input and guidance. Check back for harvest pics and my thoughts on how the J Herer smokes. Also will be making Bubble Hash from trimmings.