Noobs Autoflower Grows

Just started getting some white foam at top of each of my DWC buckets. Doesn't look like anything bad IMO bug in wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. Only thing I've changed in my setup is a few new airstone a that are slightly larger and removed one bucket so have little mor air going to remaining buckets My EC is normal. Its been crazy hot out past few days. I wonder if that has something to do with it? Or it's added air? Chime in if have any ideas. Thanks
DWC grow is going well I will be harvesting 2 plants by mid next week and other 2 probly a week later. Trying to check the trichomes an base decision off them but all my plants aren't exactly same when it comes to trichomes coloring. I'm thinking about taking the buds off the top of plants that are ready then allowing the lower parts to get some more light and ripen a bit before taking them. Never having grown autos and being a somewhat beginner is making it slightly challenging. I just wanna get the most out of my plants as possible THC wise and yield so trying to wait till last possible minute. And it's kinda weird cuz I have one plant that's closest to beig done the 2 others just little behind first but they aren't exactly even either then my last olant which I started a week later then all 3. I'd figure the 3 would all be at same stage considering theybhave been growing together since germinating but guess that's just how it is.
The Jack Herer strain is awesome Id recommend it to anyone. Buds look amazing although they aren't as large as I would have hoped they look like they have been dipped in sugar they are so crystally. I can't wait to smoke em. I think the fact they grew so tall and ended up basically touching the glass on my light hood has something to do with why the buds didn't turn out massive and I chose to trim off some leaves during Veg cuz they were just getting too big for my tents size which probably affected their growth and bud production. What thy lack in bud size they make up for in amount of buds. so lesson learned next grow I'll be stepping up and using a room. I think the DWC combined with this particular strain just grew too tall. so from now on if growing in my tent I'll be growing auto strains that stay short.

Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way I appreciate your input and guidance. Check back for harvest pics and my thoughts on how the J Herer smokes. Also will be making Bubble Hash from trimmings.
They are no where near done...
They are no where near done...
Idk why that is they are well past the average amount of time for the strain and have some Trics turning Amber. Also there hasn't been much change lately as far as bud growth? Appreciate your input thanks
Send another photo if you can. I have a round at day 96. Stress causes them to go longer if they have had any. I had Ac problems and indoor temps up to 92 degrees, also some severe light burn.
These pics are from 3 days ago and yeah it's been hot in my grow room lately got every fan I can find going full on. Wish I had an AC but cant afford it. I'll take a few close ups shortly and post


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image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg These pics are from tonight. Also wondering if trichome heads burst after beig Amber for a while? I took a tiny pier of sugar lead and put it under microscope and saw few of the Amber Trics in it looked like the heads had burst or shriveled. Now I know they turn on leaves faster then buds I was jut checking them because I do have some Amber ones showing on buds themselves not a lot but some.
Excellent and primed to chop at your leisure, my freind....just don't let the amber go brown...that's too far.

Beautiful gal, btw! Strain?
I try not to drop seeds I havent grown or have seen grown. Trying things out is cool but not for me. I can tell you she is much different than anything I have grown in the past so I'm not much help.
please tell me you didn't chop that thing

wait till you see how much they swell up at the end
No I haven't chopped them. Each has a cola touching the light so was thinking about chopping them so they don't burn and turn out shitty rather have then early then all messed up but I haven't cut tops yet still waiting I just get told by some cut it an others wait. And since I'm newer grower I'm not always sure


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try to bend the cols that are touching the lights down with pipe cleaners or zip ties or anything you can find to secure them away from the lights. only be careful, at this point in the game the stems are harder and have a much easier chance of breaking rather then lsting when they are young. if you have to, just pull them a very little bit day by day, but like i just said - be careful not to break them stems holding your buds.
Harvested my first plant and am very happy with it I was able to dry a tiny bit for a taste and it was very smooth and stony. One issue though I've noticed the buds seem to be drying to fast. I have them in a grow tent hanging the temp is 65 with AC on and hydrometer has moisture at 58-65%. The tent flap is wide open with a tiny fan blowing air inside at lowest speed. What am I doing wrong the weed started out smelling super strong and dank but now has they hay type smell with some or smaller buds are crispy but stems still bend not snap. It's only been 5 days dry time and I trimmed wet
Wanted to put up a few pics of the first 2 plants I harvested


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