Noobs Autoflower Grows

DWC grow is going well I will be harvesting 2 plants by mid next week and other 2 probly a week later. Trying to check the trichomes an base decision off them but all my plants aren't exactly same when it comes to trichomes coloring. I'm thinking about taking the buds off the top of plants that are ready then allowing the lower parts to get some more light and ripen a bit before taking them. Never having grown autos and being a somewhat beginner is making it slightly challenging. I just wanna get the most out of my plants as possible THC wise and yield so trying to wait till last possible minute. And it's kinda weird cuz I have one plant that's closest to beig done the 2 others just little behind first but they aren't exactly even either then my last olant which I started a week later then all 3. I'd figure the 3 would all be at same stage considering theybhave been growing together since germinating but guess that's just how it is.
The Jack Herer strain is awesome Id recommend it to anyone. Buds look amazing although they aren't as large as I would have hoped they look like they have been dipped in sugar they are so crystally. I can't wait to smoke em. I think the fact they grew so tall and ended up basically touching the glass on my light hood has something to do with why the buds didn't turn out massive and I chose to trim off some leaves during Veg cuz they were just getting too big for my tents size which probably affected their growth and bud production. What thy lack in bud size they make up for in amount of buds. so lesson learned next grow I'll be stepping up and using a room. I think the DWC combined with this particular strain just grew too tall. so from now on if growing in my tent I'll be growing auto strains that stay short.

Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way I appreciate your input and guidance. Check back for harvest pics and my thoughts on how the J Herer smokes. Also will be making Bubble Hash from trimmings.


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yeah dude, ssw is right about that one. they still need to finish the swell that they look like they are just starting. maybe 2 weeks if you're lucky ;)
Really I'm in day 79 and supposedly they take between 70-80 days to finish. Also most f trichomes have turned from clear to milky white
Those plants (to me) look nowhere near like a week from ready. Patience, young padowan.
Also saw my first few Amber colored Trics while looking with my 100x loupe only in 1 of the plants. Seems like this 1 is a bit farther ahead of other 2. I wanna be patient I'm just worried about waiting too long and having the potency start to decline. Wish I had better camera to show what Trics look like. How long of a window would you say there is for peak THC production or Harvest window? Thanks I'm definately at the beginning of my growing career so I love getting advice from people that know more than me. It's just tough cuz at same time I don't wanna fuck things up and wait too long from what I've read seems too early is better than too late. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyone ever have plants where not all the hairs turn from white and curl in about half of mine have but the rest don't seem to be changing? And I'm seeing Amber trichomes
depends on where on the plant i check the trichs
All over from top to bottom. Each bud has some hairs that have curled inward and are brown/reddish and some that are still straight and white. I also have been checking trichomes that's why Iam asking because some of the Trics have gone from milky to Amber and I don't wanna miss the window of peak THC and harvest late. I.e. Neve grown autoflowers before so I'm not sure what's normal and what isn't. Just seems over past 5-7 days no more hairs have turned color which has me confused cuz the Trics are I'd say 10% of them have turned Amber I can take a few pics tomorrow but they come out shitty with grow light it sort of makes the coloring weird
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yeah dude, ssw is right about that one. they still need to finish the swell that they look like they are just starting. maybe 2 weeks if you're lucky ;)
Pics of plans from today. They aren't looking much different from last week still don't know why their all mini buds must of fucked up somewhere along the way. Wondering if you think I should keep them going or chop them. I'm planning to take tops and leave bottoms so they ripen bit more when I do chop em. Thanks
image.jpeg These 2 are Ganja Dwarfs 1 had some mold in it so preformed some surgery and decided finish flowering then inside cuz humiditys off the fuxkin charts lately Hopi g I got all damn mold off cuz asides from that they are doing good. Now I'm just worried about the other 6 autos that are outside flowering. Between rain and humidity I'm scared shitless I'm gonna lose them. All tht hard work down the drain is never a good feeling. My photo periods are still in Veg but will be switching sooner then later and idk what to do if it stays this humid there doing real good 2 of them are over 5ft rt now so won't be bringing them inside damn tents too tiny. All I can do is hope for the best I guess
Pat hold off on the chop man. Those girls don't seem close enough at all. A few Amber is ok especially when your gonna produce plenty more. I currently have some day 90 on a 70 day strain. If autos for any reason get stressed they usually finish later. The top leaves are more of a give away than the trics with autos.
View attachment 3738978 These 2 are Ganja Dwarfs 1 had some mold in it so preformed some surgery and decided finish flowering then inside cuz humiditys off the fuxkin charts lately Hopi g I got all damn mold off cuz asides from that they are doing good. Now I'm just worried about the other 6 autos that are outside flowering. Between rain and humidity I'm scared shitless I'm gonna lose them. All tht hard work down the drain is never a good feeling. My photo periods are still in Veg but will be switching sooner then later and idk what to do if it stays this humid there doing real good 2 of them are over 5ft rt now so won't be bringing them inside damn tents too tiny. All I can do is hope for the best I guess
Sounds weird but even bringing a fan outside for them will help tremendously. My room was stuck st 70% rh and 95 degrees. With a 70 pint and 12k btu Ac and fans saved me big time. So nearly had one per plant
Sounds weird but even bringing a fan outside for them will help tremendously. My room was stuck st 70% rh and 95 degrees. With a 70 pint and 12k btu Ac and fans saved me big time. So nearly had one per plant
I got a dehumidifier going plus more fans then I can count and all nit I open my garage door up to let in cool air so I feel ya on that wish I had an AC. And yeah I'm trying to wait best I can shitty thing is I gotta leave town in few weeks when I planted them I checked calendar and over estimated time even. I checked every seed site I can find to come up with average # of finishing 77 days and I'm in day like 85 plus I didn't start counting till input them in the tent so there's another 2 plus weeks of germinating and early seedling stage under my t5 I'm less concerned with how long it's taking compared to wondering why buds are soo fucking small I've never seen a plant this far along with buds like this when they dry it's gonna take like half a plant to fill my bowl haha. I have same strain of autos outside in soil and only on week 3 of flower and the buds are soo much bigger already. I should have just out these outside but wanted to do a test run on new DWC setup figured id use autos so it would be quicker...wrong! Haha thanks for your input man
Looks like you have a pretty sick setup man. I aspire to having something like that one day. Is that Flood and drain table ? I wanted one of those but my wallet wanted some 5 gal DWC buckets. And I was afraid of LEDs cuz I don't know enough about them and my wallet was afraid of them aswell.
The tables are just to catch runoff and drain it away. My veg room has a rubber floor and a shower drain in the center. I hated vacuuming saucers so bad. Led is tough! Cobs are really the only way to go when it comes to led. Kind/ Mars Apollo are so inefficient your better off with hps. Cobs are nearly double the efficiency of hps so that's what I chose. Also have some Lec which are amazing and some light bars. Funny a few months ago this room was an outdoor space. 15k later im here chilling With some decent plants and my feet up.

By the looks of the plants they will defo fatten up. I just think it will take time. can you get a babysitter?
Na I live in middle of nowhere and don't know anyone cuz I recently moved to new state. But no worries I'll wait best I can the. Say fuckit. I'm looking forward to next grow anyways. I ran into issues with height during this grow so gonna try some main lining or mani folding and see how that goes. Plus i have good amount of outdoor going. I was gonna move from tents to a back bedroom I have and spend money. But ICANN's across some LST tutorials and figured I'd stick with my tent since it's already setup and jut try some new techniques. See what happens before I go throwing money at my problems. That's dope that you built yourself a rad setup and room enjoy it man. I lucked out and have a lot of land to play with so keeping my indoor stuff small and low budget but one day I'd like to do something along your lines.
I was thinking of doing some outdoor. I'm just worried about them not getting enough light and then I read deer love to eat them. I'd be pissed.
I was thinking of doing some outdoor. I'm just worried about them not getting enough light and then I read deer love to eat them. I'd be pissed.
Fuck yeah they do I have deer everywhere here so I put wire age around each plant they also sell a spray that works pretty good. Had a rabbit eat a bunch of lower buds of a few that I didn't cage and fuxker kept coming back till I did haha. Luckily I have a large slope that faces south so get plenty of light. But moving from souther Cali to here has been big change the humidity has really been making shit tough on me and just figuring out best way to go about things. It's been quite the learning process for me this year. As tough and heartbreaking as growing outdoors can be there's just something about it I love. Starting to like indoor as well. I'm in my first hydro grow and it's been really cool.