

New Member
ok is it just me or are there a bunch of ahole noobies coming to the site lately?

And has anyone else noticed more and more members being jerks to the noobies (and lots of cases to old, well established members).

Anyone that sees this, If you are someone that may recently have been doing these things, I IMPLORE you,


It feels much better to sit on without it, and people can actually learn some shit and show off their plants. (its not like we can show our buddies next door so chill out and let us make the best with what we got)
I 100% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost every thread I go into, I feel I have to tell someone to chill out, or defend a noob. it's fucked up man. I think I've been in a couple arguments the past couple days over this shit. PEACE, NOT GREED.
its not about defending noobies specifically, just not being a dickhead to anyone in general.
I mean its like people check their manners at the door when they get online?
i think they do kochab. people realize it's not face to face, they never have to really meet anybody here, so they couldn't care less.
i think they do kochab. people realize it's not face to face, they never have to really meet anybody here, so they couldn't care less.

which is bs. Its a good thing I havent ran into any pecker munches from nc. me and a unspoken name may have to go see somebody:hump:

noobies like to think im mean or some sort of asshole for some real?:confused::confused::confused::twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :hump: :hump: :hump:

what for Lb? yoou usually try to help em out with shit. I mean yeah the ones using tinfoil kinda get mad when you tell them that itll kill their plant and stuff like that but your generally nice all the time. In fact i aint ever seen you be meaner than taking something someone said and using it against them when they trip on their words later in a drama thread.
The only issue I have with the noObs as of late is the fact they don't read.

The questions they have are answered already if they just spend the time to read instead of posting all over the place.

Read, Read, Read.. then Read some more.. then ask a question.


The only issue I have with the noObs as of late is the fact they don't read.

The questions they have are answered already if they just spend the time to read instead of posting all over the place.

Read, Read, Read.. then Read some more.. then ask a question.



I've seen alot of this too. the easiest way to combat that though is to tell them to read, and search. don't answer the question if you know the answer is already up somewhere, thats what I've been trying to do. unless people start being dicks to them, then I answer their question.
ok is it just me or are there a bunch of ahole noobies coming to the site lately?

And has anyone else noticed more and more members being jerks to the noobies (and lots of cases to old, well established members).

Anyone that sees this, If you are someone that may recently have been doing these things, I IMPLORE you,


It feels much better to sit on without it, and people can actually learn some shit and show off their plants. (its not like we can show our buddies next door so chill out and let us make the best with what we got)

Makes you just want to observe then reach out and help.. I'm grateful for all the help I got here .. Here I learned the In & outs of this plant .. Lots of good and useful Information comes around here .. I'm turning back into a lurker.. Not that I'm an expert or anything ... Im FAR from it . BUT I WANT A FUCKING ROLL IT UP T- SHIRT
The only issue I have with the noObs as of late is the fact they don't read.

The questions they have are answered already if they just spend the time to read instead of posting all over the place.

Read, Read, Read.. then Read some more.. then ask a question.



be patient with em, instead of answering everything straight up, post a link.
if they cant read a little to get their answer, then to hell with em they dont want your help, just dont go out of your way to be an ass.
I dont know if they are just so excited with the idea when people start growing cannabis, or what it is but for some reason they dont care to read much as they start. But usually once a person realizes how much they dont know then they want to learn more.
or maybe that was just me i dunno. I do know im still that way, shit give me a link to do with something about weed that i aint ever seen or heard about and im all on it....:?
I've seen alot of this too. the easiest way to combat that though is to tell them to read, and search. don't answer the question if you know the answer is already up somewhere, thats what I've been trying to do. unless people start being dicks to them, then I answer their question.

I'll answer the question.. or post a link.. and then tell them to read and to please stop posting the same question a million times.. and then they call me a jack-ass!

I just helped them out.. and I'm the a-hole.

I'll answer the question.. or post a link.. and then tell them to read and to please stop posting the same question a million times.. and then they call me a jack-ass!

I just helped them out.. and I'm the a-hole.


haha, i know, isn't it great!
Makes you just want to observe then reach out and help.. I'm grateful for all the help I got here .. Here I learned the In & outs of this plant .. Lots of good and useful Information comes around here .. I'm turning back into a lurker.. Not that I'm an expert or anything ... Im FAR from it . BUT I WANT A FUCKING ROLL IT UP T- SHIRT

im more of a lurker myself. I come in and out here all day in between doing things here @ the hosue and I really dont start a bunch of threads. I post when i speak to friends on journals and things like that too though....
as cool as roll it up t shirt would be to own, i think ill pass.
last time i wre any cannabis clothing in my town it resulted in the popo pulling me over for it, harassing me, and then trying to persecute me over a bunch of bullshit. ill leave it to someone that will actually be able to wear it.
I'll answer the question.. or post a link.. and then tell them to read and to please stop posting the same question a million times.. and then they call me a jack-ass!

I just helped them out.. and I'm the a-hole.


ive never been bitched out for suggesting the GrowFAQ to anyone:confused::confused:

maybe its your tone or something?