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Hi I'm new to Cannabis and this forum, just thought I would say hello and introduce myself. Will be lurking and reading through some threads. So far there seems to be a lot of spam and trolls here. Could anybody point me in the right direction to pertanant threads to help me educate myself.

Thank you, Kate.
Welcome Kate. Unfortunately this is not the place for new ideas or compassion. If you are planning on buying meds from an LP be prepared to be attacked and insulted. Sorry to say. This place could be so much better if it wasn't for a certain few who wreck it fir new patients like your self with questions to ask. If you don't mind the trolls then just carry on by ignoring them. And you will learn lots :weed: good luck.
Welcome Kate. Unfortunately this is not the place for new ideas or compassion. If you are planning on buying meds from an LP be prepared to be attacked and insulted. Sorry to say. This place could be so much better if it wasn't for a certain few who wreck it fir new patients like your self with questions to ask. If you don't mind the trolls then just carry on by ignoring them. And you will learn lots :weed: good luck.

I don't understand, why would I be attacked or insulted for using cannabis? I'm confused....

Welcome Kate. Unfortunately this is not the place for new ideas or compassion. If you are planning on buying meds from an LP be prepared to be attacked and insulted. Sorry to say. This place could be so much better if it wasn't for a certain few who wreck it fir new patients like your self with questions to ask. If you don't mind the trolls then just carry on by ignoring them. And you will learn lots :weed: good luck.
no no no thats not it at all but thats what he wants you to believe 4nakate (: The guys is out to lunch and very confusing
he's just trying to scare you into doing things that will make LPs money
BOYCOTT the greedy bunch of forcing wanna bes they cal LP's and buy from anyone Else..
word of mouth s awesome!! and FAR better than commercial SHWAG our feds tried to force everyone into using..

pphhhttt big pharma meds BS

Johnny tucked and rolled when it came time to stand up and let everyone else fight the fight for him
and now he goes off and says otherwise
I don't understand, why would I be attacked or insulted for using cannabis? I'm confused....

It's a long and arduous story, but basically the only legal way to purchase Weed in Canada is controlled by an inept government and pharmaceutical-like profit driven companies. They are not well liked.
But, a necessity for some people.
No one here would ever attack you for using Cannabis, Everyone is high.
It's unfortunate that a few people will go out of their way to attack people depending on where they get their medication. Don't let them bother you and this place is fine.

I'm sure if you've read a few threads here you already know who is who. Some have open minds, and some probably used to have open minds but let them off leash and they never came back...
no no no thats not it at all but thats what he wants you to believe 4nakate (: The guys is out to lunch and very confusing
he's just trying to scare you into doing things that will make LPs money
BOYCOTT the greedy bunch of forcing wanna bes they cal LP's and buy from anyone Else..
word of mouth s awesome!! and FAR better than commercial SHWAG our feds tried to force everyone into using..

pphhhttt big pharma meds BS

Johnny tucked and rolled when it came time to stand up and let everyone else fight the fight for him
and now he goes off and says otherwise

I thought the government/Feds didn't supply cannabis anymore. Don't private companies sell it now? Whats a LP's? You mean dispencery? If I'm not growing how else can I get cannabis? So far I have more questions than answers from this forum. Sorry I'm so confused.

they allowed LP'to supply inferior meds where the sick could grow their own
they allowed LP to charge what every they saw fit when it costs NOTHING to to grow
it costs pennies on the dollar to produce your own meds
20 cents a gram compared to 400 dollars a gram from an Lp and ITS WATERED DOWN and POISON to boot because it has things sprayed on it and then brought down into a concentrate

its really simple but they try and confuse people into buying shwag LP poison

s or large federally aproved growers producers were Harpers IDEA to force the people into buying meds from the feds and PAYING TAX

A Judge said we can grow and make our own meds.. \
So the LPs are bent out of shape for being screwed where they were trying to screw the sick
Karmas a biatch
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It's unfortunate that a few people will go out of their way to attack people depending on where they get their medication. Don't let them bother you and this place is fine.

I'm sure if you've read a few threads here you already know who is who. Some have open minds, and some probably used to have open minds but let them off leash and they never came back...

Why do they care where I get the Cannabis from? You guys are a complicated bunch.

Sorry for my ignorance.

they allowed LP'to supply inferior meds where the sick could grow their own
they allowed LP to charge what every they saw fit when it costs NOTHING to to grow
it costs pennies on the dollar to produce your own meds
20 cents a gram compared to 400 dollars a gram from an Lp and ITS WATERED DOWN and POISON to boot because it has things sprayed on it and then brought down into a concentrate

its really simple but they say s its safe for you

Sorry GB123, who is LP?

I thought the government/Feds didn't supply cannabis anymore. Don't private companies sell it now? Whats a LP's? You mean dispencery? If I'm not growing how else can I get cannabis? So far I have more questions than answers from this forum. Sorry I'm so confused.

In Canada you can go to a doctor and get your prescription, then you can sign up to one or all licenced and regulated legal producers, there's 38, 39? Or you can register to grow your own.
Or you can go black market, your neighbourhood dealer, dispensary, or grow your own illegally.

Have a read, it's pretty straight forward
In Canada you can go to a doctor and get your prescription, then you can sign up to one or all licenced and regulated legal producers, there's 38, 39? Or you can register to grow your own.
Or you can go black market, your neighbourhood dealer, dispensary, or grow your own illegally.
Yes this is correct and a good summary of the situation.
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