Noobie Question


I hear alot of people talking about trimming there plants up , Could somebody tell me exactly what to trim off ? Thanks for any imput


Rebel From The North
K im not invoking you go chop anything off, but il tell you what I do.

at week 4-5 of flower I remove the large fan/sun leaves my reasoning for this is by week 4-5 those leaves are of no use
to the plant and the plant waists energy on keeping the healthy and green. ive seen no encrease in yield by doing this
but what I do see is a better lower quality/eye apeal.


Well-Known Member
I don't argee. I keep all the fans. more green= more energy in the plant. I don't use heavy nutes I figure as the end nears the plant uses up the fans. I remove them as they die off. This just my piont of view. lots of ways to get to the end.


New Member
And yes fan leaves help provide energy for the plant and it sucks up the sun which help your bud production
& just bout anything else in the Cannabis Life cycle!

:joint: Jayy's


Rebel From The North
at week 4-5 when you plant stops it vertical stretch those leaves are of no use and extensive comparison between removed leaves
and not by side by side test in Identical rooms/strains has shown me that theres no difference between the 2 only a better looking
product! take it how you may and not looking to start a huge debate on this subject.


Thanks for the advice guys , But all you have done is confused me ! Do Im on week two or three ish or flowering Should I trim or NOT! And my appologies for not posting in the noob section xD Forgot about that section lol.


New Member
Ayo let me get a free 2.5 inch spoon I have no cash tho :(
Ill pay you in advice and +rep?


Well-Known Member
ok there are multiple ways to trim a plant and it is a art form for sure, so if you are not comfortable in doing so i dont recommend doing it, now if you do i always suggest lollipopping/skirting the lower portion of the plant for more than one reason, 1) overgrown lowers are a breeding ground for mold and pests because it is very moist and very low airflow 2) it will consentrate the plants energy on the upper more favorable main colas. that being said here are a few pics i took today from the start of the lollipopping at week 1 of flower.

first pic is of the subject, notice all the lower branching!

these are the branches i attack (lower little thin branches that will create popcorn nugs)

notice i have the branch and the immediate leaf in the shears, i cut both off.

the branch i hacked off

after the trim is complete

notice the four main heads i want to concentrate on! these are all i really want and will continue trimming until the colas start to form

the pile of cuttings

notice this plants lower bushiness, the leaf has literally made a fortress to block light and air to get in, yuck a breeding ground for sure.

this is after the trim

and that is pretty much it.

also i continue this process until the plant has completed its stretch (usually through week 3-4 of flower) each week taking a little more at a time as the plants grow vertically.



Well-Known Member
Trimming is important and yes, an entire fucking book could be written about it. One of the key trimming concepts for indoor growers is to limit lower bud growth. Indoor lights do not have thee penetrating power of that big bright ball in the sky. As a result, buds that are growing lower on the plant will amount to little or no quality bud. You may think "oh booy! look at all those freaking buds! but they never fatten up or ripen like your top colas.

Plant growth and maturation (flowering) is one balancing act between the ability to produce carbohydrates and the use of those carbs to produce plant matter. The surface of the leaves create simple sugars (carbs) through photosynthesis (fucking duh) and the plant uses those to create new plant tissue (stems and leaves in veg and buds in flower). If you trim off all the smaller bud sites down low, then the plant will utilize available carbs to grow the remaining buds that high in the canopy..the buds that will actual mature into quality product.

This is a long winded way of saying trim off all the little bud sites that don't get much sun. This is also called lollipopping if you want to google it. And NO, you can't add sugars to your water as a means to increase the amount of carbohydrates . Few sugars can pass through the roots. You can increase available carbs by foliar feeding however with a quality carb and surfactant mix (liquid light and penetrator if you want to know).



holy balls , You guys have helped me tremendously! Im definetly gonna be doing some lollipopping tomo , Also Is it okay to trim leaves a little higher up on your plant that are blocking buds from getting light?


Well-Known Member
Well you can start a long winded bitch fest with that question. I would lolipop now and leave the upper stuff alone for at least a couple days; mostly to limit stress. Fold them under for now. If they are really blocking the light then cut them. It can supposedly be less stressful to just cut the leaves and leave the petiole intact. Which kind of makes sense. The plant will have to seal the petiole would closed but not so much on the leaf tissue.

Try some liquid light/saturator twice a week if you can afford it. One of the few products that gives a wow! Effect in about 2-3 hours. Kelp foliar is also your friend at this time.



Rebel From The North
like I said before to avoid a complete flame fest! I offered what I do I you interested in how it works look into my journal link at the bottom peace