Noob question

I have started flowering my first attempt at growing, although my first attempt was soil. My tent will be moved to a new location after this harvest, and I will be making the switch to hydroponic because I will not have the space to pull out multiple 5 gallon buckets to water. What I will be looking to do is have a florescent tent going with clones in soil, that I pull out and throw into something like this in my current tent you see here:, and I would top/pinch one giant plant under my 400 watt light. From people with more experience then me do you think it would be more beneficial to have a multiple site hydroponic set up rather then just 1? Maybe something more like this:, I am not sure which one I would reach larger harvest with. Also would I need to have my clones in a hydroponic setup from the start rather then soil then transfer to hydro? maybe this: ? Does anyone have any recommendations between hydroponic and aeroponic? To see pictures of my tent go here:


Well-Known Member
The 400 watt is just right for that tent. I use hydro and soil both. The soil is easier to tend, but the hydro is good for outstanding growth. If I could only have one then it would be hydro. The systems you posted are okay, but you can build them much cheaper than buying them.