noob question "Lighting"


I see you have many answers but I scream fire hazard so invest in the correct size bulb or invest in the correct ballast.


sorry I just dislike it when someone chastises someone else for no good reason. 9/10 the post is ironically full of more grammar and punctuation mistakes than I can count. I am not worried about getting banned, I didn't say anything inappropriate. Thanks for looking out though...

Back on subject, what about using a splitter? My friend keeps saying that I could get a 1000 watt ballast and hook up 2 600s and he would hook me up with the fitting. I have thought about it. Is that safe?
The 1000 watt ballast runs 2 600 hps and has made a Hugh difference with costing the same electric every month. The 200 extra makes a difference and very safe but get the correct ballast and bulbs folks very important to match proper wattage with proper ballast! Be safe and happy growing!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Allright thanks guys. Didn't mean to hijack your thread smokekeeper. I though my question was somewhat related to yours and with electricity wanted some more advice. I already have a 600 watt ballast and everything so I will probably just add another when I can.


Well-Known Member
Don't feed the trolls. It's a fast way to get oust and say something that can get you band. Trust me. Just block them or skip the retarded shut they say.[/QUOT

Lol Warlock that sounds like one of those signs u read in the forest where they have signs "Do Not Feed the Bears" cause then they just want more food huh!!


Well-Known Member
Lol. That and I've been drinking so spelling is way out the window. I had a hard time reading my own quote. Lol


Active Member
thanks for the replies guy and gals. I do my research with most things. I am glad you all laid into him, I get tierd of people knocking others for posting threads that they don't agree with. I have posted three threads and 2 of them I got that reply. ugh... I will be getting the 1000w bulb I was thinking it would be cheaper to get the 600w because i'm on a budget, but since it is not safe there really is no cheap way around it which is ok. just tring to save a few bucks.I got the 1000w ballast for only 75$.
My room is 4x8 and plan to build a 4x5 for veg. I'm vegging in my 4x8 now. my girls got too big for my homemade greenhouse. I had to get them inside because I am in town. didn't want the attention on me.
I will be getting a 400w for my setup so if any one has a cheap link that would be quite helpful. sorry I did a little research but can only find the expensive ballasts.


Well-Known Member
Well I can't search by sellers on the phone. But the seller is gasbikeshop. Not name brand stuff but works and without a problem for years

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
As long as the ballast and the light are of the same voltage the bulb will only draw the amount of current it is designed to draw. Voltage floating because the transformer isn't loaded could cause a problem.