Noob Grower using AeroGarden Custom Setup


Well-Known Member
cheers guys. since going 12/12 a week and a half ago the plants started going vertical big time so i've started to lst. if i have a chance i'll take some pics tomorrow. btw they all have white hairs starting to show.
Yeah Man... Tie'em up...!!!! lol... just do a little at a time... bring the branch down a bit... then come back later and do a bit more.... I had mine on a 2x a day re-tie... that way, I didn't force the branch too much... stayed away from breaking anything and had the desired result with minimal plant stress..

Let's see them pics... :-P




Well-Known Member
sorry for lack of update but here are some pics from today.

if i want to take a shot from above i have to remove the light and get on my step ladder so i can't be arsed. i'm liable to drop the light of the plants which has happened a couple of times hence the clones, of which there is a new one :roll:. the original 2 have rooted and the 3rd (middle) has probably been in the tub nearly a week.



Well-Known Member
Good job on the clones mate...!!!!

Did you have them sticking out of the foam?

Can you post some details please???

Way to go man...




Well-Known Member
Good job on the clones mate...!!!!

Did you have them sticking out of the foam?

Can you post some details please???

Way to go man...


Hiya Gypsy. Cheers, tbh i was surprised they took. They came from broken branches, there are some pics of how they looked when planted a few pages back in the journal. The first two had long stems,after some side leaf pruning, long enough to poke right down to the bottom of the sponge after I had poked a hole through with enough stem poking out to keep the leaves clear. The third tho only had a very short stem, so i cut the side leaves off and put it in the sponge as far as it would go. hopefully it will root as well. I haven't used any rooting promoters. I just used plain water, from the tap and non-ph'd, for the first week and a half but i did change the rez every few days. I then had the third clone planted and all was looking good but the leaves on the first two then started to yellow and curl under so i changed the rez again but added 1ml of alg-a-mic and ph'd it. I think it was the next day i saw roots from the first two.


Well-Known Member
forgot to add about the bubbles. as you mentioned in an earlier post, not to run the pump 24/0, i experimented. i didn't use a timer, just turned the pump on and off when i felt like it really. i think what could be the trick is to let the sponges dry quite a bit and hopefully any rooting that has taken place will cause the root to chase the moisture. i will still be turning the pump on and off when i feel like it as it gets annoying being in the lounge.


Well-Known Member
Steve, I meant that for the water pump...


If you meant the water pump, disregard my shouts....

But if you were talking about the air pump.... DO NOT TURN THE AIR PUMP OFF...!!!!!! EVER...!!!!!!

You can kill your plants in a few hours with no water circulation/aeration....

I have my res out of the base, with no water pump at all... but the bubbles are ALWAYS on....

I am sorry if I was not clear... sorry bro...

Let me hear from you...



Well-Known Member
ah i see what you mean. the big 3 are in the ag rez still with bubbles 24/0. the clones are in a lunch box, sat on a box under the ag hood and i turn the air pump on and off when i feel like it. i found the sponges stay wet for quite a while after turning the air pump off. i think i've gone as long as a day with the pump being off.


Well-Known Member
good luck....

I have not experimented at all with the air pump... I leave mine on...

Now... when cloning and you have no roots in the water, it really doesn't matter, as long as the sponge is moist and the plant can drink...



Well-Known Member
yeah now 2 clones have rooted the pump may stay on more often than not but the noise interrupts my televisual viewing. i reckon if you change the rez tho every day you could probably get away without a pump. i won't be trying it tho lol.


Active Member
i am using my non ag supplied nutes tho.
Hey AGSteve - I've been reading your journal with great interest as i stumbled upon it when researching the AeroGarden for similar purposes bongsmilie

I'm wondering what nutriants your using and if you would recommend them? Mainly because everyone else is talking about Fox Farm Nutes with the AeroGarden but from what i gather these are not available in the UK.

I did note on page 2 that you used a couple of drops of Optimum Grow 2 but theres no other mention of this on the rest of your journal as far as i can see.

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

All the best


Well-Known Member
Hey AGSteve - I've been reading your journal with great interest as i stumbled upon it when researching the AeroGarden for similar purposes bongsmilie

I'm wondering what nutriants your using and if you would recommend them? Mainly because everyone else is talking about Fox Farm Nutes with the AeroGarden but from what i gather these are not available in the UK.

I did note on page 2 that you used a couple of drops of Optimum Grow 2 but theres no other mention of this on the rest of your journal as far as i can see.

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

All the best
hi hamonthebone. thanks for the post. i have been using the optimum range of nutes as you read. for veg i used the 2 part grow one and for flower i am using the 2 part bloom one. they do hardwater and softwater varieties. i also use some nitric acid based ph down. i bought them from i looked for ff nutes as well but couldn't find them. i am quite happy with the optimum nutes but as this is my first grow i don't know how they compare to others.

the advice given to me by the hydro shop was that tap water would be fine and if i have any nute deficiencies to just add some alg-a-mic (which have also and is what i have been using on my clones).

i know other people here have just used the aerogarden nutes with good results so it may be worth using those as you don't need to use any ph up or down with them. i will probably use mine when i transplant the clones as i have a few packs laying around.



Well-Known Member
todays pics.

1st is a partial canopy shot with the hood raised before i modded the tent slightly.
2nd is a side shot of the whole grow.
3rd is of two clones in a new tub under the ag hood.
4th is of the whole grow and tent after adding 4 baby cfls in each corner of the tent and pulling the top extraction part of the tent out thru the top.
5th is of the new mounting for the tent extraction fan.
6th is of the extraction part of the tent pulled out with some carbon filters.



Well-Known Member
good shit man, I'm about to do an update myself. Week 5 into flowering I believe.
cheers man. i'll check it out. i think i'm about 3 weeks into flower, i need to go back through my journal hehe. i was expecting more flowering by now but maybe that just coz i'm using cfls.


Well-Known Member
rooted clones are now in a new tub under the ag hood. ditched the third unrooted clone as the tub is big enough for three.

i'm pondering whether i should get 1 or 2 more of these tubs to replace the aerogarden for flowering. of course i will keep it for micro mothers and clones.



Well-Known Member
full view pic from a few moments ago.

btw the clone tub is still clear and no signs of algae, plants and roots look real healthy.

some bud shots to follow.

