Noob Grower using AeroGarden Custom Setup


Well-Known Member
ooo i some buds forming. nice job korv. i'm just about to check your journal, i love your pics.


Well-Known Member
Hi Steve...

you know.. you can do what I did.... as soon as that little sucker gets a good root, put it next to the flowering plants in the tent...

Flower it mini.... it will be about 2 weeks behind and a little stunted... but it would certainly make a nice extra little bud... or two...

Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
Hi Steve...

you know.. you can do what I did.... as soon as that little sucker gets a good root, put it next to the flowering plants in the tent...

Flower it mini.... it will be about 2 weeks behind and a little stunted... but it would certainly make a nice extra little bud... or two...

Just a thought...
stop stating the obvious to me... it makes me feel stupid hehe.


Well-Known Member
LOL... sorry ... `wasn't my intention... lol...

Do you have a spare timer?

I hear it's good to stop the bubbles every once in a while, until roots form... it prevents the stems from rotting, becoming soft... or whatever...

I heard to run it 30 min on 5 min off...

It would take a few extra clips on the cheapo timers, but it could be easily arranged...

Another thought...


Yet another though..... how about you take a couple more clones now and a few more in a few weeks, and stagger them in you tent...?!?!?!

OK.. enough food for the worms in your head.... LOL


Well-Known Member
LOL... sorry ... `wasn't my intention... lol...

Do you have a spare timer?

I hear it's good to stop the bubbles every once in a while, until roots form... it prevents the stems from rotting, becoming soft... or whatever...

I heard to run it 30 min on 5 min off...

It would take a few extra clips on the cheapo timers, but it could be easily arranged...

Another thought...


Yet another though..... how about you take a couple more clones now and a few more in a few weeks, and stagger them in you tent...?!?!?!

OK.. enough food for the worms in your head.... LOL
i don't have a spare timer but getting one or two would be no hassle financially. they would cost about £10 each over here tho. we don't have the advantage of your us stores unfortunately and i don't trust shit from ebay on past experience (it turns up but its low quality).

i am looking more toward buying better extraction, filtration and lighting for the tent before spending cash on the clones. however getting some clones going is a serious consideration. no point buying more femmed seed when i can clone the ones i have.


Well-Known Member
So your tent is 60 cm x 60 cm x 120 cm...?????

That would be 23" x 23" x 47"...

The tent I am looking at is this one...

MOTHER KEEPER GROW TENT room 48x48x20 box home dark cab - eBay (item 150301076829 end time Oct-12-08 16:00:00 PDT)

and 48"x 48"x 20" ..

would be... 121 wide x 121 tall x 51 cm deep...

My trays are 12" wide and 18" long, so I can fit 4 trays in there...


you have... 3.9 cubic feet ... which is ... 0.11 square meters...

and mine is ... 25.6 cubic feet which is ... 0.72 square meters...

Now... I am planning on using a cage fan for the cool tube and one for the tent, with passive intakes...

The fan I will use is rated at 265 cubic feet per minute...

So it will circulate the air in the tent roughly 10 times every minute...

For you to do that, it would take about a 40 to 50 cfm cage fan to do that...

But something like this ...

4" CARBON AIR FILTER SCRUBBER w INLINE FAN COMBO exhaus - eBay (item 180198358287 end time Oct-16-08 14:01:44 PDT)

...might be an option... take a look at their store on ebay and the web...

eBay Store - High Tech Garden Supply: DIGITAL GROW LIGHTS, 1,000 watt Grow Lights, 400 watt Grow Lights

High Tech Garden Supply

I am in Alaska, and after looking at the stuff, I called them and saved 100 bucks in shipping... I recommend a call as well...

Cheers.... how's them worms doing...??? lol...



Well-Known Member
Oh, I know you are over seas...

I was just trying to illustrate what I was talking about...

I am sure you can source fans over there...

As for the sound, I ran into a thread the other day that described a pretty nifty muffle box with cardboard, some ducting and foam...

Just an idea...

Grow Tent on

Cheers Mate...


Well-Known Member
So that is 265 cubic meter per HOUR which is ...

4.4 cubic meters per minute... which is....

...155.9 cubic feet per MINUTE... which is...

compatible with the one at the ebay site with 170 cubic feet per minute...

It is the perfect BIG ASS FAN for your tent...

One for the tent and one for the cool tube..

No heat problems.... maybe go with a 250 HPS... 8" cool tube...

and we're back to grow tent on steroids...

Wadda ya say now...????



Well-Known Member
picture from yesterday. started 12/12 on the 4th. today i can see what appears to be a bud forming on parsley's main stem.



Well-Known Member
some more pics from yesterday, the 9th. plants are drinking approx 2l a day. i've added a 20w cfl to light up the bottom and will add some more when i get some more lamp holders. the canopy is so thick it is blocking light and the lower leaves are starting to die off. you can probably see this in pic 2.



Well-Known Member
Wow Steve... Looking good Mate... you got quite the garden...!!! Congrats!!!:clap:

Yeah.. I see what you mean though... but hey you can only do so much.. right..

That is the reason a lot of people say at least a 400HPS... PENETRATION...

There is enough intensity of light to make a world of difference... you almost need a CFL at every bud site...

Hummm.... HPS...????


So I jumped on the grow tent bandwagon too... come take a peek when you get a chance...

Cheers Mate... You should be very proud of yourself!!!



Well-Known Member
hiya gypsy. just read your last post and saw your tent. most impressive diy job.

i think for this grow i'll stick with the cfls. i need to measure up the cool tubes, fans and filters before i buy to make sure it all fits in the tent. chances are i will have to do a fan and filter outside of the tent to give enough room inside for the grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks... I am actually a little surprised myself... not too bad huh?!?!

But yeah, man... put everything outside of your box.... keeps the heat down.. gives you more space.. etc...

HPS... HPS... HPS... HPS... HPS... LOL...
