Noob grow: 3.5'x3.5'x5' cave - SCROG or LST? - Ganesh from Mandala seeds - in Autopots

Day 23 - a few miniature 7 fingered leafs around
Tenderly watered 150mLs each into the immediate rootzone only. EC1.3/H2O2/rock dust suspension/pH 5.5. This is 8 hours after...
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And an upskirt shot of G2 showing the auxiliary meristems busting out due to LST. Still at the head of the pack despite the leaf tip death from overwatering.
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I wrote a short story...

A crisp, bright autumn day had dawned, a soundtrack of birdsong, distant road noise and quiet. Limpy trotted through the cul-de-sac while three tweety flufflebirds, a rainbow of colour and sound chirped up a racket. Fragrant and spicy, the scent of cannabis permeated the air, a zephyr of kindness.

Limpy was happy, soaked up the sun, he ran and ran, then sat slaked his thirst at the pond.

But he was a stray dog, black and limpy. He was profiled by the the dog patrol, and they shot him.

And they left him lying, cold and lonely by the pond, and drove away unindicted.
4 weeks from seed
Day 28.jpg
Last feed was 4 days ago. While blazed I whacked together JUNGLE JUICE mix of nutes: standard 5:1:5+seasol+powerfeed (12:1.4:7)+guano(1:9:1)+H2O2. I was seriously concerned I had trashed my plants when I woke up after greening out hard 8)

But I think they liked it 8)

Optimised the grow cave, added a sound system, improved the aesthetics and air circulation, dropped lights to 8-9" from canopy.
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Day 32 from seed - artistic license taken with photos

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Made it rain... kind of: EC 1.4+guano+H2O2 top feed till almost runoff (5L total).
Been running the hood 7-8" above canopy and keeping a steady 23-28C at plant level

Dehumidifier turned down to 40% and outside air is at 26%RH so should help dry them out.

I wanna wait for alternating internodes and maybe some preflowering before I make the flip to 12/12 and change to HPS (SontAgro) bulb at the same time. But if April comes round and they aren't mature I'll just push them through.
Day 36 - Week 5

Setup the autopot smart valve and a 20L reservoir,

G1&2 are growing good with the lower auxiliary meristems finally joining the canopy, G4 is just lame and i've released its LST, and there is some hope for G3.

Flip sometime in the next week... maybe I should pull G3&G4 out of the cave and veg them for longer, they are really not going to yield much as it is.
Dreaming of flowers, just 60 days...


Flipped G1&G2 and switched to SonTAgro 400W HPS bulb, lights come on overnight 0100-1300. Did a check for light and air leaks but still need to wash the carbon scrubber prefilter. Foliar sprayed them all with fish emulsion (10-2-6) and seasol.

And here they are 8)

G3&G4 are in the igloo now (250W MH in cooltube under a table insulated with styrofoam > igloo) to veg out and maybe repot into an organic soiless mix.
6 weeks from seed

- day 5 flower for G1&G2 (sorry bout the HPS lighting). No signs of pre flowers yet but I've been playing girly music at them hoping to influence their gender expression 8)
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- continued veg for G3&G4
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Check out the surface of G4's pot: top dressed with my homemade fire compost (6 weeks old) and watered with a worm tea + seasol + fish emulsion 48 hrs ago ... I'm trying to switch into organics and the response so far is positive 8)

Got an AACT brewing since noon which is already smelling danky sweet and earthy for the win.

Good vibes all round.. here's a beat from last year that makes the world feel right

Flower Day 12
Flower D12.jpg G2 under canopy.jpg

Tried to supercrop 2 branches on G2 that were sticking above the canopy - snapped one halfway thru and taped it up, the other was successfuly crushed and bent over 90 degrees, but 8hrs later was standing almost straight back up with a little kink. I think I'll stick to LST - only its getting hard to see whats going on under there...

They got a Seasol foliar spray yesterday to head off any Cal/Mg deficiency and an AACT is in the brew now. I also started adding fulvic acid to the reservoir at 1mL/L - supposed to help with organic nutrient uptake... I also bought a solar powered air pump for the reservoir, but its been cloudy the past few days and nothings happening

Mahamrityunjaya yajna performed on the blood moon eclipse
G3 dissected.JPG G3 Yajna.jpg

G3 (a beautiful plant) was the only male balls.jpg of the batch of 4. I wish I could've kept him alive at a stud ranch, but in the end he was offered up to the sacred fire to seek blessings from the bud gods. In 7 weeks he had reached out to the bottom of the 15L fabric grow bag and maybe 60% of its volume was packed with a healthy looking root system.

I thought I would post the translation of the mantra I mentioned earlier - it really is about the god of ganja... reciting this prayer while burning ganja is a way of showing respect to Rudra the fragrant one.

: (refers to the universal triads - e.g. the processes of creation, existence, and dissolution, as well as the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious
Yajamahe: We rejoice in meditation on all of this.
Sugandhim: danky fragrance of ganja which permeates the whole of existence, sweet smell of the erb
: which sustains and nourishes all.
Urvarukamiva: diseases of ignorance and untruth, which are like the death of Wisdom or Truth.
Bandhanan: (referring to the ignorance above) that binds us down in this fake world
Mrityor Mukshiya: liberate us from the ignorance and untruth and also the cycles of physical, mental, and spiritual death.
Maamritat: please give me that rejuvenating nectar, so as to have this liberation, like the process of severing the bud from the cannabis stalk.

In essence, its really saying that ganja is the liberator of the mind and the source of spiritual sustenance which was given to us by Lord Shiva to dispel our ignorance.

Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it Christianity/jews/mooslims etc etc. Hinduism had it right 5000 years before any of you.

The runt of the litter got an extra 11 days of veg under a 250W MH setup and has now joined the flower cave - it still looks a bit ratty, but I've top dressed her with compost and hit her with an Alfalfa seed SST and AACTs so hoping to harvest some 'semi organic bud' this round!

PS: I'm soaking 10 schwaggy bag seeds (3-4 years old) to test out my new soiless growing medium mix - if it works I'll use it for my next batch of Ganesh's - which will probably be a organic soiless SOG. A new grow journal will be posted if any of the unknown seeds actually germinate...
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Flower Day 16

Main cola top bud.jpeg Side branch top bud.jpeg

Baby buds 8)

Ran into some kind of deficiency in the last week: blotchy/inter veinal yellowing of the new growth while the old fan leaves stayed green and growth didn't really slow down. It seems to be resolving after I fed them an AACT, an alfalfa SST, foliar sprayed them with seasol/AACT, added fulvic acid and seasol to the reservoir, and upped the ratio of p/k/trace in my nutrient mix. They are now at the max nutrient strength I will use (EC ~1.4 + organic 1-9-1)

My biggest worry at present is the small pot size (5.6L) ... too late to do anything about it now - i hope that isn't the cause of the yellowing.

Added 186w of cool daylight CFLs
Added supplemental CFLs.jpeg

Self explanatory really, thats 4x24w on the left and 2x45w hanging over G4. It really helps the colour balance on the photography, and I hope it will help keep the under canopy lit up as they stretch out.

G4 just starting the stretch
G4 Flower Day 5.jpeg

Solar powered air pump with 2x airstones:
to maintain tank oxygenation. Now that I'm putting organic nutes into the tank I think this is critical.

Its really just sit back and enjoy watching them grow for now, I will have to decide about lollipopping the lower growth, I know my 400 watter isn't going to penetrate all the way through by maturity, but right now even the lowest leaves are getting around 10,000 lumen (according to this chart) which I'm more than happy with.
Looks good dude, just curious around day 30 it looked like you had a ph issue? I read thisthread about 3d looking leaves have ph issue, trying to catch on to this stuff.

What all is in your medium?
Thanks, @Kind Sir

Day 30 coulda been pH, or overwatering - I left them too wet right after transplanting too early into their final pots.

They all started in 50% perlite/50% vermiculite. Real idiot proof stuff. G1 and G2 are running through in 5.6L pots of the stuff. But since the start I've been swinging organic, G4 is top dressed with compost and Schwag5 is in my coco based 'Bunnings bagseed organic bog mix' - I'm experimenting with an easy to source home organic medium for my next proper grow.

A bit envious mate, your thread gets way more love than mine :P

But sounds like we're on a similar trajectory with our first grows and future grow plans...

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End of 4 weeks Flower:
> I see browning of pistils already!!! Isn't it too early?
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G4 Flower Day 17.jpg

Bag seed progress day 10: testing organic coco-bog mix:

Schwag 20hr-4hr day 10.jpg Schwag5 12hr12hr from seed.jpg

Random shitty psytrance set for today's party with the girls

God I miss 6o4 ...

Tunes for the girls to wake up to tomorrow:
So to take my mind off the disaster striking my grow (thread here) I am building a bubble cloner.

Anyone ever try cloning with the cuttings in a freshly brewing AACT?

just something i might have a go at, worst outcome is I lose the cuttings.
Just smoked a early harvest bud from G2 - drying half a stick, torched a spliff of some fresh mixed with reggie...

I'll be back

Please tell me whoooo I am?
Preliminary smoke report:


Early harvested after 40 days 12/12 - top 3-4 nodes of a lower cola, 7g wet with stem
Drying/curing - 12 hrs air dry after splitting a bud up
Intake - 0.5-1g wet, mulled with reggie bud and port royal rum/wine tobacco in a spliff.

Nose - chlorophyl, no passionfruit/melon that was prominent from early in the grow
Palate - harshness, only a bit of choking
After taste - a bit of sandalwood, unnamed spiciness lingers in the nasal cavity

5 min: uplift more pronounced than reggie alone, seems 'positive'
20 min: couch. forget what I'm doing. drifting slowly. hard to remember what I'm doing
30 min: power, I want to dance
40 min: smoke more

I will wait for the rest of this stick to dry out before sampling again.
Schwag bagseed bog mix test progress

Day 32
Schwag 1 14L pot.jpg Schwag 3 14L 6 way.jpg Schwag 6 the survivors.jpg

Clones day 5-7:
flipped to 12-12 today
Clones 5 days.jpg

Schwag 5: 12/12 from seed
Schwag 5 12hr from seed.jpg

Ganesh Bud (early harvest J results in previous post)
Day 40 trichs.jpg More bud.jpg

What I'm trying to convey is the aroma is definitely chocolate, dark ethiopian chocolate.
A bazaar of spices
Clarity of mind is excellent bud evidently motor coordination suffers
Music is expansive and the sun vastly luminous

I can't understand how this weed can get any better in the next 2 weeks. I fucken love MANDALA SEED'S GANESH!