here is something most people wont think of but its something i do and it works great for closet grows
ever had problems getting your temps right on that small a space .. it always seems like its either too warm or too cold all the time .. well here is what you do and its is gonna sound stupid but it works liek a charm ...
for areas where you are getting plants too cold and you are getting *purplish*because of it in with your water mix black food coloring .. the black gets picked up by the plant and makes it darken its leaves which retains heat .. if done for a entire grow it will make the leaves eventually turn completely black with a greenish cast to it ..
now with most of our grows its more along the lines of the place getting too hot but that can be fixed too with the exact same application just use the color yellow instead which in turn will cause it not to retain the heat which allows the plant to not have to aspirate as much and allows for better growth/light cycles .. will over a entire grow cause the leaves to take on a goldish hue
i have experimented over the coarse of a few grows with the exact same seed for the last 3 years with this one and the most i have ever yielded has been off of plant i have been *experimenting* on
alot of people have laughed at me for telling them this but i swear on a stack of bibles it really does work and with it being a gradual buildup in the plant they take to the treatment right off the bat with NO side-effects and i have noticed littleraly NO loss of yield and in some cases a substancial increase over the average for the seed strain

Averages taken over the coarse of 3 grows and then divided by 3 to get base number then base number used as base for subsiquent grows to compare.