NooB Advice


Active Member
hey riddle...... i was told that you can tell if it is a female by counting the " fingers " on the mature fan leaves, they said if its 9 then fem or 7 or less a male............... true/false?


Well-Known Member
false..... # of fingers on leaves are totally genetics. who ever told ya that needs ta read a bit lol theres alot of myths about telling sex early.. and yet again "myths" wait till you see pistils. the only way u kno for sure


Active Member
it was a reallll old man....... realllll "old school hippy"

i put on 12/12 2 days ago i need to pick 1 female and just focus on her. i already threw 2 away but still got i got 2 big ones in the same pot cause of a clogging problem and not wanting to drain properly(dirt turned to soup and is still soppy) any way i got my eye on 2 FAST growers,,,, I hope there long you think on 12/12 till i see sex.... i herd that males show sooner......... and will going back to veg cause a chance of hermies?

since all the "rain" and feed they have grown like 6-7 inches in a couple days!!!!!!=-)

8 plants is over whelming!!!!! i just want 1...........

ohhh i saw a plane fly over my property sever times............... do you think i should bail out on the grow or im just paranoid...........i had it really hot in the closet with a heater to help the soil dry quicker.....saw the plain and turned the heat off and the fan up haha... what you think? paranoid/in danger?


Well-Known Member
it was a reallll old man....... realllll "old school hippy"

i put on 12/12 2 days ago i need to pick 1 female and just focus on her. i already threw 2 away but still got i got 2 big ones in the same pot cause of a clogging problem and not wanting to drain properly(dirt turned to soup and is still soppy) any way i got my eye on 2 FAST growers,,,, I hope there long you think on 12/12 till i see sex.... i herd that males show sooner......... and will going back to veg cause a chance of hermies?

since all the "rain" and feed they have grown like 6-7 inches in a couple days!!!!!!=-)

8 plants is over whelming!!!!! i just want 1...........

ohhh i saw a plane fly over my property sever times............... do you think i should bail out on the grow or im just paranoid...........i had it really hot in the closet with a heater to help the soil dry quicker.....saw the plain and turned the heat off and the fan up haha... what you think? paranoid/in danger?
well if you only want one, keep 2, put one in flower and vegg the other for another month or so. with cloneing you will b perpetually harvesting 1 plant every 2 or 3 months =) and it wont b very much work other then setting up a veg or flower box. and idk about goin hermi, i jus vegg till i see pistils so i wouldnt kno that. but for the plane, cops usually use helecoptors. it wus probly someone taking flying school and they were staying in the area of the landing stip or something. cops build up a huge evidence file befor they raid a grower. keep any eye out, stay safe, dont talk on the phone. landline or cell phone. and just wait. if u take it down to one plant u can eat that lil bastard if cops come rushing in. its not illegal to have a light above an empy pot of soil ;) lol


Active Member
you won't see pollen sacks, you'll have seeds, all you can do is cross your fingers???
So you mean i won't know until i harvest and smoke some of it before i know if it was pollenated

WELL THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!.....LOL

Here is a couple of pics of my biggest girl that i'm worried about the hermie rubbed it's nuts on her



Well-Known Member
shower her when she is flowering?

i thought that was a bad thing because of mold
Mine just got a shower last week, just need her to have plenty of light time to dry and gently shake the water off the buds.

and not to long, just seconds is good


Active Member
so alot of people are saying if i do 12/12 to show sex then back to vegg i would have a big chance of hermies.........should i just chop up the smaller ones and focus on the 3 biggest ...let em vegg some more then see.....i havent shut the light off since i read "hermies"

ohhhhh this blew my mind....

i was feeding (lightly ) 2day..i see this little white peice of root on top( like 1cm long) so tht made me look more closely to my soil.......there are 3 little sprouts comming up w/ little green leaves the size of a thinking as much as I have ripped them out of the dirt and repotted them with some of the same dirt some root peices have .... i guess naturaly cloned.........or do i have a weed problem in my weed garden? haha


Well-Known Member
Swinging around the light cycle will cause hermies. :hump:

Going hermie is the plants natural reaction to what it perceives as an inhospitable environment for normal breeding. Think about it. In nature, if the dark cycle gets long enough it induces the reproductive cycle of the plant. It's time to make more plants for next year and continue its line. We are manipulating the dark period (MJ counts dark time not daylight hours) to tell the plant fall is coming, time to flower and reproduce only we never supply the pollen. Now, once the plant is in bloom to put it back on a short night cycle would totally upset the plants natural patterns. Poor things think the world is coming to an end :lol: . It will self-pollinate as an attempt to survive at any cost.

On h2o2:

I LOVE the stuff. I use 35% @ 2ml/l of res water every few days in hydro. The rez stays nice and clean and you get no root issues that are so common with some dro setups. It breaks down in a matter of minutes into o2 and h2o in the rez. Running a really good air pump in your rez will have a similar effect but I do that and Run h2o2 as well. Can't have too much dissolved o2 in the water. :bigjoint:


Active Member
so i put the lights on 12 hrs dark a total of 2 times now they are back 24/7 since i heard hermies.....this isnt enough to mess with them is it


Active Member
hope this one is a girl.... it has out grown all the others... and i think is fairly bushy too...ive cut like 4 big fan leavs cause they were dying from the nute burn.........

some one suggested to take a clone from each plant and flower those to see sex with out messing with the main ones


Active Member
not sure how to post my journal but heres last update i made a slideshow
theres 5 total the first one is 91Chemdawg with the long pinner nugs and the albino bud
second is the bigger of my 3 pre98bubba kush they got the darker leafs with a purple tint
third one missing most of her leafs is chemdawg D
and the last 2 are also pre98bubba first of them is the one that kinda lst herself and the small one got rootbound in a 1.1qt pot while the others were in 2.5gal pots
oh and the pic under the bed is of a chewed up leaf my cat rushed the 91chem and started munching on it when i turned my back id feed em to her but they got sulphur spray so next batch ill let her munch some leafs oh and today is 6 weeks into flower so the bubbas should be done in 2 weeks or less i hope the chems dont go way to long i think they are 10week gonna be hard when to decide to cut the chems im way into couchlock but that will be 2 weeks i coulda used to veg the next batch so will see[youtube]jlWBL71n4LQ[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Quick question on vegging time. It's common knowledge that a longer veg stage means a bigger plant and a larger yield, but just how much bigger and how much does the yield increase for each extra week of vegetative growth (assuming all environmental factors, nutes, etc, stay the same)? I know it's impossible to give an exact answer to the sort of question, but isn't there some sort of rough guideline on what to expect from different vegging times? Reason I'm asking is that I've got one plant that seems to be a slow starter compared to the others, and I'm thinking it may need a bit of extra time before I flower it. Problem is, I've only got one light at the moment, so I either give all 6 of them an extra week, or I don't do it at all. I'm trying to decide if the extra week will really be worth it, or if I might as well just go ahead and stick to the original plan.


Well-Known Member
Quick question on vegging time. It's common knowledge that a longer veg stage means a bigger plant and a larger yield, but just how much bigger and how much does the yield increase for each extra week of vegetative growth (assuming all environmental factors, nutes, etc, stay the same)? I know it's impossible to give an exact answer to the sort of question, but isn't there some sort of rough guideline on what to expect from different vegging times? Reason I'm asking is that I've got one plant that seems to be a slow starter compared to the others, and I'm thinking it may need a bit of extra time before I flower it. Problem is, I've only got one light at the moment, so I either give all 6 of them an extra week, or I don't do it at all. I'm trying to decide if the extra week will really be worth it, or if I might as well just go ahead and stick to the original plan.
With an extra week of veg you could see another 1 to 3 inches of growth, depending??? and that would translate into another 3 to 9 inches of bud when you flip her,,,your choice?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Riddle,

I'm still debating on whether or not to veg it out longer. I've still got another two weeks before I was planning to start flowering, so I guess I'll just see what happens between now and then. The plant in question is developing so differently from the others that it's hard to tell whats going on with it. All the other plants have been getting steadily taller every day-this one hasn't grown more then an inch or two, but has gotten a lot bushier in the middle. It's got some spotting on two sets of leaves that may be signs of spider mites, so I'm going to hit it with neem after i get done watering it today and see if that helps. Those stupid bugs are pretty much impossible to wipe out here, so all you can do is keep them beaten back.


Well-Known Member

I just posted an update to my Goin Loco journal with the whole story

everyone needs to read it :bigjoint:
Hey riddle,

Just read the update and that is somewhat a bummer.:sad: I say somewhat because without this info we would not have know what we could expect from the use of these pots. This was one of the items on my Want's/Needs list for my next attempt.

I used the peat pots for my first attempt and planted them right in the soil. Well we know that it did not go to well.:lol: I never really payed attention to the first one's I got rid of, but it was the last one that made me say hmmmmm. I started poking around in the dirt and was able to pull the whole pot out of the soil same as you and not one root poking through the walls of the peat pot. I tore open the p/p and there was quite a bit of root development and some small one attached to the side of it, but the thicker roots were turning back in towards the center.

I just may have been my inexperience but as I was reading Mel's book last night, he talks about this in the germination section. He talks about removing the plant from the P/P and doing damage to the roots. I assume he has had problems with transplanting the whole thing into the dirt,but thats just my opinion.(Love the book! I would recommend it to anyone as a first read.)

Anyway, good thing you caught it in time. Hopefully not do to much damage.