non-passable tranny fucks trump live on fox news

Yes, I do remember that. And he did. And he won several cases which made the women keep their mouths shut as they had legally binding agreements with him.

But here's the point you and others keep on ignoring:

Trump did just about everything wrong you can do in an election short of pissing on the American flag while kicking a baby and still won. He said many times he could do pretty much anything and get away with it and still win the election.

And he did.
  • He made racist remarks several times. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He had several women accuse him of harassment. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He was ON TAPE talking about the grotesque way he treated women. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
  • He said he could actually shoot people in the street and still win. It was all over the news. Didn't matter, he still won.
So do you really think he would give a shit if it hit the news he screwed a porn star? Seriously?

Of course not, because it would have been (and is) all over the news, but it wouldn't have mattered he would have still won.

The only thing that makes any sense at all is that she came to them and wanted cash or she was going to the papers, and if that happened Trump would risk his fortune. It would give Melania all the ammo she needs to take his ass to the cleaners.

Do you really think Trump was more concerned with an election that his own personal fortune?

If you do, you're insane.

The only thing Trump cares about is money. THAT is what he was afraid of losing, not an election. His entire persona is around doing whatever the hell he wants and nobody caring. Hell, if he were single he would have ADVERTISED that he screwed her and probably given her a cabinet position.
and for the fucking record when you apply for a home equity loan you do have to tell them your intent for use. Be it to consolidate bill, pay for kids college, or home improvement. You have to let them know what your plans are. They just don't give it to you because...
Now did he let the bank know it was a payoff to a porn star. Doubt it
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$130k to silence someone is an in-kind contribution above the legal limit. felony

they concealed the source of this contribution. felony.

they made false statements to the FEC and banks about it. felonies, both of them.

not to mention the obstruction of justice admission giuliani also made. major felony.

blatantly lying to the american people from aboard air force one is just trump's way of saying he does not respect you.
I thought it was particularly lol that the first relevant person to tweet and call bullshit on Guiliani's statement about campaign finance laws was Methy-Anne Conway's husband :)
You obviously have no idea what equity is.

Equity is merely ownership. "Home equity is the market value of a homeowner's unencumbered interest in their real property, that is, the difference between the home's fair market value and the outstanding balance of all liens on the property. ... In economics, home equity is sometimes called real property value." That's not something I made up, it's a quote.

But a home equity loan is just like any other loan secured with something of value. Your original mortgage is a secured loan. It is secured by the value of the home and land it sits on. That's why they require a home inspection and independent market value analysis.

But they aren't giving you the value of your home. They are just loaning you their money. You home is security. And by the way, you agree to keep that home in good repair to protect their loan.

Same with a HELOC. They are using the difference in value between what you still owe and what the house is worth on the open market. They haven't bought your house. They haven't given you your own money. It is their money, and you owe it to them. If you don't repay it, they will take 100% of your house, pay the primary lender what they are owed and keep the rest. You will get nothing back, even if they end up with a profit. It might take them years to sell it, and they will probably take a loss, especially in areas where home prices have fallen. You will be in bankruptcy and they won't be able to get much from your broken down butt.

I'm done with you. I'm taking bucks approach. All I have to do is stand here and laugh at your ignorance. ;)
What Trump and his administration have done and continue to do is illegal. Talking about it as if it were a matter of public opinion is exactly what they want you to do. So when the Trump administration and virtually the entire Republican party decide to not follow the law and in doing so, break the law, they will justify it by hiding behind some made up public opinion.

This administration is going down in a blaze. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will happen.

And it will be glorious.

The transitioning of his 4/28 michigan mob rally to accept illegal immigrants as guest workers and no longer talking about wall.. watch as the confusion washes over their faces:

Ya need ‘em..ya need ‘em..

I recognize several of the audience members in the background. Ummmm, weird.
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And to think, we would’ve never known anything if Trump hadn’t won the election..mind blowing at the stupidity of putting himself out there considering the criminal activity he is involved in.

I’d like to think that what will happen to him is going to be his repayment for all the anguish he’s caused people, especially those who may have lost or ruined their business and couldn't pay their bills because Trump ripped them off in some way. Happy the Trump U people received some cash and feel terrible they trusted him.

He is one of the most evil men of our time.
And to think, we would’ve never known anything if Trump hadn’t won the election..mind blowing at the stupidity of putting himself out there considering the criminal activity he is involved in.

I’d like to think that what will happen to him is going to be his repayment for all the anguish he’s caused people, especially those who may have lost or ruined their business and couldn't pay their bills because Trump ripped them off in some way. Happy the Trump U people received some cash and feel terrible they trusted him.

He is one of the most evil men of our time.
but yet people like yourself were willing to accept Trump because Bernie lost to Hillary. How is that working out for you ?
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Oh lookie lookie lookie. It turns out cohen didn't just borrow $130k, he borrowed closer to $750k, And he falsely inflated the value of the property he was using for collateral.

As for trump, he was paying cohen back by using legal fees. That is illegal since legal fees are tax deductions, and paying off porn stars and other daliances (what was the rest of the $750k used for do you think?) isn't.

Oh, and that bit about cohen misusing the funds by not disclosing what he was using them for? Also a crime.

These guys really are the gang that can't shoot straight.

This evening the WSJ reported that Michael Cohen took a home equity line of more than three quarter million dollars right around the time Donald Trump was racking up Republican primary wins, meaning that he was looking to pay off those with dirt on Trump throughout the election, and that the $130,000 to Stormy Daniels was just a small part of it. Cohen also reportedly falsely inflated the value of his assets in order to secure the loans, and he misled lenders about what he intended to do with the money he was borrowing. This means he’s screwed when it comes to election laws, and financial fraud laws.​
Oh lookie lookie lookie. It turns out cohen didn't just borrow $130k, he borrowed closer to $750k, And he falsely inflated the value of the property he was using for collateral.

As for trump, he was paying cohen back by using legal fees. That is illegal since legal fees are tax deductions, and paying off porn stars and other daliances (what was the rest of the $750k used for do you think?) isn't.

Oh, and that bit about cohen misusing the funds by not disclosing what he was using them for? Also a crime.

These guys really are the gang that can't shoot straight.

This evening the WSJ reported that Michael Cohen took a home equity line of more than three quarter million dollars right around the time Donald Trump was racking up Republican primary wins, meaning that he was looking to pay off those with dirt on Trump throughout the election, and that the $130,000 to Stormy Daniels was just a small part of it. Cohen also reportedly falsely inflated the value of his assets in order to secure the loans, and he misled lenders about what he intended to do with the money he was borrowing. This means he’s screwed when it comes to election laws, and financial fraud laws.​
