No Smoke :(


Im Bored so thort id write somethin,

i havint got any bud left only a 1 skinner of scuff :(

iv got a 20 note in my pocket and my main man aint got nowt of that stinky cheese

i no someone else but its pretty Standard stuff,..... Remember we use to buy for 25 a 8th back in the day

its that but hear wants a 20 note for a 1.5 bag WHAT a ripoff!!!!

just thort id share my boredom with u all lmao

im from North Wales inbox me and bring me a Bag of Good Stuff lol



Well-Known Member
It sucks being out. My buddy got me some bunk stuff last month. 8 grams for 25$. I thought, hell thats a deal! It was all ground up and what have you. Stuff took 3 bowls to get me where i needed to be only to last 35-45 mins. Then afterwards a major headache and Only lasted a week. That was not having any for 30 days! Oh well, hes bringing me some killer stuff next weekend so i'm looking forward to that!


Well this lad i no from facebook bought me a ounce down from down south for 200 quid and it was grown in a green house
it was very raggy and lots of stringy stork, think the seed was hiding in a bag of Weed when he bought it and thort he would grow it, was a shame it wernt better stuff really, i love the cheese variety AND miss the lovely blueberry fruity fat buds and i miss that fuckin awesome BUBBLEGUM Dam Been Years :(


It sucks being out. My buddy got me some bunk stuff last month. 8 grams for 25$. I thought, hell thats a deal! It was all ground up and what have you. Stuff took 3 bowls to get me where i needed to be only to last 35-45 mins. Then afterwards a major headache and Only lasted a week. That was not having any for 30 days! Oh well, hes bringing me some killer stuff next weekend so i'm looking forward to that!
Yesir! Everyone likes the treats!


It sucks being out. My buddy got me some bunk stuff last month. 8 grams for 25$. I thought, hell thats a deal! It was all ground up and what have you. Stuff took 3 bowls to get me where i needed to be only to last 35-45 mins. Then afterwards a major headache and Only lasted a week. That was not having any for 30 days! Oh well, hes bringing me some killer stuff next weekend so i'm looking forward to that!
LOL I almost forgot, I gave back that same bunk bag-o-stuff that my wife had hid away to the guy we got it from... as he left I told him to not have to big of a party.....Buhahaha!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL I almost forgot, I gave back that same bunk bag-o-stuff that my wife had hid away to the guy we got it from... as he left I told him to not have to big of a party.....Buhahaha!!!
Should have said, "Don't smoke it all at once, oh wait, you HAVE to!" hahaha