No more CC at Sannieshop

You can get insurance on packages you send. They don't ask questions. If you have to send cash, that's what I'd do. It costs an extra 10-20 bucks to get over 1000 dollars worth of insurance, at least in Canada on non international. I doubt it costs a lot more on international. TSD is gonna be carrying his beans anyway though.

will they be carrying them for the same low prices though? if not i will take my chances with sannie
Well, they carry esko's seeds there and they aren't a tonne more per pack than they are at Sannies. I think maybe 5 or 10 bucks? It's an option if you prefer by credit card anyway, I'll probably just send Sannie money directly.
I sent Sannie some cash on Saturday, my order shipped this morning (friday). If it goes as usual I will have some new beans by the end of next week. :weed:
Can you please post when your shipment arrives, I am hoping my shipment got resent and am trying to see how long this actually takes to get to me. The first round the postal service fucked it up and sent it back because they are too stupid to realize my house is on "blank" ave :-\. Tahoe is a joke
they came in yesterday. i requested no sig and he complied. he emailed me when he received the letter i sent to let me know he was shipping. waiting on sos still, same method, will update on arrival
Boy ! The Beat goes on. Custom seizures, credit card issues And next it will be no money orders. The credit card thing happens because people say they never got their order and the Credit company looks into the business and finds out it's a seed bank and there goes their machine. Same reason Bbay only use to take money orders and cash. Now it's just cash because the banks don't want to exchange US currency from a seed bank. Now it's cash only in GDP . Now you can wire GDP but the conversion rate and wire transfer fee makes it not worth it. Better just to send cash. Things are getting tougher and tougher.
im totally cool with sending cash and having zero paper trail. i dont think its too much trouble at all. makes it more special when actually do get the beans
Boy ! The Beat goes on. Custom seizures, credit card issues And next it will be no money orders. The credit card thing happens because people say they never got their order and the Credit company looks into the business and finds out it's a seed bank and there goes their machine. Same reason Bbay only use to take money orders and cash. Now it's just cash because the banks don't want to exchange US currency from a seed bank. Now it's cash only in GDP . Now you can wire GDP but the conversion rate and wire transfer fee makes it not worth it. Better just to send cash. Things are getting tougher and tougher.

its not getting tougher its just going back to the way it was in the beginning.
He's got his gear up on Cannazon now I believe. They are cheaper than they are on his shop.

I just looked and the seeds are actually a few cents cheaper at sannies shop. I was thinking of giving cannazon a try but they won't reship if the seeds are taken by customs where Sannie will. I'm going to send the cash to Sannie directly.
does anyone know if you get the same dank freebees sannie hooks up though? I think that's one more reason along with customer service from the man himself i think i will just send cash next time i order from him, whenever the sugarpunch is back
he's had this happen a few years ago..
imo, what happens is that the cc processor finds out he's selling cannabis seeds, and they revoke his processing abilities.. this i why a lot of smaller banks you'll notice that they don't accept cc's.. they're not trying to be dicks, it's the simple fact that cannabis business is pretty much considered the drug trade, and no cc processing co is willing to process cards for the drug trade..
when he did start processing cards again, you notice that it went through some shop, it was sannies, but it wasn't sannies seed shop if you ever noticed.. this is how he was getting around it for this long.. looks like the processing co. caught on again and put an end to it.. doesn't mean it's the eqnd of the world as there's always a chance that he will find another co. to do his processing.. it's not easy finding a new co. from what i've seen though, so it could take some time.. i forget how long he wasn't accepting them the last time..

and lastly, if you want to cut out scammers, simply require every order to be sent traced, that way someone just can't say the money showed up when the tracking says it hasn't... really is that easy.. if tracking says it never showed up, you don't mail out the beans, no confrontation required..

You nailed it. It's not because he's butt hurt about Americans telling him lies. It's the CC company getting wind of his activities. And yes, there's only so many CC companies in the world, and not all of them will even deposit into an NL based bank account, so his list of potential card processors dwindles.

But make no mistake, it isn't the Brits or the Irish or the Australians filling his coffers. It's us Americans spending the money and he certainly wants to keep taking our money, believe me.
Might be the way of the west now I guess ? It just takes another week longer to mail money over, Some won't even take a money order anymore.