No bloom nutes yet is this phosphorus def?

cat shit

Active Member
6 week auto have been battling mag deficiency well into preflower inner veins red, red stems inner leaf chlorosis on old and newer growth was a bit late to feed 3 weeks in using canna terra professional enviroment is spot on ph 5.8 to 6.2. I'm guessing phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium are all the culprits nothing but issues using canna terra professional I'm gona go back to coco if I can't work out this medium. It's the best option here in Australia as far as potting mixes go. Anyone with some ideas let me know as I'll be eliminating possible reasons before I take any corrective actions. MY ec numbers are 200ppm cal mag 250ppm canna vega. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
All 3 of the nutrients, N, P and Mg you suspect are all mobile nutrients and would be stolen from the older fan leaves which look very healthy in those pics. What we have here is a micro-nutrient deficiency which shows up in newer growth. Either lack of or lock-out somehow.

I'm not familiar with those particular nutes but I know that the amount of nutes you use should be much higher than the amount of CalMag you're using. Is that the Canna Terra Vega one part you're using for veg? Most of that line is for hydro I believe so may not work so well in real dirt.

I would suspect it's the high ratio of CalMag to nutes causing a lockout most likely Ca as when it's in excess it can mess with a lot of the other nutrients both micro and macro.


This is a pretty good chart but you really have to play detective to figure out what's going on. I never do well in soil in pots so have always used peat-based ProMix HP if not doing DWC.


You should be using some bloom formula now. Say 1/3 of total and gradually raise that over the next2 to 5 weeks when it should be mostly bloom feed. And up that ppm to 500 and cut the CalMag way back. Real soil like potting soil has calcium added already so you're way over the limit I'm pretty sure.

Good luck eh!


cat shit

Active Member
All 3 of the nutrients, N, P and Mg you suspect are all mobile nutrients and would be stolen from the older fan leaves which look very healthy in those pics. What we have here is a micro-nutrient deficiency which shows up in newer growth. Either lack of or lock-out somehow.

I'm not familiar with those particular nutes but I know that the amount of nutes you use should be much higher than the amount of CalMag you're using. Is that the Canna Terra Vega one part you're using for veg? Most of that line is for hydro I believe so may not work so well in real dirt.

I would suspect it's the high ratio of CalMag to nutes causing a lockout most likely Ca as when it's in excess it can mess with a lot of the other nutrients both micro and macro.

View attachment 5414050

This is a pretty good chart but you really have to play detective to figure out what's going on. I never do well in soil in pots so have always used peat-based ProMix HP if not doing DWC.

View attachment 5414051

You should be using some bloom formula now. Say 1/3 of total and gradually raise that over the next2 to 5 weeks when it should be mostly bloom feed. And up that ppm to 500 and cut the CalMag way back. Real soil like potting soil has calcium added already so you're way over the limit I'm pretty sure.

Good luck eh!

Thanks for the info, the canna terra soil mix is peat based and classed as a soiless medium and my tap water is very soft 50ppm so I was under the impression that I had to bring the water up to 0.4 ec with cal mag so you are probably correct in you analysis it most likely is the cal mag and could explain why I keep having issues with this particular medium. I have spoken to canna numerous times about there medium and they are adamant there is little to know calcium in the mix, I'll back off the calmag and up there bloom nutrients which is canna vega. Thanks again!