Nirvana Germination Kit, and a good set of substitutes?


I was supposed to receive the GK in an Ultimate Grow Kit (including Soiltabs - veg nutes, and Flowertabs - flower nutes), but customs, the mail or whatever made it mad late. I'd like to give some good auto seeds an ideal and easy upbringing as soon as possible, and I'm already off schedule for a week, so I'm planning to start without them in my PC happy case.

So... suppose I soaked them for 48 hrs and then put them in universal flower soil, what else should I feed them to make up for the absent peat, Bacto powder and Soiltabs?


Well-Known Member
Nothing. Just plant the soaked seed in some moistened soil and hopefully sitting on a germ mat....I've just started some seeds in the nirvana germkits along with others I just planted in reg soil....I see very little difference if at all. Auto seeds are usually very sensitive to nutes...mist my seeded pots a couple of times a day (unless you're under humidity dome) but never nute til they're over 2-3 weeks old.


I like to soak them for 24hrs in a cup of water. Then 24hrs in a CD case with a moist paper towel in a dark place. I've never had a seed not pop = ]


Well I just grabbed the bull by the horns and dropped my ladies in some room temp water. I'm either gonna pull the CD case move you recommended or leave them in the water for an extra while. Can't be waiting for an order forever :D

Edit: I looked into nutes a bit, and decided I'll only go with flower nutes since the veg cycle is so short and it's not a good idea to fertilize in the 1st two weeks. So, if they germ ok and my order eventually arrives one day, I'll have the F-tabs very handy, and I'll be ready for some new weedlings any day :D


Well in the end only 2/3 popped off. I'm appalled :O but I guess it's normal :D so I hope I get a kick out of my 66% left