Nirvana Comes Thought Again

rob butts

Well-Known Member
yo man i had the same problem fro ma d ifferent site i would email a bunch and get no reply, but i was actually getting replies the whole time. Check your Junk Email folder, its probably in there if you have one, but im sure it will be fine dood they arent out to take youre money, they're all just like us.


Well-Known Member
yep my order was supposed to be shipped on teh 7th of last month. 3 weeks and nothing, so i made a ticket. Alice informed me that even though the ToS stated that lost or confinscated packages (which is what they assumed happened, i still havnt gotten a letter from Customs), she would resend the order free of charge as a gesture of good will. judging by most peoples timeframes iam hoping by the end of this week or early next week for that one. gettin antsy to get some Black Jack goin.


I ordered on april 5. Never came. Told Alice on the 30th, supposedly they sent another order. Alice also let me know that they would resend my order "this one time only, peace", which is I think is a weird thing to say. Been a month since first ordering, a little annoyed now. I ordered in Feb. and got it within a week. bad germination on those, alice sent me more and got those in 4 days. I think I wasted my $ this time, if I dont get it get this order I'll pay the extra $ and be an Attitude only customer. Nirvana seeds can grow good plants for sure, but every time I ordered from Nirvana I had to contact them about some kind of problem before I could concentrate on growing.


Well-Known Member
well a bit of an update. i just today got my package of Black Jack fems. woot for nirvana! only real question now is, is this the original or the resent package? if this is the orginal, iam going to feel like a real ass when the other ones come in, might even email them about it and see if they want anything in return. yes i know that sounds stupid, but in my eyes they did me right by resending the package, they only deserve the same in return, even if the only response i get is 'well enjoy the freebies this time, and be more patient next time!'.

as for Nirvana as a whole this experience left me with a good taste in my mouth from them (lot better than the taste of cock, which i thought was what i might be tasting if they didnt get here soon). needless to say, they will be getting my future business. ive included 2 pics of the seeds to show the quality. though they arent the dark black, almost coffee bean look that you see in most of their adds, they dont seem to be too green or premie at all, which was a major concern since that is a common complaint. i wish i could tell you guys how they germ, but i wont even be trying until after i move, which means it wont happen to close to september if iam lucky. if they had gotten here within 6 days of the order, i might have barely fit into the window for a full grow, but now that it didnt, i want to make sure that when i use them i give them the full care they need. no shortened Veg or early harvest or any of that shit.
-EDIT- and just in case anyone asks, no i wont be sharing any of the stealth packaging info with anyone. it came very discreet, and thats about all that needs to be said.