5 or 6 lite to medium frosts are manageable you will see,the larger leaf take most of the damage...
and you can prevent all damage by purchasing a roll of 6mil clear plastic vapour barrier in 10 foot widths ...
and draping this over your plants....and 4 clothes pins an your set. its also rare for it to be too windy and to get a frost.
put it on before bed and take it back off in the morning once the air temps have come up...its clear plastic and wont interfere with the sunlight
any luck in the last two days its fruity nectar will gush out in a wave of thc goodness...
good luck with this experiment
any luck in the last two days its fruity nectar will gush out in a wave of thc goodness...
good luck with this experiment
Absolutely NOTHIN yet :lol:

Its right weird seeing it look like that ..empty and void of any crystals Hairs are there but No blobs on top

no worries though I have meds ....

ohh and the plants ya see still in the ground..thats whats left of the plants harvested,figured Id leave them in with whats on them still Its something :-D
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It's an extremely fine line in Canada on defending yourself and using excessive force. Funny now....not in court later though. Just encounting someone doesn't give us the right to woop em.
If you are genuinely being attacked force is ok. If your not, you better watch what you do.
We are NOT the USA in this respect. Fair? Depends on what position your in. There's good reason to think first shoot second. ...just not as much fun is all.
so if someone walks into your house and start taking yer shit all peaceful and such that's OK ;lol:
so if someone walks into your house and start taking yer shit all peaceful and such that's OK ;lol:
Well of course
But you just shoot the dude if he's not actually attacking you see what happens. As I said you better be actually defending yourself.
To be fair he had a loaded rifle in the drivers seat between his legs, was drunk and his friends were beating his wife. A little more at stake than some plants in the eyes of the law. Regardless, you should be able to defend your home and property.
That's why I suggest the less lethal options - but if you do permanent damage to the guy, you can still be charged. I had an incident over 30 years ago where someone tried to break into my house while I was working out of town and my wife and young children were sleeping. She called me, I called a neighbour and he went over and beat the shit out of the guy with a thick chain and waited for the cops to show up. He ended up being charged with assault despite the cops knowing the full story, but charges were dropped before he went to court. I knew a couple of the cops in town and talked to them about it later and they told me that if it ever happened again, drag the guy into the doorway of your house. The theory is that if they are outside they are not an immediate threat...tell that to a young woman with two babies in the house.
5 or 6 lite to medium frosts are manageable you will see,the larger leaf take most of the damage...
and you can prevent all damage by purchasing a roll of 6mil clear plastic vapour barrier in 10 foot widths ...
and draping this over your plants....and 4 clothes pins an your set. its also rare for it to be too windy and to get a frost.
put it on before bed and take it back off in the morning once the air temps have come up...its clear plastic and wont interfere with the sunlight

Took the ends off either side of the 10x10 diffused light greenhouse and pulled it over the plants who have been out. The only plants without PM now. I will do this every year. The plants are fucking neighbours are 10 feet tall, walking into his 4 plant garden is like walking into a magical forest. I took 4 people for a tour today, the first person disappears after they walk past the first sign of PM on his plants either they are not covered but they are close to the water.

Of course, I got his permission first. The 4 people were neighbours anyways. My own neighbourhood garden tour, minus the gestapo like that ahole cop in BC.
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Holey Crap! Is this Jamaica or Hawaii? LOL
each of those 6x6 foot squares is one scrog'd plant. and the tripods were built over the natural shaped ones....the scrogs produced the best qty at about 6 to 8 lbs per compared to 3-5lbs for the natural shaped ones once fully budded out.
Being the first time I had ever used a was nice to see every branch you nested into its own square on the scrog produced a "main top"type bud and were easily 3/4 of a lbs dry ...for each of the top clusters....the smaller branches under each cluster then became secondary branches and produced lots of nice cola's....
tripods.... they are 3-pieces ripped out of 2x6 by 16 foot length,that way binder twine string nooses could be used to support the budding branches that got quite heavy,near the end...unsupported they would eventually snap..

the bottom half of these scrog's I didn't even harvest for buds but rather dried as a whole and then wearing a leather glove, I just stripped off everything remaining into a large paper leaf recycle bag to make hash with keeps perfect in those paper leaf recycling bags btw.
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I honestly don't know how you guys trim so much .God I damn near have an anxiety attack thinking of the days of trimming needed. Here I am with two pairs of fiskars and im 3 days in and I havent scratched the surface. GOD DAMMIT i hate trimming lol .So much so it almost makes me not want to grow come every harvest time.... almost....depends on the day haha