One of the plants should be sprayed with a toxic material...poison ivy works make the ripper really sick.. Write that plant off as payback..just never harvest or smoke.. There are good strains that finish in september..
My frustration is at an all time high...especially with someone who would steal a med patients meds....
seriously we planted this stuff and nurtured them into the mother plants we wanted....and enjoyed the journey as well...
only to have some lazy and nosy cunt...slip in under the cover of darkness...and steal it...leaving you med..less...
for the year....
anyways...I am hoping a peaceful and thoughtful discussion of this problem..couldn't hurt...
and to you know who you are....stop stealing,,,,ask for some seeds and grow your own...simple and you will have a clearer conscience
One of the plants should be sprayed with a toxic material...poison ivy works make the ripper really sick.. Write that plant off as payback..just never harvest or smoke.. There are good strains that finish in september..
sounds like a great idea of revenge...but most likely a big lawsuit..against us for poisoning something....
I hate it too ,,,,but setting traps of any super illegal.....catch a snoopy police officer in your can expect to see some jail time....regardless of the reason you intended the trap....
( this was explained to me by the police)....
Or jahovas witnesses, talk em to death.
Also the 1 thing that sneak thieve's and rippers can't hide in the commission of their crimes...
is their footprints in the dew.....with a flash light it stands out like a black line on white paper..
at my place ..they try and attack from a farm behind me and of course climb a farm fence and drop into my place.
but from there the dew, I can see exactly everywhere they walk and sneak,stop and peek they advance on the inner fence.
once close to the inner fence, they are already in camera.... day or night...clear as a bell ...say cheese ...
either a security light or my flashlight will have them already running back to the farm fence and over...disappearing in the bush on the farm property....
I usually can hear them for quite some time ...snapping twigs and fallen branches as they fight their way thru the bush in the pitch black.
All quiet so far I hope? You ever thought about electrifying the fence? Razor wire?
the farmer behind me already has electric fence and wire on this prowlers so far....if they watch it at all from a distance they would have to notice its manned 24/7 one of us is always here..this probably not worth the extra effort it would take...rob us.
but I know better than to let my guard down...
sounds like a great idea of revenge...but most likely a big lawsuit..against us for poisoning something....
I hate it too ,,,,but setting traps of any super illegal.....catch a snoopy police officer in your can expect to see some jail time....regardless of the reason you intended the trap....
( this was explained to me by the police)....
The cop was fear-mongering. You can put non-lethal traps on your own land to protect your different than a guard dog at the police impound lot. Post signs to say trespassing on the property is dangerous like they do at power transfer stations and other places. The farmer in Sask. got away with shooting a guy for trying to steal an ATV and your plants are worth more than that. Electric fences, spikes sticking out of the ground, trip lines, etc, etc. are all legal. You can claim it's to keep the deer away.
To be fair he had a loaded rifle in the drivers seat between his legs, was drunk and his friends were beating his wife. A little more at stake than some plants in the eyes of the law. Regardless, you should be able to defend your home and property.

Almost exactly the same scenario they played out at firearms safety course, and said you cannot use your firearm to stop them. Like I said, very few of us thought we would pay particular attention to that rule...
Almost exactly the same scenario they played out at firearms safety course, and said you cannot use your firearm to stop them. Like I said, very few of us thought we would pay particular attention to that rule...
Haha what an absolute fucking joke i would have laughed in the instructors face. "So im supposed to let them injure and potentially kill me and my family? And this makes sense how?"
Question for the outdoor veterans from an outdoor newbie. How low does the night time need to be before you get worried .I have a couple nights where its going down to 2-3 degrees. I still have another 2 weeks at least.
It's an extremely fine line in Canada on defending yourself and using excessive force. Funny now....not in court later though. Just encounting someone doesn't give us the right to woop em.
If you are genuinely being attacked force is ok. If your not, you better watch what you do.
We are NOT the USA in this respect. Fair? Depends on what position your in. There's good reason to think first shoot second. ...just not as much fun is all.