Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Infrared would see it, no problem, because I read, and from the guy that started all this Nibiru stuff,(see link in earleir post)that Nibiru has an internal heat source.Therefore, it would show in the infrared spectrum.We have plenty of IR telescopes that peruse the sky.
Sorry stoney, I meant 10 planets, before Pluto was denounced and including the sun. This was the Mayans who have carvings. It is a theory that our poles have changed and every 3600 years or so the earth has undergone serious catastrophic events, hence civilations just disappearing and cities being found under oceans ect. The reason we cannot see nibiru is because its a brown star, like a piece of charcoal after a while you cant see the red amber in the middle because of the ash surrounding it. Check this out
That video proves nothing. Almost looks like an unresolved binary star.
don't give stoney youtube links, youtubians are just a bunch of kooks, huh stoney


Well-Known Member
That was the idea behind the goverment building the Amundsen-Scott American south pole station. And there were pics on google sky, Wikiski and Microsoft's wwt that have been recently overlayed with black to cover things up. Something is going to happen that might be inevetable and the gov. has to cover it up because of world wide panic. If you were told you only had 4 years left and the planet would be destroyed, would you, pay your bills? Even go to work? Care about the law? There would be total havic on earth.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's me in my avatar.
too shay, by the way are you a girl?
Look...I'm one of the first to agree the government is out to getcha.But there are freelance scientists, ethical ones, who would feel it is their duty to blow the horn.And that doesn't change the fact that it is not mentioned in the historical record.Believe me, even with a low albedo,Something wandering in close to the sun of such a mass as Nibiru supposedly has would be noticed.Especially since there is a good chance it would knock us off orbit completely.
That was the idea behind the goverment building the Amundsen-Scott American south pole station. And there were pics on google sky, Wikiski and Microsoft's wwt that have been recently overlayed with black to cover things up. Something is going to happen that might be inevetable and the gov. has to cover it up because of world wide panic. If you were told you only had 4 years left and the planet would be destroyed, would you, pay your bills? Even go to work? Care about the law? There would be total havic on earth.


New Member
I looked into Nibiru/Planet X myself when I was researching all this stuff pretty extensively.

And my honest conclusion so far is...IDK. Thats what I came up with, its confusing, I cant say for sure.

I will believe most of this stuff with still being a healthy skeptic. Not the degree of skepticism that makes me seem stupid/blind or part of the government though. The main thing that I have heard is that Planet X will pass through our solar system and cause some sort of disturbance. Its supposed to be on a huge orbit and enters our solar system every couple thousand years or something. I have also heard the theory that reptilians or some kind of race lives on it, I believe that part is total BS but I could be wrong. The old civilizations supposedly had paintings with 10 planets on it. Nibiru is supposedly visible to part of the southern hemisphere right now, and by 2011 it will be visible to the entire world. At least thats what I heard. I dont remember how close its supposed to get. Along with all of that, Ive also heard all of the end of the world predictions. IDK about that. I do believe that something huge will happen in 2012 though, Ive researched that extensively also, I dont know if Nibiru has anything to do with that though. Its just that there are so many prophecies and events supposedly going to happen on that date. Its coming fast, Im pretty excited for it. This is the only time in my life through all the BS theories (Y2k, etc.) that I truly believe something is going to happen.


Well-Known Member
on 2012 there is supposed to be some sort of galactic alignment or something, where there is the perfect cross and the milky way is aligned dead center of the black hole or some shit......something is going to happen im sure, what im nore sure.

Reptilians don't live on nibiru, i believe its that they live on a plant that is in nibirus same solar system and they use nibiru as a transport to get here, kind of like a BASE

thats what i read up about, sorry i don' have specifics but with that i gave you, you can find the info you need

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
on 2012 there is supposed to be some sort of galactic alignment or something, where there is the perfect cross and the milky way is aligned dead center of the black hole or some shit......something is going to happen im sure, what im nore sure.

Reptilians don't live on nibiru, i believe its that they live on a plant that is in nibirus same solar system and they use nibiru as a transport to get here, kind of like a BASE

thats what i read up about, sorry i don' have specifics but with that i gave you, you can find the info you need


Active Member
So let me get this straight: Nibiru is a planet larger than Jupiter, but smaller than the Sun. It is orbiting our sun and a remote star (apparently no longer burning). The remote star is light years away and the planet returns every 3600 years. (Please see my references below)

Is that about it? Because if that’s it then I don’t understand something: So for the sake of making this seem as plausible as possible, let’s say the remote star is about 2 lightyears away, that’s about 2e13 km away (20 000 000 000 000). Now, to make the trip every 3600 years, the planet would have to travel that distance (2e13 km) in 1800 years, right?

Someone should check my math.

1800 years is 657 000 days (6.57e5). So 2e13 km in 6.57e5 days makes it about 3e7 km per day (30 000 000). As an aside, an orbiting object would move the slowest in between the suns and would move the fastest when it was nearest the sun because of gravitational acceleration. However, for the sake of simplicity (and plausibility), let’s assume a constant rate of speed.

The distance between the Earth and Sun is 150 000 000 km (1.5e8 ) . Imagine an object that is larger than Jupiter traveling so fast it could make the distance between the Earth and Sun in five days!

Now, I’ve made a lot of assumptions to try to slow this speed down, but I can’t see how the gravity of the Sun (and another neighboring star) could possible trap an object traveling that fast into an orbit.

The only thing I can figure is either the orbital period is a heck of a lot longer than 3600 years or that the remote star is a heck of a lot closer than two light years (and therefore be visible by amateur telescopes). Any thoughts?

… because nibiru is bigger than jupiter, therefore it will look like a mini sun
… the planet orbits a star, and that star is light years away from us, the orbit is oval shaped that is how nibiru comes in and effects our planet.....supposedly

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awesome.I've given out too much rep in the last 24...but I'll put you on my owed rep list.Great explanation.:bigjoint:
So let me get this straight: Nibiru is a planet larger than Jupiter, but smaller than the Sun. It is orbiting our sun and a remote star (apparently no longer burning). The remote star is light years away and the planet returns every 3600 years. (Please see my references below)

Is that about it? Because if that’s it then I don’t understand something: So for the sake of making this seem as plausible as possible, let’s say the remote star is about 2 lightyears away, that’s about 2e13 km away (20 000 000 000 000). Now, to make the trip every 3600 years, the planet would have to travel that distance (2e13 km) in 1800 years, right?

Someone should check my math.

1800 years is 657 000 days (6.57e5). So 2e13 km in 6.57e5 days makes it about 3e7 km per day (30 000 000). As an aside, an orbiting object would move the slowest in between the suns and would move the fastest when it was nearest the sun because of gravitational acceleration. However, for the sake of simplicity (and plausibility), let’s assume a constant rate of speed.

The distance between the Earth and Sun is 150 000 000 km (1.5e8 ) . Imagine an object that is larger than Jupiter traveling so fast it could make the distance between the Earth and Sun in five days!

Now, I’ve made a lot of assumptions to try to slow this speed down, but I can’t see how the gravity of the Sun (and another neighboring star) could possible trap an object traveling that fast into an orbit.

The only thing I can figure is either the orbital period is a heck of a lot longer than 3600 years or that the remote star is a heck of a lot closer than two light years (and therefore be visible by amateur telescopes). Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
yeah well, nibiru doesn't orbit our sun, it only orbits its star, and its orbit is ovular therefore it comes into our solar system, hard to explain if you haven't read up on it, easy to say its not possible though, especially if you have not done research on it

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but all the planets' orbits are more oval,or ellipticalwhich, using them as a juge, elliptical is not the exception, and they don't escape the pull of our sun, which is a main sequence star, or, as stars go, pretty unremarkable...average.It holds onto small objects slightly past the oort cloud(albeit tenuously).The closest I can think of is maybe folks are trying to say Nibiru is a neutron star,which is like one away from being a black hole, I think,maybe pretty strong,and compact,almost as compact as anything can be before it collapses in on itself.It's twice as strong as our sun, gravitationally speaking.So it would have twice as long a reach, right?So it would have to be so far away that it was in danger of escaping completely before it would hit us.And then,It would have to hit the edge of our solar system, encounter the gravity of our gas giants after being bombarded with the kuiyper belt objects,try not to be slingshotted by them, or even slowed a little, and that's unlikely, (as even small planets cause a tiny wobble on their host star,)And while all this massive chaos is going on, we don't even notice somethings happening in the sky?In 2012, is some massive life altering event going to cause everyone on earth to be tying their shoes at the same time? I love you guys!:bigjoint:
yeah well, nibiru doesn't orbit our sun, it only orbits its star, and its orbit is ovular therefore it comes into our solar system, hard to explain if you haven't read up on it, easy to say its not possible though, especially if you have not done research on it

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh, and I'm probably wrong because I don't think neutron stars travel very far, so it can't be a neutron star.A brown dwarf like Jupiter would have been if it was just a bit more massive?Well.......might be more plausible, but we can still see it, even if it's far out.Look how far away jupiter is, and we see the light from the sun reflected on that.I dunno, I'll come back when I'm not baked!


Active Member
... The closest I can think of is maybe folks are trying to say Nibiru is a neutron star,which is like one away from being a black hole, I think,maybe pretty strong,and compact,almost as compact as anything can be before it collapses in on itself.It's twice as strong as our sun, gravitationally speaking.So it would have twice as long a reach, right? ...
Stoney has a good point. Let me take it further:

So there's a point between two objects where the gravitational force cancels out ... like between the Earth and Sun, that sweet spot is called the Lagrangian point and we fly Solar observatories there (like SOHO).

There must be this sweet spot between the Sun and our remote object. For the sake of argument, let's say it's just past Pluto's orbit, 6e9 km, and the object is a couple of light years away. Using Newton's Universal Gravity Equation, a bunch of stuff cancels out and voila, the object would have to be roughly the size of 10 billion Suns. Which is ... uh ... you know on the order of the largest super-massive black holes.

As a side note, the thing about gravity is to get the force you have to divide it by the square of how far away you are. So that means if you were twice as far, the force would go down by 4. If you were ten times away, the force would go down by 100.

You would definitely have to slingshot around the Sun to get back to your home star ... unless that lagrangian point was within our solar system in which case none of the outer planets would orbit the Sun. Plus, the remote object would have to be that much larger.

Sorry. I prolly just killed this thread. :oops: Too bad. I was having fun :sad:. I'd be interested in hearing how they've rectified this.


Well-Known Member
here is a vid I came about paranoia!!!
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

it exsist, and its jsut been "found" by astronomers, eventhough this system has already been known by the elite for many many years

this thread is dedicated to dicussion realted to this possibly forthcoming planet into our solar system and its effects on us and our solar system.

I will be providing pictures, video and text on things i know of and find, kind iof like a journal. this is real, no joke, and im not high. Nibiru exsist and according to where it is located in its solar system, it is a habitable planet that can support life.......but not necessisarily human, life
My White Widow/Sour Disel Grow Journal
:leaf: Its only right to stop and give her props, cause she came from the block of only finer crops, do your thang Mary Jane! :leaf:
Bobbyboy, I dont want to see this thread die because I am interested in this. Just wondering why I am a "hookey youtubian" for sharing what I have seen on the subject, but you havent really shown anything you stated in the opening of this thread. And just putting this out there for Stoney, what is going to happen when our earth is in the dark wobble and everything is lined up in the universe ie the great cross and devine cross? You seem very knowledgeable about astronomy and there has to be a reason the Myan calendar ends 2012 along with Nostradamus predicting the same. Both were great astronomers that, at the time, had no clue of each other existence. That strikes me as very strange. And anyone know where the hell those huge skeletons came from? Slightly religious overtone but here.