NGB style cab design


Active Member
ok so i will throw away my old design and go with one that will last a while

the design below is what i want but i need u to help me making it possible

size of the complete cab:
120cm wide (47inch)
70cm high (27inch)
40cm deep (15inch)

the flower room dimensions:
80cm wide (31inch)
70cm high (27inch)
40cm deep (15inch)

the veg room dimensions:
40cm high (15inch)
40cm deep (15inch)
40cm wide (15inch)

"stuff room" dimensions:
40cm wide (15inch)
40cm deep (15inch)
30cm high (11inch)

its a NGB style cab and lightning in there will be:
2x250w bloom cfl in the flower room
1x125w veg cfl for clones&mothers

clones cut from the mother getting rooted and then vegged for 3 days in the veg room
they they will be transplanted in 3liter pots in the flower room (i can fit 32 pots in there)

so the questions i need to know are :

will a 150CFM intake and 200CFM exhaust (on the carbon filter) axial fan be enough for this cab?

if not what fans should i go with?

where should i mount the fans?

well i hope u guys an help me making this project happen

maybe 2-3 strains that dont stink alot


Active Member
Hey bboy,

I built a box similar to what your planning. I have some pics here

One thing you might want to consider is a passive air intake (meaning just inlet holes no fan). If your box is air tight then air will get sucked in as air is blown out. I put four intakes in my veg room and added five to my flower chamber. I added holes in the flower room, one at a time to try and get the temp below 80 degrees. Are those really 250w cfl's meaning the actual wattage and not the incandescent equivalent? I didn't have anything near that and I fought temp issues and I only had 130 watts in flower room and 45 of them came from a led light. If that is really 500watts I think you might have temp issues. I am using all pc case fans (9 in total) because my box needs to be as stealth as possible because I am a renter.

One thing I did to give myself some more vertical growing height was to put my box on legs and cut circle holes in the floor in the flower chamber so my pots drop into the holes and the whole height of the flower room is available for plants.

I am heading out for the weekend but if you want I can sketch out a diagram of my box when I get back next week. Even though my first grow was a disaster it didn't have anything to do with my box it was more to due with my over enthusiasm.


Well-Known Member
You plant to veg for just 3 days? I would skip out on the negligible veg time and go straight to flowering. Saves you some space, and the need for that extra cabinet.


Active Member
passive intakes yeah i think ill build the floor of the 2 rooms 1cm over the normal floor and add passive intakes ....

yeah 250w actual wattage envirolte CFL's
i would go with a selfmade carbon filter (ideas from the DIY tutorials in here) and axial fans they are good and cheap (200CFM for 20euros)

the veg room is for the moms and clones veg time is not really needed but ill veg them a bit if i got enough height in the flkower room if not ill go straight flower :D

and yeah the 2nd cab is needed because im growing from clone/mothers so its easier to SOG all the time :D

that outtake below the bulbs wont be there i think but a fan blowing cold air below them to cool it off a bit :D

i also wont grow in full summer ... and my room is always cool (25 degrees celsius max)