Nft 424

4 white rino 3 Northern lights nft 424
Mars hydro 2000w tsl
Only just put these in few days ago,
Got both pumps on only trickle the one at front look over watered?
I was thinking about turning the pump off for a few hours or longer
Or just


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Normally its impossible to over water in hydro - unless you using rock wool.

Technically, its not too much water - its too little oxygen that is the problem. Saturated rock wool doesnt let nearly enough O2 get to the roots.

I personally think rock wool has no place in NFT. It holds too much water - which defeats the entire purpose of NFT.
Would you let dry out?

I dont think you have any choice - but then you're not doing NFT.

I would get rid of the rock wool completely. Use almost anything else - perlite, hydroton, rapid rooters, or fabric mat/batting. In NFT you dont need any medium unless you're using a tray setup and need help spreading out the water flow over a wide area. In that case a thin fabric mat is all you need.

The whole idea with NFT is to have a continuous FILM of water flowing over the roots. Its the thin film of nute water that makes NFT work so well. If its not a thin FLIM then its not NFT. The F doesnt stand for flow or flood.

The problem with letting the rock wool dry out is that any roots outside the cube will dry out and suffer.
put pump on timer until they adjust to getting fed constantly.say 15 mins every hour then when they are taking to it add more time.
Tried drying out plus turning timer on pump the front 2 won’t seem too take off,would it have any thing too do with matting,???


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Like @Larry3215 suggested. The only time rock wool is a good choice is with flood and drain. In Aero, DWC and NFT it's like asking for problems.

Rock wool needs a wet and dry cycle and you're running constant nutrient film saturating the rock wool. Maybe converting the system to flood and drain is a good choice? Cheers!
I’m totally the worst doing any jobs like that
I was thinking buying new system
My tent 120 cm x 120 cm
Marshydro 2000w
Looking mostly quite
Nft at the moment
Any suggestions?
Would you think this would suit
not sure how loud as I’m in loft
is this a decent system.?


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I dont think its even good then. It takes rock wool days to dry out. It wont even start to dry enough in a normal flood/drain cycle.
I think that highly depends on stage of growth. I've seen amazing result with rockwool cubes in flood and drain. It's all about water volume and frequency IMO.

You can have amazing results in every system, it's how you implement said system. That being said I personally hate rockwool but I'm not bashing something that clearly work wonders for others. Cheers!
I've stated using eazyplug, a new product produced by the Netherlands government to rid rockwool from there growing environment. I had amazing results, legs with 5 days, rockwool 12-14 days at best.
Trying to get my hands on the 3" cube for the table but stock is an issue everywhere at the moment
If there as good as the 1/2" im done with rockwool, been the bain in my life for too long
It would appear your issue is connected to the lack of oxygen.
3" eazy plugs should be perfect as the medium. hopefully this product will make rockwool obsolete for every more