• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Next and last state to legalize mmj?

Concerning nc mmj laws, I'm not sure when the next time will we have a chance to vote on this subject but I know that we are pushing the bill "HB 1380" and and even with that I think we are at a stand still right now, but if we push this through it probably will push us to where we need to be


Active Member
Got to disagree man. Alot of good stuff going on in Texas and Astin. Many new people from across the country are moving to TEXAS. (i think it is too hot and a bda place to grow), but I dont think it will be the last place to get MMJ laws. Try places like SC and GA. Those are some shitty states to smoke in and dont have a progressive movement of any kind. GA has some good music happening and some festivals, but nothing like TEXAS> That place has Austin (which rocks) and alot of large music venues with outdoor festivals, many of which are having weed be an increasing part. It is also about the make up of the State Legislators. And Texas is old white, but has more and more diversity coming every election. those old peole have to die at some point. While other parts of the south have no diversity on the horizon.
I totally agree with you. Great things are happening in Texas. But there is still a majority of people that want marijuana prohibition to stay the status quo in Texas. These people are as you put it "old white" conservatives. On the other hand, there is a more forward thinking movement happening in Texas as the population is starting to wake up and realize that Cannabis is not the killer drug it was made out to be in ages past. These ideas still exist, and this fact saddens me, so many people benefit from the use of Marijuana. I hope some day soon we will have candidates to vote for that are pro-re legalization. It is my dream that one day Marijuana will be legal across the whole USA. On the federal level.


Well-Known Member
Just any discussion of this makes me sick, they want to pertect their VA's, never their regular citizens..fuck that shit


Active Member
I remember way back in the day when I was like in 5th grade..and the teachers told me shit like marijuana is an addictive narcotic that reduces sperm count and shit..i was so terrified of it haha. But they shouldn't be able to lie like that. Fucked up world.


Well-Known Member
I think the next state will be WI. MI and MN have already passed the use of medical and WI usually follows close behind. They already had it up for vote a while ago and it was called the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana act. I know Norml is pretty strong in Madison.


New Member
Well as far as complete legalization of Cannabis , so far no state is completely legal. In November as most people are aware of already California has the Tax and regulate prop on the ballot. This would make MJ completely legal in the state. SO that means no more probable cause for smelling like cannabis, no more will stems and seeds and smoking paraphernalia be probable cause for the police to come search your house. I do however disagree with the fact that it will limit you to 1 ounce of weed and a 5x5 grow area. But with that being said if the police don't have probable cause then they can't come in and check out your grow. If it was me drafting the bill I would not have put a cap on the amount you can posses or grow. I say complete and total freedom to grow this plant just like any other plant.

Yea man I know what you mean by the 1 ounce...but with prop19 you can have an unlimited ammount in your house, it is just on your person that you can only have 1 ounce, read it closely


As of July 28th 2010 there are 8 states with pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana. Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Dakota.

Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Virginia all have movement attempts that were squashed.


Well-Known Member
Those southern states are always the last to progress to the future ideas and ways of life....i'm surprized they drive cars and not horse and buggies :)

Its ok to marry my cousin but whats medical marijuana...hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Illinois for next because they vote again in November and it's already been voted on and gone through rules committee! (probably just wishful thinking)... I'll guess florida for last


New Member
Well this time next year to make it easy to remember we are going to be making the list of states which dont have MM so we know to take a detour around it...lol there is gunna be more MM states than non-mm soon


Active Member
Wisconsin turned it down this last June and with all the women in gov. here it will never pass here, even in the next 1000 years. The women say ( OOOHHHHH NO MY KIDS MIGHT GET SOME IF IT PASS's ) Yes thats what they said when they had public meeting on it this last April. ROFLMAO Like their kids can't get it now. So Wisconsin ( NEVER )


Well-Known Member
i personally feel new york next, and the good ole boot (LA), last... you would think places like nola would accomadate for something, but i guess not... its shitty really... its not like we can have monstrous outdoor harvest here like in humboldt, so really, what would it be hurting to legalize it... the heat and humidity would discourage most "soon to be outdoor growers" anyways... only the dedicated would survive... viva la weed revolution!!!!! and i do think louisiana was one of the last states to have a norml chapter... we are way behind the times with current movements here...


Well-Known Member
i am also a veteran from doing a tour in iraq early in the invasion... i like many other veterans who need our weed to live a more normal life, will prolly never be graced with the chance to smoke our own homegrown legally... it sux... we can go fight a warfor our country, but arent allowed the responsibilty to grow our own shit in a mature reasnable manner.... they say give us trazidone and prozac, it'll fix any ptsd, i say bullshit, i want weed!!!!!


Active Member
Well looks like ALL of us have a job to do. VOTE! But that's not all. We need to take a few friends to vote! Your friends will VOTE like you and "ONE" vote turns into"FIVE" VOTES! We have the people,and we need to stand in line to VOTE! This is the best day to stand together! Just Say "NOW" Peace!


Well-Known Member
for sure... just let me know when louisiana EVER has bill or law to be passed concerning the legality of medicinl marijuana... i'll be the first in line...lol... you'll see me camping outside like its the block party release of the new halo... lol...


Active Member
Texas Democrats Pass Resolution in Support of Medical Marijuana

“Late last month the Texas Democratic Party held their statewide convention, at which the party decides what issues are important enough to be made a part of their campaign platform. In addition to resolutions calling for improving public education, promoting green jobs, and calling for development of renewable energy resources, delegates at the convention voted in favor of adopting a resolution calling on legislators in Austin to pass medical marijuana in the Lone Star State. The resolution noted that medical marijuana has the capacity to ease the symptoms associated with certain medical conditions and treatments, and correctly pointed out that revenue from taxation would help raise revenue toward state budget shortfalls.” MPP’s Dan Riffle, Legislative Analyst, Marijuana Policy Project

This is a great sign.....but sadly I can almost predict what will happen. Somewhere along the line it will be shot down. Although the fact that this even was passed means a move in the right direction. Wooo Go Texas!


Active Member
micro.grower...Thank you for your service...i'd rather have a handful of pot than a handfull of pills. Vermont allows medical mj and 2 candiates running for Gov are for decriminalization! (that was a big word to type)


Well-Known Member
not a prob... its just sad that the men and women who served cant get it... we can get shot, but we cant get stoned... fucking america... lol.... looks like i'll be moving to another state in the near future... to a state that can accomadate my medical needs...