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New Member
I don't remember any specific information about SC. Norml, MPP, and MAP are all good sources of State specific information. VV
In Nevada, where MM is legal with a license, there are only 650 out of a population of 2.5 million that have a license. What the hell is up with that? I looked into getting a licence. First you have to send the state 50.00 for an application, then you have to fill out the application and send it back. Then they send you a kit. It has instructions and costs some more bucks When you have finished the tasks in the kit, you go see a procter, which costs some more bucks, and he referes you to a Dr. which costs some more bucks. If the Dr. approves your medical condition as being applicable for MM, he signs off and you present the info to the state with a 250.00 check and if they approve, you get your license. Don't ask me for particulars as I gave up at the 50.00 stage, but maybe the reason there are so few licenses is the run-around you get trying to obtain one. Also, I don't like being in anyones data-base for MM usage.


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Well-Known Member
It would be nice to know that if the cops took you legal stash they would have to take care of them. I can see the hydro setup at the station. I hope they have to pay for it all!!
What the police have here is basically a mob operation. The big mob law is the RICO Act. Years back, the FBI acted like a mob, and had to pay a guy several million bucks because they wrongly fingered his car dealership. The FBI shut him down. Eventually the FBI lost the case (in both civil and criminal courts) and paid the RICO settlement, which is true loss times three. (treble damages)

So I figure the cops should pay these people normal RICO loss compensation. Cops should pay about $624,000. (treble damages)


New Member
What the police have here is basically a mob operation. The big mob law is the RICO Act. Years back, the FBI acted like a mob, and had to pay a guy several million bucks because they wrongly fingered his car dealership. The FBI shut him down. Eventually the FBI lost the case (in both civil and criminal courts) and paid the RICO settlement, which is true loss times three. (treble damages)

So I figure the cops should pay these people normal RICO loss compensation. Cops should pay about $624,000. (treble damages)


Well-Known Member
Treble damages against the FBI was a pipe-dream that came true. Treble damages here seems more like a 50-50 proposition since they already have a court judgement favoring the citizens.

One of the odd things about our states law is the complete ratification of the 14th Amendment. Specifically, about half the states claim sovereign immunity to prosecution. Which means almost NO act is ever compensated. So this claim may hang on the states interpretation of the 14th.


Well-Known Member
Middle East Online The parallels at the beginning and now in the Iranian Drug War are amazing. I bet they wish it was MJ instead. I thought the border security was interesting. We could do that here if we weren't patrolling the Iraqi border and the south korean border and the japanese mainland and any of the other 130 bases we maintain around the world. VV


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Well-Known Member
I had read about the New York City delivery service that got busted a few years ago. They were getting like $60.00 for 2 grams delivered. Personally I prefer delivery, I don't want the traffic at my house. VV


New Member
I had read about the New York City delivery service that got busted a few years ago. They were getting like $60.00 for 2 grams delivered. Personally I prefer delivery, I don't want the traffic at my house. VV
Aha, so you are a DD then, shame on you, well someone has to do it I guess. You should change your initials to DD. 60.00 for 2 grams, wow, thats 840.00 an OZ, nice work if you can get it