news marijuana

"The legality of California’s analytical cannabis labs — which test medical marijuana for potency and pathogens — is subject to dispute. They are not specifically legalized under Proposition 214 or SB 420, and operators could be subjected to federal or state charges for handling marijuana, depending on the jurisdiction. But several California cities mandate cannabis be tested at such labs before being sold to patients."

Police discovered a U-Haul truck filled with pot

BURTON -- Burton Police and officers with multiple agencies were at Bristol Auto Recycling on Jimbo Drive, that's just off Bristol Road, when they found the marijuana grow operation.
Authorities discovered a U-Haul truck filled with marijuana.
Police opened the truck and found several large marijuana plants in large pots.
Police say a man drove the truck with the plants to the facility on Jimbo Road.
Investigators say the people who live in building have a legal grow operation, but the suspect was transporting an illegal amount of pot.
Officers arrested the man who they say admitted the drugs in the back of the U-Haul were his.
Officers seized the U-Haul truck and the pot inside.
Neighboring business owners in the area say they knew of the grow operation and are not shocked by the arrest.
Mike Williams, Manages Business in Area said, "We haven't really seen anything out of the ordinary, but if the winds blowing right you can get a good whiff of the, they've a grow operation over there. We knew that."
A detective sergeant with Flint Area Narcotics Group says the man who was taken into custody did not live at the location.
Officers say this is an ongoing investigation.
We've come full turn, and are rubbing government's nose in their shit. They will come, some kicking and screaming, but they will come. I promise.